Revenge on Ganja Thiefs

go for the indica core, rest easy.they guy has already been through it and is hyped up. by overtly claiming only 'his' plants from weasel, neighbor knows that's he's been identified. reason to assume it wldnt escalate from neighbors end.. much more.

I'm cranky from very lil sleep from guarding my plants..couldn't even watch the Cubs last nite n had to listen on radio. I'm not pulling early or moving so I can empathize with the OP.

I'm curious how you found the plants though?
You made a mistake by not taking ALL of your neighbors plants and not just only yours. by doing this you inadvertently revealed yourself. Now, thinking this through, I don't think you should do a single thing to retaliate. Let time calm you down, you aren't prepared to do anything aggressive. Defense is your only option now.
Dam that is true, guess this situation is the only one ive seen that calls for stealing someone elses plants as well.

There are crazy crazy people out there and when they show up drunk 10 deep youd think otherwise. I was thinking revenge as well but Ive lucked out a few times and gotta tread lightly bro
Sounds like a sugar the gas tank revenge to me. No one dies and they have to pay for a new motor. Probably what the plants being gone would have cost you.
Once again, Sunni is the voice of reason and sounding more and more like a mom each day. Although intellectually I know she is right, I never could take such advice. I just cannot sleep if someone fucks with me or my shit and I don't righteously retaliate. I never do it from a spur of the moment, hotheaded way, but I LOVE my revenge. It is a dish best served cold (love them Klingons). For instance, Chicago has always (unofficially) condoned claiming a parking spot on public streets after digging out one's car after a heavy snowfall. It often takes over an hour of non-stop heavy lifting, and you then put your lawn chairs, or whatever, to keep your spot. From time to time, someone will move by chairs and park in my spot. I hate it, but I let that transgression go. But once or twice a year, some motherfucker will drive over my chairs and they'll be stuck under their car. That is unacceptable, and I am going to come back a fuck up your car in some way: keying, flattening of tires, and/or kicking out tail lights are some favs. I do this very methodically, and preferably late night when no ones up. Last time, my girl asked, 'do you feel better now?' and I replied, 'you have no idea...' People talk about karma, or what goes around comes around. I told her, 'Call me Karma... or Comes Around.' When people expect these transgressors to eventually get theirs, I'm what they're expecting. I figure there has to be a place for people like me, for if no one made these fucktards pay there would be no karma. I am not at all saying that I'm right or that my way is the right way. I'm simply saying it's who I am, right or wrong. And you are all welcome ;)
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Once again, Sunni is the voice of reason and sounding more and more like a mom each day. Although intellectually I know she is right, I never could take such advice. I just cannot sleep if someone fucks with me or my shit and I don't righteously retaliate. I never do it from a spur of the moment, hotheaded way, but I LOVE my revenge. It is a dish best served cold (love them Klingons). For instance, Chicago has always (unofficially) condoned claiming a parking spot on public streets after digging out one's car after a heavy snowfall. It often takes over an hour of non-stop heavy lifting, and you then put your lawn chairs, or whatever, to keep your spot. From time to time, someone will move by chairs and park in my spot. I hate it, but I let that transgression go. But once or twice a year, some motherfucker will drive over my chairs and they'll be stuck under their car. That is unacceptable, and I am going to come back a fuck up your car in some way: keying, flattening of tires, and/or kicking out tail lights are some favs. I do this very methodically, and preferably late night when no ones up. Last time, my girl asked, 'do you feel better now?' and I replied, 'you have no idea...' People talk about karma, or what goes around comes around. I told her, 'Call me Karma... or Comes Around.' When people expect these transgressors to eventually get theirs, I'm what they're expecting. I figure there has to be a place for people like me, for if no one made these fucktards pay there would be no karma. I am not at all saying that I'm right or that my was is the right way. I'm simply saying it's who I am, right or wrong. And you are all welcome ;)

