How do you feel about America bombing a hospital?

So in other words the great 'pivot' towards Asia by American armed forces is being revealed more and more as an empty promise. All we've done is 'shuffle' the deck a bit and really not ADDED any additional assists in the theatre. Want to know why?? Because we're downsizing our armed forces so rapidly that we don't have near enough to meet all our defense commitments. So, we resort to smoke and mirrors and words and reset buttons. Eventually someone ( probably Russia) will be the first to call our bluff and it will be revealed that the 'emperor has no clothes'.
It's unfolding before our eyes. Obama has no strategy so America will be taken advantage of which includes increased acts of aggression. Remember, the terrorists don't come home and play baseball with Johnny or take little Susie to ballet class. They're sitting down polishing their weapons planning their next destructive, homicidal moves.

It is their caliphate and all they think about.
We been taught to think were the best yet history has shown Korea, Iraq wars is not so cut n dry Usa struggled don't get me wrong ,, usa is powerful but there So un organized never thinking things straight as in what ifs Is usa shitting there pants ?? fucking rights they are ...
Totally unexpected of what russia did and remember there now bombing what US is all about ..
.Now Russia is there things have changed big time so big that many do not even realize
with having air superiority in the air with there deployment of high tech air to air missiles bringing in the Su - 30 - 34 - mkr's etc
It would not surprise me if RUSSIA places no fly zones in Syria shortly then what ??? they just took away America's main fighting tactics
Usa tried everything to bankrupt Russia back in the cold war Do not kid your self Russia is very capable of going to war today and with money to back them up is USA ready your just starting to feel the iraq war consequences of the after math
with euro nations hurting for cash how many will actually back usa and for how long if USA asks nato to join into the fight ??? Remember pic fights wisely not stupidly just out of arrogance or agenda's .. specially when a country like Russia has China as a Allie is really looking for trouble
but my guess is within next couple weeks Russia will have a big force there tri folding americans and then with air to air missiles in place fighter jets and battle ships in place the no fly zone will come into play

He signed the fucking order, so yes.

Haven't you got something a little simpler to talk about, like your hatred of "the Gay"?

You should stick to less complicated more hateful threads, you're out of your element.

Well, he takes the credit, so....

I don`t hate the Gay, I am not Gay, tolerate Gay, would never promote being Gay and yes, I don`t like the behavior, but nowhere is there what you call hate coming from me.

You said that, not me.

I guess I fired one too many shots at you, did not know about the thin skin and for that I apologize. I will be nothing but civil with you OK, no more fun stuff. Again Sorry for the insult or whatever it was.
Fuck it, why not bomb a few schools next?

Get the "terrorists" before they grow up...

Schools? Why yes, of course...

It's the government schools in the USA that churn out obedient and dumbed down corn syrup slurpers and flag wavers who think they are free. Silly corn syrup slurpers.
We have friends who's 2 sons are doctors sacrificing their comforts and lives for such charitable work, Doctors Without Borders. They are also devout Christians who practice their faith to help mankind. Such people are so generous with their love for others, so giving, it's unreal. Last time we heard they were in Yemen - not good.

The very tough, rough conditions they have to perform medical services, surgeries, is hell, many times consisting of malaria infested areas, poor food....really rough living conditions.

I'm not a Christian but I gotta say "God bless these angels!"
We have friends who's 2 sons are doctors sacrificing their comforts and lives for such charitable work, Doctors Without Borders. They are also devout Christians who practice their faith to help mankind. Such people are so generous with their love for others, so giving, it's unreal. Last time we heard they were in Yemen - not good.

The very tough, rough conditions they have to perform medical services, surgeries, is hell, many times consisting of malaria infested areas, poor food....really rough living conditions.

I'm not a Christian but I gotta say "God bless these angels!"

Bless them, my best wishes go out to those who fight for right and defend the weak.
What happens is when they finish one of their missions and come back to the states, get reunited with love ones, have a nice meal or two at a good restaurant, they get on this guilt trip knowing they left so many who need their help. That not only includes the patients, it includes their close associates who are serving mankind in those hell it all they can.

So what to do they do? They go back. :shock:
What happens is when they finish one of their missions and come back to the states, get reunited with love ones, have a nice meal or two at a good restaurant, they get on this guilt trip knowing they left so many who need their help. That not only includes the patients, it includes their close associates who are serving mankind in those hell it all they can.

So what to do they do? They go back. :shock:

I am not trying to preach like I am a hero or doctor, I am on a mission to at least bring positive vibes to others lives. My small Ski town has a big homeless population and they keep getting kicked around like they aren't even human. I do my best to give them supplies, a helping hand, and some herb to help them. In fact I gave my last nug to someone I knew would be sleeping outside last night.
What happens is when they finish one of their missions and come back to the states, get reunited with love ones, have a nice meal or two at a good restaurant, they get on this guilt trip knowing they left so many who need their help. That not only includes the patients, it includes their close associates who are serving mankind in those hell it all they can.

So what to do they do? They go back. :shock:
I am not trying to preach like I am a hero or doctor, I am on a mission to at least bring positive vibes to others lives. My small Ski town has a big homeless population and they keep getting kicked around like they aren't even human. I do my best to give them supplies, a helping hand, and some herb to help them. In fact I gave my last nug to someone I knew would be sleeping outside last night.
We have friends who's 2 sons are doctors sacrificing their comforts and lives for such charitable work, Doctors Without Borders. They are also devout Christians who practice their faith to help mankind. Such people are so generous with their love for others, so giving, it's unreal. Last time we heard they were in Yemen - not good.

The very tough, rough conditions they have to perform medical services, surgeries, is hell, many times consisting of malaria infested areas, poor food....really rough living conditions.

I'm not a Christian but I gotta say "God bless these angels!"
So how do your imaginary friends feel about invading Iraq or the proliferation of guns?