DMT sounds mind blowing

According to home l him the oily shit still had some impurities in it and contains other psychoactives like bufotenin
a light bulb wouldn't work if you do the same thing for a choke on top?
yes but its nasty and you don't get a good hit. it sucks. and there is shit inside the light bulb that is harmfull. don't use a light bulb your better off chasing the dragon on some foil. just make a meth pipe
I once took a dab of dmt off a quartz nail in a bong it wasn't enough to blast off but it had me seeing shit lol that bong never tasted right after that. Have you looked up the machine is a dmt pipe
you can't realy get a good twist going on, at least for me. nothing like a pipe cloud. unless your a pro lol
Yeah the first time i hit the pipe with dmt instead of the oil well it was intense. The oil well comes on slow, you can get like 3 his in before you blast off 30 seconds later the pipe is like a smack to the face from your living room to outer space in 5 seconds lol
I used the bottle method for a while worked pretty well, just cut the bottom off of a plastic or glass bottle, and put aluminium foil on the bottom, place some dmt at the bottom of the bottle / ontop of the foil and light from the bottom, good for breaking through in one hit.

Keep in mind that dmt is very delicate it melts at around 40 degrees celsius and vaporizes around 70 i believe so you need to keep the flame farely far from it with whatever you're using, a jet lighter is prefer since the flame won't move around it's far easier to keep a steady heat going.

I've had some of the most amazing and brutal experiences on dmt, one of the worst break-thoughs i had was at the beginning of this year. I'm sitting on my bed with a 2L bottle with about 70mg eye-balled in, I take the first hit and for whatever reason it felt extremely uncomfortable like i swallowed the smoke so i wasn't able to do it all in one hit, i go in for the second and i can only do another small hit I feel like i'm about to throw up so I go in for the third and final hit with my eyes closed, i don't even remember stopped i just remember feeling the bottle in my hands and throwing it but as i did i could see my room but i knew i had my eyes closed, everything was distorted in this shadow of static i could see people coming to into my room, they seem to resemble my family and friends, they're asking if i'm okay i'm just sitting there thinking am i okay? i don't know if i am? what's going? on the people just continue asking what i'm doing and what's wrong asking me if i'm dying somehow i start throwing up everywhere (didn't actually throw up was just seeing myself do it) everything gets more intense and negative I can see myself dying, i'm slowly losing my life force everything around me keeps getting more distorted and torn apart these feelings build up so intensely i start wanting to die, everything slows down till this single point in time where nothing exists anymore, i don't exist, the world doesn't exist, i lose full consciousness. All of a sudden i'm back to reality, i'm laying down on my bed holding this pack of raw papers right in front of my eyes, all of the stuff that was in a nice pile at the end of my bed was scattered everywhere i'm just looking at these pack of papers and when i tilt them everything in my room tilts and these palm leaves appear and cover everything then over the next 2 minutes i slowly come back into full reality.
Sorry for the poorly written wall of a text haha, that was by far one of the most negative trips i've ever had but it was honestly and amazing experience i always find negative trips to be the best ones, i've always suffered from bad depression clinical/psychotic although haven't had psychotic episodes in years after this dmt trip i never thought about wanting to die again, i've loved life so much after that dmt trip its unreal.

Another trip I was just sitting on my bed with my ex-girlfriend, I had given her just a small dose of about 15mg because she suffers from psychotic episodes and has been admitted to psychiatric wards before I always make sure she can handle small doses of anything before I let her try full experiences and the first small amount i gave her about 10mg she said it was the safest and most over whelming feeling of love she's ever felt so I felt comfortable giving her a little bit more. She just sits silently for about 10 minutes then just looks at me and says it was almost a little too much, she said it was insanely visual and very overwhelming but she kept thanking me for giving her that experience so now that i know she's safe and comfortable i feel like it's time for me to take some, i was originally just going to do a small amount with her but after the first small hit i didn't feel anything at all i thought it was strange since i do small hits quite frequently and im certain of where it would'v got me, so i do another hit about the same size, I feel it now but it's about the feeling i would normally expect off of about 15mg so i just load another hit in a bit bigger than the last two, i hit it and close my eyes. All of a sudden i'm looking at myself projected as pure energy suspended between dimensions, all this blue energy is floating around i start to follow it flowing in this weird space something is talking to me but i don't know what, i'm being presented all of this information that i have no idea how to understand but i listen anyway all i know is the space i am is not of any dimension of universe it is what's between, this lasts for about 10 minutes and i just freely float back into reality, it was such a simple but beautiful experience. A few minutes after we decided to have sex and of course I took a small hit straight before which was a brilliant idea haha (although don't abuse dmt for stupid reasons)
I used the bottle method for a while worked pretty well, just cut the bottom off of a plastic or glass bottle, and put aluminium foil on the bottom, place some dmt at the bottom of the bottle / ontop of the foil and light from the bottom, good for breaking through in one hit.