Wrong. And quit fucking with my karma. My dogma has been chewing on it all week and it looks like shit.
I personally would let dude know that I did get my plants back and then proceed from there .......that way he knows your not a push over punk that let's people take his shit also it lets him know your not afraid to take matters into your own hands ........if there's a way you can set up bumping into him away from his house or land that would be best just let him know you know what's up he took your shit and however he reacts handle it accordingly ......often a theif is a punk and if you make a point to confront him and do it in the right way he'll get the message you ain't the one to fuck with .........I prefer this direct aproach opposed to just messing with his stuff Cause then he knows it's you and your not a punk. I guess I'm different cause I want the punk that steals from me to know it's a bad idea That's why I handle shit like this face to face .......if you do expect the worst and be careful cause you know he's a low life anyways Good luck
Much respect for keeping your cool mate and not starting anything with the people! I'm glad to hear you got your girls back, but in all honesty you sound like a good person. Personally I feel like you should just be happy you got your plants back and just keep a:wall: better eye on the next grow. I mean it's like you said you really don't wanna start anything I mean you got what was yours back and I feel in good time they will get what's coming to them for stealing your stuff. I mean people can be really nasty now days, stealing others belongings is just normal for some people. It's sad I know, but I feel like you should just be the better person here. You'll be glad you did :peace:
Same happend to me it's hard to swallow but you just gotta let it be, iIonly planted one as a test of my outdoor spot so iIhad my others beans thankfully but yeah a week before harvest they were dug out the ground was fucking pissed! Looked everywhere but no luck who knows cops may have even found it. It's crappy knowing they will get high of my stuff the trichs looked beautiful.
Hey guys, so as you can probably tell by the title, i have had my weed plants stolen. But don't worry, i found the 3 beautiful amnesia outdoor plants which i spent 5 months honing, the stupid thief took them in the pots and let them continue to grow at his house, and through perseverance me and my grow partner jointly found the plants at a neighbours house. So i got a team of about 6 guys, we went up there ready for a fight, but thankfully (kinda) they weren't home, and we took the plants back, pots and all and harvested them. I somehow managed not to burn down their house (as much as i wanted to) because i don't know the neighbour and what he's capable of, and i don't think its worth starting a war when I'm often leaving the house with just a little child and woman to protect it and i live in a very rural foresty area where neighbours are far apart from each other.
I found two other plants and a outdoor drying room at the house, i didnt take the plants because I'm totally against stealing such a personal thing and wouldn't feel right smoking it (also don't want the potential turf war), although i am rather suspicious that they're stolen aswell. But I'm just looking for ideas that will seriously f**k with the neighbours, creep them out, hurt them, without it being traceable to me (they don't have any concrete reason to believe it was me who took the plants back). I was thinking of going up to the drying room and putting some nasty shit on the weed, preferably something that will cause them immense pain upon smoking. Im trying to think of something which will make them suddenly realise that stealing is wrong and that they will think is a big smack in the face from karma.
So yeah, just post any evil ideas u have to mess these disgusting humans up, psychologically aswell as physically, coz I'm sure a lot of you have had your plants stolen before, and its a gut wrenching feeling, not to mention a huge invasion of privacy (mine were right outside my front door and then i got up in the morning to find empty trays and no pots or pot)

Your only option is to eradicate every living thing in the house you found your plants in.
Its easy for Sunni or other people to say turn the cheek, blah blah blah... How bout don't take shit that doesn't belong to you.

Theives are scum. Someone works all day away from home and family, giving all that time up hoping that after months if not a season/year of busting ass, they've made enough to have the bills paid and some left over for their family. Money is time. Some mother fucker takes my money, its not about the money. Its the time away from my kids and wife, the time I could of been laughing and playing with them doing the things we love in this life.

Its not about the fucking money. Its what the money represents, and the principle behind it. Money is your lifes work/time. Take my life/time, I'll fuck yours up at the least.
yeah they really are more than some fucking plants, like i invested a looot of time and effort into them and when your caring for a living organism for so long you genuinely do make a connection with it that you wouldnt get with an non-living object, not to get on some hippy dippy shit but its true
Post pics of your bud. I'll tell you what you should do after I see the quality of your product.