To flower or not to flower.


Well-Known Member
You would think so. I'm guessing that they aren't true 300 watters. Most of the time they say 300 watt "equivalent", which means that you are going to need more light. I'd use both of them. And remember to keep them really close, although not touching.
Damn, I could try use 2 but last time i did use 2 CFLs the white widdow got heat stress, thanks for advice btw, think I will have a look for a HPS instead.

You can flower at anytime bro it all depends on what you want to get off them. Your ww will produce at least a quarter of small stringy buds bc as you say it is a runt. Your fs could produce an oz, my suggestion change strains next time. Few suggestions, alsaskan thunderfuck, blueberry, northern lights, dakini kush, all good yielders and heavy hitting indicas. Just so you know sativa is much harder to grow, we'll not so much to grow it grows quick and strong but to produce good yields of compact solid buds is a real challenge, might want to stick with the indicas for a couple years, you'll find a good strain and it will encourage you to keep growing.
Thanks for the info, been thinking about blueberry or northern lights. I have some new seeds on the way to me now so I might just flower these and get them out of the way, got indica dominant special kush and 50/50 royal queen. I didn't even realise sativas were harder to grow.


Well-Known Member
heat stress from cfls? never heard of it. and the spiky things near your nodes are called stipules and they grow on both male and female plants.


Well-Known Member
heat stress from cfls? never heard of it. and the spiky things near your nodes are called stipules and they grow on both male and female plants.
Stipules, ahh, i knew the name, it was sitting in the back of my mind :)

The room was way too hot for me (before I got temp monitor) and after 2 days at this heat the white widdows leaves curled upward in the heat stress way and stunted its growth for a week lol...

I took the second bulb away and temp went back to normal and after a day the WW was back to normal leafwise.

Do you have any idea where I should tie down the big one?


Well-Known Member
Stipules, ahh, i knew the name, it was sitting in the back of my mind :)

The room was way too hot for me (before I got temp monitor) and after 2 days at this heat the white widdows leaves curled upward in the heat stress way and stunted its growth for a week lol...

I took the second bulb away and temp went back to normal and after a day the WW was back to normal leafwise.

Do you have any idea where I should tie down the big one?
I'm thinking that if you got heat stress, it was because of lack of negative air pressure and air flow. I've used cfl to veg plants before and never had a problem with heat. Basically, you want to throw those computer fans away and get a better exhaust system going. Even an inline furnace fan works better.


Well-Known Member
The PC fans are no longer on, I upgraded to a propper intake, extake, system spending aboiut $50, tbh I cant remember if the heat stress occurred before or after I upgraded my fans...


Well-Known Member
The PC fans are no longer on, I upgraded to a propper intake, extake, system spending aboiut $50, tbh I cant remember if the heat stress occurred before or after I upgraded my fans...
No offence but what is extake? Do you mean exhaust? If so, you shouldn't even be using a fan for intake. Passive intake is what gives you the negative pressure.


Well-Known Member
No offence but what is extake? Do you mean exhaust? If so, you shouldn't even be using a fan for intake. Passive intake is what gives you the negative pressure.
None taken, finally medicated haha, yeah I mean exhaust lol. But if I just have an exhaust then surely there will be no air in the tent :S making negative air pressure, dont you need to replace the hot air with cool air via an intake fan?


Well-Known Member
None taken, finally medicated haha, yeah I mean exhaust lol. But if I just have an exhaust then surely there will be no air in the tent :S making negative air pressure, dont you need to replace the hot air with cool air via an intake fan?
The intake would be from a hole in the room. Just run ducting from the hole. Or you could make a light trap, that's what I did, it allows air exchange without a light leak. (I don't do the tent thing though)


Well-Known Member
well with a tent, usually theres some sort of velcro windows or something..keeping them open along with a fan exhausting will create neg pressure..assuming you have a strong enough fan..


Well-Known Member
well with a tent, usually theres some sort of velcro windows or something..keeping them open along with a fan exhausting will create neg pressure..assuming you have a strong enough fan..
Them flaps are useless, they're just light leaks, and its quite bad how much light gets out too.

I had just assumed it was like a giant computer lol, along with plenty of diagrams online showing me how to set it up.

The intake would be from a hole in the room. Just run ducting from the hole. Or you could make a light trap, that's what I did, it allows air exchange without a light leak. (I don't do the tent thing though)
My intake fan brings in fresh air from outside and the exhaust blows hot air outside. isnt it more efficient to have both fans though?


Well-Known Member
yeah man, the ones on my tent had to be taped shut with aluminum tape, you should have seen the room my tent was in b4 i did this, huge lines of light shining on the floor n ceiling, i was so confused as to why they were put there in the first place... one of the things ive been told to make sure i avoid is light leaks in flower.


Well-Known Member
mine aren't, they're just flaps lol.

Not sure on this, is neg pressure a good thing, or should it be even like any other room but replacing hot air?


Well-Known Member
well for smell, yes, if it was positive pressure itd be blowing skunk ass air through all your cracks and doors..i mean the airs going to equalize itself so its not really a benefit or detriment to the plant.


Well-Known Member
well for smell, yes, if it was positive pressure itd be blowing skunk ass air through all your cracks and doors..i mean the airs going to equalize itself so its not really a benefit or detriment to the plant.

Ah right, i get it now, I think ill keep my system as is for now and go for that ^^^ when i install my carbon filter, thanks.

My reflector is just a normal CFL one so i dont have the duct system like that, so itll be the same but with the duct going straight to the exhaust fan.

One more think Desr, I remeber you saying i should LST my big plant, any idea exactly where i should tie her down?

BTW thanks to everyone thats helped me in this thread, you're all amazing!!!!


Well-Known Member
just grab one of those higher fan leaves and bend it over LIGHTLY, then use string or something, i used S hooks around the leaf node with string to some sort of anchor, just something heavy so the string wouldnt move. until the other plant catches up, and by doing this method the side branching will catch up some too.