Keep in mind that dmt is very delicate it melts at around 40 degrees celsius and vaporizes around 70 i believe so you need to keep the flame farely far from it with whatever you're using, a jet lighter is prefer since the flame won't move around it's far easier to keep a steady heat going.

I've had some of the most amazing and brutal experiences on dmt, one of the worst break-thoughs i had was at the beginning of this year. I'm sitting on my bed with a 2L bottle with about 70mg eye-balled in, I take the first hit and for whatever reason it felt extremely uncomfortable like i swallowed the smoke so i wasn't able to do it all in one hit, i go in for the second and i can only do another small hit I feel like i'm about to throw up so I go in for the third and final hit with my eyes closed, i don't even remember stopped i just remember feeling the bottle in my hands and throwing it but as i did i could see my room but i knew i had my eyes closed, everything was distorted in this shadow of static i could see people coming to into my room, they seem to resemble my family and friends, they're asking if i'm okay i'm just sitting there thinking am i okay? i don't know if i am? what's going? on the people just continue asking what i'm doing and what's wrong asking me if i'm dying somehow i start throwing up everywhere (didn't actually throw up was just seeing myself do it) everything gets more intense and negative I can see myself dying, i'm slowly losing my life force everything around me keeps getting more distorted and torn apart these feelings build up so intensely i start wanting to die, everything slows down till this single point in time where nothing exists anymore, i don't exist, the world doesn't exist, i lose full consciousness. All of a sudden i'm back to reality, i'm laying down on my bed holding this pack of raw papers right in front of my eyes, all of the stuff that was in a nice pile at the end of my bed was scattered everywhere i'm just looking at these pack of papers and when i tilt them everything in my room tilts and these palm leaves appear and cover everything then over the next 2 minutes i slowly come back into full reality.
Sorry for the poorly written wall of a text haha, that was by far one of the most negative trips i've ever had but it was honestly and amazing experience i always find negative trips to be the best ones, i've always suffered from bad depression clinical/psychotic although haven't had psychotic episodes in years after this dmt trip i never thought about wanting to die again, i've loved life so much after that dmt trip its unreal.

Another trip I was just sitting on my bed with my ex-girlfriend, I had given her just a small dose of about 15mg because she suffers from psychotic episodes and has been admitted to psychiatric wards before I always make sure she can handle small doses of anything before I let her try full experiences and the first small amount i gave her about 10mg she said it was the safest and most over whelming feeling of love she's ever felt so I felt comfortable giving her a little bit more. She just sits silently for about 10 minutes then just looks at me and says it was almost a little too much, she said it was insanely visual and very overwhelming but she kept thanking me for giving her that experience so now that i know she's safe and comfortable i feel like it's time for me to take some, i was originally just going to do a small amount with her but after the first small hit i didn't feel anything at all i thought it was strange since i do small hits quite frequently and im certain of where it would'v got me, so i do another hit about the same size, I feel it now but it's about the feeling i would normally expect off of about 15mg so i just load another hit in a bit bigger than the last two, i hit it and close my eyes. All of a sudden i'm looking at myself projected as pure energy suspended between dimensions, all this blue energy is floating around i start to follow it flowing in this weird space something is talking to me but i don't know what, i'm being presented all of this information that i have no idea how to understand but i listen anyway all i know is the space i am is not of any dimension of universe it is what's between, this lasts for about 10 minutes and i just freely float back into reality, it was such a simple but beautiful experience. A few minutes after we decided to have sex and of course I took a small hit straight before which was a brilliant idea haha (although don't abuse dmt for stupid reasons)

glad your girlfriend liked it, weed and acid helps me with ocd, shit fuckin sucks
I used the bottle method for a while worked pretty well, just cut the bottom off of a plastic or glass bottle, and put aluminium foil on the bottom, place some dmt at the bottom of the bottle / ontop of the foil and light from the bottom, good for breaking through in one hit.

