My Current Grows Continues


Well-Known Member
received my sin city seeds today.
in a little baggie that said mixed, which is what i bought but i thought breeder packs were the norm.
Where did you get the seeds from Attitude? I know they aren't doing breeders packs anymore cus of being snagged but if you got them from NGR then no breeders pack as the mixed pack aren't in breeders packs

I had a mixed pack too before they stopped letting you know which seeds are which. I got 3 of each of White Nightmare, The Rem, Sins OG, Truepower OG, Sour Nightmare Kush. I have everything except White Nightmare
i want to know to the best of my ability, that what i spend money on is what it is, and to me the best way is in breeder packs. IMO, but i am done with TGP, just a goofy feeling i get about them.


Well-Known Member
i want to know to the best of my ability, that what i spend money on is what it is, and to me the best way is in breeder packs. IMO, but i am done with TGP, just a goofy feeling i get about them.
Naw bro everything over at The Greenpool is super legit. Ste is one of the best guys out there hands down for a fact. Believe me when I say what you ordered is what you got. I don't know how he makes packs for his Sure Fire seeds as when I got a pack of Strawberry Daiquiri they were in a lil baggie. Every order I've made from them is Gucci so no worries there but I feel you on the breeders pack thing just makes things much easier and not have to worry about getting shit genetics but that wont happen with Ste. You should have some fire in those beans I believe its a mixed pack of fems.

Ay hows the Gorilla Breath doing? ScoutBreath is doing great looks a lot like the OGKB 2.0 but need to transplant them they are getting big. Gots lots to do this weekend with clone cutting and transplanting. Gonna get some pics up of everything too


Well-Known Member
Naw bro everything over at The Greenpool is super legit. Ste is one of the best guys out there hands down for a fact. Believe me when I say what you ordered is what you got. I don't know how he makes packs for his Sure Fire seeds as when I got a pack of Strawberry Daiquiri they were in a lil baggie. Every order I've made from them is Gucci so no worries there but I feel you on the breeders pack thing just makes things much easier and not have to worry about getting shit genetics but that wont happen with Ste. You should have some fire in those beans I believe its a mixed pack of fems.

Ay hows the Gorilla Breath doing? ScoutBreath is doing great looks a lot like the OGKB 2.0 but need to transplant them they are getting big. Gots lots to do this weekend with clone cutting and transplanting. Gonna get some pics up of everything too
True ste is one of the nicest guy i jave order from always taking care of his customer but i was going to buy a pack pf firestarter and saw the site is down do you know what happen?


Well-Known Member
True ste is one of the nicest guy i jave order from always taking care of his customer but i was going to buy a pack pf firestarter and saw the site is down do you know what happen?
Naw I haven't been over there in a while so I didn't even know it was down. Hope everything is all good over there
i have been watching alot of VadorOG on youtube, he has got a very nice flod and drain system. he has me thinking of geting back into hydro and ditching the soil.

i am getting ready to pop these sure fire seeds into cups and start weeding out the low quality, LOOOOOOONG VEG, 3-4 month veg.
here come the family portraits since my fantasy teams are suckign major butthole

this is my nl5x tripoli wicked by madd farmer, talking to him on IG, what a down to earth dude.

the Platinum Delight is recovering from my heavy feeding on the 1st, she shed a ton of fan leaves and older leaves but the younger bud sites are greenr every day, so thats cool. which got me to think, if the plants knows its in trouble from a heavy feeding or whatever, does the plant shift all the shit to the older bigger leaves to save the inner plant?

this is the RebelIOG from motarebel, it may be me, probably is since i heard that this strain is a good grower.

and finally the heavy hitter, the bully of the family, the take no shit and eat everything i can feed it/ THE GG4

I fed her 3 days ago, her and the PD. the PD isstill ehavy but the gg has the dirt coming on from the sides she is so dry.

i took some polen from the male nl5xtw and dusted some branches of the GG and the PD but i gave most of it to the other nl5 female.

hope you kids are enjoying your sunday.

i had to close the restaurant down early last nioght because we ran otu of food, thts a first for me and i havebeen doing htis for 30+years.


Well-Known Member
You aint lying about GG#4 beating a food whore. Shes gobbles everything up so easily so she has to be hit hard. She is a plant made for my hydro system and once I get it back going she is the one going into it. PD don't need much to be happy so next run will her will be killer for you. Everything is looking great love the look on the Tripoli Wicked cross and the Purple Urkle cross I have going from Motarebel is killing smelling so grapey and lovely. Will give the rest of the beans a real true proper run as those went though hell
these are to see if i like the rebelOG and the madd farmer gear so they are small with the short veg. I am going back for more Maddfarmer this year sometime, i love the purples and with the gg clones i cut i should have that running longer :-) fingers crossed
bugs bugs bugs. raked the soil of my girls and came across a whole population of white flying bitches. Neem oil and letting it get stone dry. would plastic bags over the soil to smother them work?


Well-Known Member
Your gonna have to use something to get rid of them bugs. Luckily I have never had to deal with any so I don't know what to use really but most use Azamax, Mosquito Bits but they need to be mixed in soil and there are some other safe stuff to use but I don't know much cus knock on wood never had any. Hope you get it straight doesn't sound too bad and I think the right stuff will get rid of it

Nice GG#4 clone too. The easiest rooting plant I have ran into beside the Platinum Delights but I think it has it beat tho. Got four GG#4 and 3 PD for next run :)
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