Revenge on Ganja Thiefs

Hey guys, so as you can probably tell by the title, i have had my weed plants stolen. But don't worry, i found the 3 beautiful amnesia outdoor plants which i spent 5 months honing, the stupid thief took them in the pots and let them continue to grow at his house, and through perseverance me and my grow partner jointly found the plants at a neighbours house. So i got a team of about 6 guys, we went up there ready for a fight, but thankfully (kinda) they weren't home, and we took the plants back, pots and all and harvested them. I somehow managed not to burn down their house (as much as i wanted to) because i don't know the neighbour and what he's capable of, and i don't think its worth starting a war when I'm often leaving the house with just a little child and woman to protect it and i live in a very rural foresty area where neighbours are far apart from each other.
I found two other plants and a outdoor drying room at the house, i didnt take the plants because I'm totally against stealing such a personal thing and wouldn't feel right smoking it (also don't want the potential turf war), although i am rather suspicious that they're stolen aswell. But I'm just looking for ideas that will seriously f**k with the neighbours, creep them out, hurt them, without it being traceable to me (they don't have any concrete reason to believe it was me who took the plants back). I was thinking of going up to the drying room and putting some nasty shit on the weed, preferably something that will cause them immense pain upon smoking. Im trying to think of something which will make them suddenly realise that stealing is wrong and that they will think is a big smack in the face from karma.
So yeah, just post any evil ideas u have to mess these disgusting humans up, psychologically aswell as physically, coz I'm sure a lot of you have had your plants stolen before, and its a gut wrenching feeling, not to mention a huge invasion of privacy (mine were right outside my front door and then i got up in the morning to find empty trays and no pots or pot)
let it go mate, nothing you can do it sucks, but karma will get them

are they worth going to jail for? no.
are they worth getting a record for and ruining the rest of your life ? no.
yeah but i feel like if something drastic doesn't happen they're just gonna do it again next year, and they wont be so careless next time
yeah but i feel like if something drastic doesn't happen they're just gonna do it again next year, and they wont be so careless next time
do you own the house?
if not move.
grow inside instead

why cause unnecessary problems for yourself, by creating a "war" ..they will know its you, they will get paranoid they will assume, and than they will retaliate are you ready for that? people do dumb shit, why put yourself in harms way
where do you live that you think its a good idea to put pot plants fully growing outside your front door in pots?... build yourself a fenced in yard with security cameras, and security lights and grow in a green house, or something similar thats hidden ...
Hey guys, so as you can probably tell by the title, i have had my weed plants stolen. But don't worry, i found the 3 beautiful amnesia outdoor plants which i spent 5 months honing, the stupid thief took them in the pots and let them continue to grow at his house, and through perseverance me and my grow partner jointly found the plants at a neighbours house. So i got a team of about 6 guys, we went up there ready for a fight, but thankfully (kinda) they weren't home, and we took the plants back, pots and all and harvested them. I somehow managed not to burn down their house (as much as i wanted to) because i don't know the neighbour and what he's capable of, and i don't think its worth starting a war when I'm often leaving the house with just a little child and woman to protect it and i live in a very rural foresty area where neighbours are far apart from each other.
I found two other plants and a outdoor drying room at the house, i didnt take the plants because I'm totally against stealing such a personal thing and wouldn't feel right smoking it (also don't want the potential turf war), although i am rather suspicious that they're stolen aswell. But I'm just looking for ideas that will seriously f**k with the neighbours, creep them out, hurt them, without it being traceable to me (they don't have any concrete reason to believe it was me who took the plants back). I was thinking of going up to the drying room and putting some nasty shit on the weed, preferably something that will cause them immense pain upon smoking. Im trying to think of something which will make them suddenly realise that stealing is wrong and that they will think is a big smack in the face from karma.
So yeah, just post any evil ideas u have to mess these disgusting humans up, psychologically aswell as physically, coz I'm sure a lot of you have had your plants stolen before, and its a gut wrenching feeling, not to mention a huge invasion of privacy (mine were right outside my front door and then i got up in the morning to find empty trays and no pots or pot)
I am quite fond of Jolokia powders......once in ones sinus's,face,etc tend to drive a point home! just sayin'
let it go mate, nothing you can do it sucks, but karma will get them

are they worth going to jail for? no.
are they worth getting a record for and ruining the rest of your life ? no.
sunni, having a record dosn't ruin your life. The behaviors that led to the record more likely will burn those bridges quicker, i know TONS of folks with criminal records who are great folks. I think his process is sound, and if at the end of his kooldown period he still feels the need to even shit out i say karma does need a little encouragement from time to time...1000yards.jpg
sunni, having a record dosn't ruin your life. The behaviors that led to the record more likely will burn those bridges quicker, i know TONS of folks with criminal records who are great folks. I think his process is sound, and if at the end of his kooldown period he still feels the need to even shit out i say karma does need a little encouragement from time to time...View attachment 3517228
depending on WHAT is on your criminal record, you could be barred from traveling outside the US,
you get put on the radar easily
have a hard time obtaining jobs

not saying you cant be a wonderful person and have a record, but it can impact your life and things you do in your life as opposed to NOT having a criminal record

theres no need to violence over something this petty, and theres no need to put your woman and child at risk ,
yeah that's true, good point. those types of restrictions do suck. Then again your bringing a good point......i HAVE yet to meet a sex offender ive liked...even mike jackson! lol
where do you live that you think its a good idea to put pot plants fully growing outside your front door in pots?... build yourself a fenced in yard with security cameras, and security lights and grow in a green house, or something similar thats hidden ...
yeah its very easy for you to say sunni, it is my house, I'm not moving, its legal to grow plants where i live in Ibiza in Spain, it would be very expensive to build a fence, I'm not getting a greenhouse, and yes it is pretty safe to grow where i live, other than the occasional thiefs (noone can see where i put my plants unless they come into my land), and now I've identified the thief i would rather kill him than let him create more inconveniences and bullshit in my life. So please stop trying to change my mind and come up with some actual suggestions.
Its easy for Sunni or other people to say turn the cheek, blah blah blah... How bout don't take shit that doesn't belong to you.
easy ?
look im just trying to stop someone from doing something really stupid that can cause serious problems for them and their children in the future

you dont know me you dont know my life, ive made some serious mistakes out of anger, and im so fucking glad i never got caught, or i wouldnt have the great life i have today
think twice before you act , weigh out your pros and cons
its called critical thinking not acting on rash decisions

Im not saying what they did was right, it isnt, but thats life , shit happens to you its how you react to it that determines the type of person you are

ive had my house invaded and myself beat until unconscious over some weed, pills cigarettes a computer

did i go find them one by one and retaliate ? almost, but i let my anger go , all of them ended up in jail within less than 6 months not due to what happened to me , i couldve been in jail for doing what i wanted to them,
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yeah its very easy for you to say sunni, it is my house, I'm not moving, its legal to grow plants where i live in Ibiza in Spain, it would be very expensive to build a fence, I'm not getting a greenhouse, and yes it is pretty safe to grow where i live, other than the occasional thiefs (noone can see where i put my plants unless they come into my land), and now I've identified the thief i would rather kill him than let him create more inconveniences and bullshit in my life. So please stop trying to change my mind and come up with some actual suggestions.
lol wow you would rather murder someone...than create a solution to your problem that doesnt cause violence ? wow

... thats sick man...over some fucking plants?
Sunni- you are in Alaska now?

How do ya think a gold miner would react to busting his ass for 6 months and someone trying to steal his 6 month paycheck? Over some gold? Is that sick?