Keep in mind that dmt is very delicate it melts at around 40 degrees celsius and vaporizes around 70 i believe so you need to keep the flame farely far from it with whatever you're using, a jet lighter is prefer since the flame won't move around it's far easier to keep a steady heat going.

I've had some of the most amazing and brutal experiences on dmt, one of the worst break-thoughs i had was at the beginning of this year. I'm sitting on my bed with a 2L bottle with about 70mg eye-balled in, I take the first hit and for whatever reason it felt extremely uncomfortable like i swallowed the smoke so i wasn't able to do it all in one hit, i go in for the second and i can only do another small hit I feel like i'm about to throw up so I go in for the third and final hit with my eyes closed, i don't even remember stopped i just remember feeling the bottle in my hands and throwing it but as i did i could see my room but i knew i had my eyes closed, everything was distorted in this shadow of static i could see people coming to into my room, they seem to resemble my family and friends, they're asking if i'm okay i'm just sitting there thinking am i okay? i don't know if i am? what's going? on the people just continue asking what i'm doing and what's wrong asking me if i'm dying somehow i start throwing up everywhere (didn't actually throw up was just seeing myself do it) everything gets more intense and negative I can see myself dying, i'm slowly losing my life force everything around me keeps getting more distorted and torn apart these feelings build up so intensely i start wanting to die, everything slows down till this single point in time where nothing exists anymore, i don't exist, the world doesn't exist, i lose full consciousness. All of a sudden i'm back to reality, i'm laying down on my bed holding this pack of raw papers right in front of my eyes, all of the stuff that was in a nice pile at the end of my bed was scattered everywhere i'm just looking at these pack of papers and when i tilt them everything in my room tilts and these palm leaves appear and cover everything then over the next 2 minutes i slowly come back into full reality.
Sorry for the poorly written wall of a text haha, that was by far one of the most negative trips i've ever had but it was honestly and amazing experience i always find negative trips to be the best ones, i've always suffered from bad depression clinical/psychotic although haven't had psychotic episodes in years after this dmt trip i never thought about wanting to die again, i've loved life so much after that dmt trip its unreal.

Another trip I was just sitting on my bed with my ex-girlfriend, I had given her just a small dose of about 15mg because she suffers from psychotic episodes and has been admitted to psychiatric wards before I always make sure she can handle small doses of anything before I let her try full experiences and the first small amount i gave her about 10mg she said it was the safest and most over whelming feeling of love she's ever felt so I felt comfortable giving her a little bit more. She just sits silently for about 10 minutes then just looks at me and says it was almost a little too much, she said it was insanely visual and very overwhelming but she kept thanking me for giving her that experience so now that i know she's safe and comfortable i feel like it's time for me to take some, i was originally just going to do a small amount with her but after the first small hit i didn't feel anything at all i thought it was strange since i do small hits quite frequently and im certain of where it would'v got me, so i do another hit about the same size, I feel it now but it's about the feeling i would normally expect off of about 15mg so i just load another hit in a bit bigger than the last two, i hit it and close my eyes. All of a sudden i'm looking at myself projected as pure energy suspended between dimensions, all this blue energy is floating around i start to follow it flowing in this weird space something is talking to me but i don't know what, i'm being presented all of this information that i have no idea how to understand but i listen anyway all i know is the space i am is not of any dimension of universe it is what's between, this lasts for about 10 minutes and i just freely float back into reality, it was such a simple but beautiful experience. A few minutes after we decided to have sex and of course I took a small hit straight before which was a brilliant idea haha (although don't abuse dmt for stupid reasons)
Just to clarify you say the space I am is not any dimension of the universe. You may have had an insight of truth there. Do you realize that You, consciousness, is absolutely formless, you are space, nothing, a negative thought to the mind, I am nothing, a very deep truth that can only be realized by becoming directly aware of the Space in the Present Moment, the Space of the actual existing universe. You are perfectly One with space, not the fabric space of the space time continuum but the Space which is the container of all space time. You are space, emptiness, beyond the 4 dimensions you are what allows space time to exist.