Election 2015

Lol. VianChris has spent the last year shilling for Trudeau and the Liberals and shitting on the NDP and now he wants to pretend he's on the fence? hahahahaha.
I'm in the same riding as you Chris and I voted NDP fwiw. I was going to vote green but I changed my mind at the last moment. I'd vote green if I was in Victoria, they might win that one.
I'm in the same riding as you Chris and I voted NDP fwiw. I was going to vote green but I changed my mind at the last moment. I'd vote green if I was in Victoria, they might win that one.
Schwarzhoff for the Liberals seems to be popular in Black Creek, where I am. He is the only one to knock on my door...even though I wasn't home. Blaney pissed me off by ignoring my email.
I'm actually voting in Courtenay-alberni, but currently residing in the same riding as you, sorry my mistake.
Went to my local candidates meeting tonight.
I was pleasantly surprised the Marxist-Leninist showed up.

He actually brought up issues (such as nationalization of sectors) which caused the other candidates to dance a bit. It's in those moments where one gets to see how viable a person is in their candidacy.
In the end, the Member from the Angry Beard's party will likely win, but I knew that before. He's a good rep that knows the difference between community representation and toeing the party line.
But in the post-scrum, I was talking with the Marxist and he brought up something else of interest regarding remuneration of expenses.
Now he wasn't positive on the numbers, but if a "party" gets 10% of the popular vote, they will have 50% of their campaign expenses returned.
Isn't that interesting? Guess when that rule went into play and who put it through...;)
That's awesome :)

Hand it to the youth to push it along!!!!
Considering only 13ish million voted last time 2 million advanced poll voters is huge! Harper and co's days are numbered. Old dead eyes has no chance. I really think the Ndp will surprise everyone and pull out a minority. People are seeing through Justin's hair to the truth.
dude.... truth? or just his way of looking at it.

The fuck wants legalization. the rest at this stage doesnt matter.
dude.... truth? or just his way of looking at it.

The fuck wants legalization. the rest at this stage doesnt matter.
No home grows no legalization is the reality of the situation. Can't vote for JT. Sorry the fact he voted for c-51 is just the proof he's nothing but Harper lite. You can say make weed legal then figure out the details from there but I prefer the ndp's stance to remove all criminal and civil penaltys for possession right away then actually give it some thought. I don't want this lp nonsense to go,any farther then it already has.
I'm usually an optimist and see the glass half-full, but I'm also a realist. Neither one of them will do much "right away". Unless I'm misreading the polls, the best we can hope for is to get rid of Harper, which could lead to better things down the road. No party will win a majority, which means shit will get done on this MJ mess "right away". These are all empty election promises, telling the voters what they want to hear with no teeth if (when) one of the 3 main parties wins a minority. This election should be focused on getting rid of Harper, worry about the MJ laws later. Strategically place your vote based on any party other than the Cons who have any chance at winning in your riding. That's about the most MJ proponents can do right now, plant the seeds for future change with the federal Cons out of the way.
No home grows no legalization is the reality of the situation. Can't vote for JT. Sorry the fact he voted for c-51 is just the proof he's nothing but Harper lite. You can say make weed legal then figure out the details from there but I prefer the ndp's stance to remove all criminal and civil penaltys for possession right away then actually give it some thought. I don't want this lp nonsense to go,any farther then it already has.
You're too late gmack...LPs are here to stay, it's something I have had to get my head around but it is a fact...they are not going anywhere. While the crap they grow now may not work for us who have been using forever, someone new to mj may find the shit not bad...unfortunate but true...
You're too late gmack...LPs are here to stay, it's something I have had to get my head around but it is a fact...they are not going anywhere. While the crap they grow now may not work for us who have been using forever, someone new to mj may find the shit not bad...unfortunate but true...
They don't have to leave but they have to allow for home grows or else no one other then investors will be spending $$ at lp's even if they become the only "legal" option.
They don't have to leave but they have to allow for home grows or else no one other then investors will be spending $$ at lp's even if they become the only "legal" option.
thats where the courts come in dude man....no worries.(home grows) Free XXX meds for the sick....(: with the option to grow

Legalization is where it's at!!

...decrim is a worthless thought...