MexiBlunts Wild Outdoor GORILLA!!!


Well-Known Member
Finally made it out to one of the plots!:mrgreen: this plot has been running wild for over a month. We should/could have been out more often, could of being for the plants sake! they were starting to get overrun by the other vegetation and are in the grey area for getting enough light. Also the bugs are back on some. Since we didn't have much time this trip we couldn't do much to remedy the situation aside from removing the veg around the plants.
they are just starting to pre-flower so we can still get some bug juice on em. and start a better watering regiment thru flower. we watered these once and have maybe got 3-4 average rainfalls(not so good) another reason we don't have monsters Grrrrr!!!
Hopefully we can get out to the other plot soon, I believe there may be monsters lurking in that neck of the woods!:mrgreen:

Again I'm not going to post all the plants but these pics represent the average for that batch/bunch.



Well-Known Member
Just read the whole thread. Things are looking great and I love the plants in the herb garden. Perfect herbs for that garden lol.

Gonna keep an eye on this! Hope the rest of the grow continues well.


Well-Known Member
i wish ur plants in the woods were looking better man .. i was hoping for tree B-) .. but looking good with the other plants man


Well-Known Member
It's all good dude. they are not all bad. like I said there is some bigger healthier ones at the other plot/plots.:mrgreen: strength in #'s.


Well-Known Member
It's all good dude. they are not all bad. like I said there is some bigger healthier ones at the other plot/plots.:mrgreen: strength in #'s.
well im glad to hear that .. yeah i got strength in numbers .. only bad thing the deer's hunger outweighed most my plants :D .. assholes .. you should get some pics up of your others .. i will get some more pics up later this week/early next .. my flowering is coming along nicely


Well-Known Member
Weird? When we walked up on the plot this last time there were 2 deer lying right in our plot. Same plot we touched bambi at and seen bambi at another time. They are always there and have never touched our stuff.


Well-Known Member
Weird? When we walked up on the plot this last time there were 2 deer lying right in our plot. Same plot we touched bambi at and seen bambi at another time. They are always there and have never touched our stuff.
well they loved mine .. til i got some repellent .. hasnt been touched since .. but i see em around my new plot all the time and the repellent works .. maybe it was just in the woods... idk .. but i fixed the problem so it's all good


Well-Known Member
Weird? When we walked up on the plot this last time there were 2 deer lying right in our plot. Same plot we touched bambi at and seen bambi at another time. They are always there and have never touched our stuff.
LOL they are waiting for harvest time :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'd be chill. Hey there mr/mrs deer! I see you like edibles. Then I would light one up and offer a toke.
After that I would ask for a ride.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You guys r killing me!:lol: The last two post were sincere laugh out loud moments.... Especially gilfman talking about running down a deer.

Just wanted to say that there are obviously plenty of good, intelligent people, who are growers out there, and a few give the rest of us a bad name. Im sincerely enjoying this thread/journal. Keep up the good work. The harvest is almost upon us!



Well-Known Member
Did you ever see that vid on youtube with the guy trying to rope a deer?He roped it and wishes he never did,the deer fucked him up good :mrgreen: