Election 2015

I see the ditzy bitch is still as confused as ever. Stupid fuck probably won't even vote.

Oh look! In addition to be a liar, you're a sexist pig. How fitting. Do you beat your dog and mom, too?

It's so transparently desperate for you to claim to be open to voting NDP, anyone who reads your constant posts about how the NDP suck and how Justin is our lord and savior know that to be a lie.

The Liberals are going to hand you over a corporate, MMPR version of 'legalization' and they will take years to do it. People like you who have been Justin's little cheerleader for years are now desperately trying to distance yourself from that support because you finally realize his 'legalization' is a big, corporate giveaway.

Too little, too late, Chris. You made your bed, and now you lie in it.
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here's the reply i got today from our local NDP MP
The NDP plans to reverse the Conservative's policies on medical marijuana, and would support patients who are licensed.

We have pledged to decriminalize possession of small
amounts of marijuana immediately. When it comes to marijuana, we need an approach that focuses on health promotion, public education, and safety. It’s been 40 years since the LeDain Commission looked into the non-medical use of drugs and successive Liberal and Conservative governments have done nothing to update the government’s understanding of marijuana use in Canada today."
It would be nice if they got to the 'reverse the CONs mmj policies' right away, but there is no timeline for that. Decrim is not much better than rec users have now. Instead of going to court for an OZ, they pay a fine and walk. Larger amounts and growing will still be criminal. We want legal, say six plants pp for rec and an plant count exemption for medical. Anything else isn't good enough.
You're too late gmack...LPs are here to stay, it's something I have had to get my head around but it is a fact...they are not going anywhere. While the crap they grow now may not work for us who have been using forever, someone new to mj may find the shit not bad...unfortunate but true...

again, I have stated that some lPs may be shit but give it time, or there will be killer LPs growing meds most of you home growers will never produce.
my master grower will grow stuff that is equal or better than what the disp have. he supplies a lot of disp in bc and some of you go to these disp and don't complain at all. so smarten up, and deal with the fact that Lps are here to stay. good, bad or if you disagree then I hope you can grow so others don't have to read your comments.
gov liquir stores or bootleg stores, we will have the same shit in a few yurs and if you want grow a few at home. if you do or don't, its here and wont go any were.
Trudeau said the other night on a Vice interview that he thinks dispensaries are 'criminal gangs'. You still think the Liberals are your friend?
Nope I've said all alone not to buy into the he liberal hype. Vote Ndp if you actually give a fuck about mj every being legal.
here's the reply i got today from our local NDP MP
The NDP plans to reverse the Conservative's policies on medical marijuana, and would support patients who are licensed.

We have pledged to decriminalize possession of small
amounts of marijuana immediately. When it comes to marijuana, we need an approach that focuses on health promotion, public education, and safety. It’s been 40 years since the LeDain Commission looked into the non-medical use of drugs and successive Liberal and Conservative governments have done nothing to update the government’s understanding of marijuana use in Canada today."
Hmmm where have I heard this before? Right I've been saying it about the Ndp all along.
It would be nice if they got to the 'reverse the CONs mmj policies' right away, but there is no timeline for that. Decrim is not much better than rec users have now. Instead of going to court for an OZ, they pay a fine and walk. Larger amounts and growing will still be criminal. We want legal, say six plants pp for rec and an plant count exemption for medical. Anything else isn't good enough.
No that's not the decriminalization the Ndp,are advocating for. They want no criminal OR civil penaltys for possession. This ticket non sense has no place in the ndp's plans. It's an outright lie that the liberals want us to believe.
again, I have stated that some lPs may be shit but give it time, or there will be killer LPs growing meds most of you home growers will never produce.
my master grower will grow stuff that is equal or better than what the disp have. he supplies a lot of disp in bc and some of you go to these disp and don't complain at all. so smarten up, and deal with the fact that Lps are here to stay. good, bad or if you disagree then I hope you can grow so others don't have to read your comments.
gov liquir stores or bootleg stores, we will have the same shit in a few yurs and if you want grow a few at home. if you do or don't, its here and wont go any were.
LP's may be here to stay, but the current model needs to change. Take HC out of the equation and open up the market to everyone. Joe grower with a $50,000 setup should be able to have a piece of the market. Having a government,especially an anti-pot one, control and limit the players, therefore artificially inflating the price, is wrong. The fact the the vast majority of patients can't afford to buy their meds is the biggest issue, but individual strains etc. are hard obstacles for any mass producer to overcome and are better left to the small guys. Lp's already have their sights on legalization and the recreational market and that's probably where they belong.
No that's not the decriminalization the Ndp,are advocating for. They want no criminal OR civil penaltys for possession. This ticket non sense has no place in the ndp's plans. It's an outright lie that the liberals want us to believe.
Where did you hear this? I've only heard them say decriminalization...still an offense, but not criminal...unless you grow A plant. I say decrim comes with a fine, but I'd like you to prove me wrong. NO criminal or civil penalties is LEGALIZATION by definition.
It don't matter now, by the turnout at the advance polls today, people have their minds made up one way or the other. Now we sit and watch...and wait...and wait...lol! Peace!
We just cast our vote at an advance poll - took 51 minutes from the time we got there. Worth every minute and felt so good to put in my two bits worth in an effort to get rid of that Harpscum and his Cunservative sycophants!!!
Did the same. 3 o'clock in the afternoon at a rural polling station still took 45 mins waiting in line. I'm impressed, let's hope the big turnouts keep going
Where did you hear this? I've only heard them say decriminalization...still an offense, but not criminal...unless you grow A plant. I say decrim comes with a fine, but I'd like you to prove me wrong. NO criminal or civil penalties is LEGALIZATION by definition.
It don't matter now, by the turnout at the advance polls today, people have their minds made up one way or the other. Now we sit and watch...and wait...and wait...lol! Peace!
From the Ndp Peace
large turn outs here also, I walked in @530pm and I was the only one there, lol just missed the rush she said lol busy all aft....
and yes there should be room for the small grower lp for sure, I was one of them until I had to step it up. I think small has more control on the entire site.
I think the Liberal promise of legal MJ is pretty much bs. They know if they get in it will be a minority. And they probably won't get the support so it will be a non issue.

Honestly this election sucks. They all suck in some way but the NDP at least has promised to try to get out of the TPP. This is critically important as that is a fucking awful corporatist piece of work which is still mostly secret.

The Greens want a 2 child policy or at least thought about it.. says all you need to know about them crazy authoritarian assholes. China is going to ditch theirs for all the good it's done for them.

Conservatives have laundry lists of garbage but actually are the only party that has a modicum of interest in gun rights which are vital to a free country. But on the flip side they're insane about almost everything else outside of not wanting to take refugees (but you don't see em say a fuckin word about why they exist in the first place, thanks America).

And the Libertarians recently kicked out one of their anti feminist members because she wasn't pro the crazy social marxist shit they push these days... yeah, so I feel like I got no one to rep me properly.

Probably going to swallow hard and vote NDP even though May is basically a shoe in. Only realistic alternative according to polls from last election would be the Conservatives. And I really really dislike Elizabeth May (almost enough to make me consider voting Conservative just to get the total wack jobs a little further from relevance, but nope... not that much). Almost as much as Harper. They're both crazy as fuck in their own unique way.
Geez og why don't you tell us how you really feel? Lol...same here almost..?The con is fucking lurking in bushes waiting for people to knock his signs down, the lib is an old fart from the last lib gov, the NDP,is a new kid although FN, and green is appliacabel but not a game changer this election....I think I'm doing as you are and going orange for the win here....
The organizers of Turn Up YVR are hoping to connect youth with politics in a whole different way.
They've rented buses, booked local artists and are promising "bus-based concerts" to more than 250 young people who have signed up to go to advanced polls together this Saturday.
Juno award-winning musician Dan Mangan, Shaun Verreault of Wide Mouth Mason, Ryan Guldemond of Mother Mother and The Boom Booms are amongst those who will be performing.
The campaign, Turn Up YVR, was founded during Vancouver's last civic election. When this federal election campaign began, organizers resurrected the idea to breathe new life into the debate of apathy amongst youth.
Hilary Farson is one of those organizers and she says the research she's seen has shown the flip side of that debate.
"They're active in new ways ... so we asked ourselves how do you bridge that gap between the political acts youth are involved with and the traditional voting process," said Farson in an interview with CBC Radio's The Early Edition on Friday.
"Let's physically bring them to the polls and help them vote."
For weeks, the non-partisan group has been trying to court the youth vote. They've interviewed local artists like Ashleigh Ball of Hey Ocean! and Tyler Bancroft of Said the Whale on why they vote and the issues that matter to them.

Hilary Farson is hoping the tactics behind Turn Up YVR will make political activism relatable to young people. (Charlie Cho/CBC)
Farson is hoping these artists will make political activism — or even just the simple act of voting — relatable to young people. They want to ensure youth voices and opinions are reflected in policy.
"The issues that matter to us ... we need to have these as priorities and they won't be until we show up," said Farson.
The group is hoping to see 300 people turn up on Saturday, but notes they're happy to accommodate anyone who joins, as bad weather might hinder participation.
They just ask that everyone researches the candidates in their riding before they arrive.
Buses will be leaving from the Broadway-City Hall Skytrain Station parking lot and heading to riding-specific polls.
  • 11 a.m.: for residents of Vancouver Quadra or Vancouver Granville
  • 1 p.m.: for residents of Vancouver Centre
  • 3 p.m.: for residents of Vancouver East or Vancouver Kingsway
For those who live outside those areas, a bus will take them to an Elections Canada office so they can still vote.
To hear the full interview listen to the audio labelled Turn Up YVR rocks the bus to advance polls with CBC Radio One's The Early Edition

They sang songs on the bus with lyrics like "the writings on the wall" hahahahaha