Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

show some proof then i still believe Hollywood had lots to do with the moon landing
What manner of proof will you accept? Links and videos all exist in the realm of the completely manipulable. I suggest inspecting the real articles, such as at the Smithsonian or the Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility. There you can play Sam Johnson, kick a real rock with your real toe while declaiming "I refute it thus!", and lay the Bishop Berkeleys of the "it's a hoax" movement to rest.

I could be wrong, ymmv.
All ive gotta say in respect to this is:

If indeed America has set feet on the moon why THE FUCK else has no one else with spacial travelling infrastuture not done the same?

I mean... Its not like the first time some dickhead decided to climb the everest and make it to the summit the others said right thats it lets give up. In fact theres a strech in the himalayan conglomeration way upo high where theres just frozen dead bodies (fuck you nasa) i can only imagine the amount of dead bodies (human or otherwise) lingering about our planet's orbit.

I mean after the ''first'' moon landing a lot of dodgy shit hapened in my point of view ffs
How the fuck do you explain of the sever lack of photographic evidence of neil armstrong, the first actual human to set foot on earth, not much whereas all the photso out there of the successful appolo mission are actually of that other dickhead.
All the posterioir interviews done toi neil theres just a weird fucking feeling to them, like he either didnt go there or he actuallyt did go there and realizxed some serious shit.
Im a firm believewr that he went there andrealized some serious shit.
Man ive never actually said this to anyone so i thought i might as well tell the internet.
Ive actually not given much thought to this up until about a few years ago
When i first went to my boarding school in norway, people who were deemed to be inferior at english were given the chance to go to school 2 months earlier and have an intensive english course. I happenbed to be opne of the lucky cunts.
Lonmg story short, at the summer course there were people from all over the most 3rd wordly places of the world, including a tibetan refugee who seeked asylum in India.
I had some hash i esmoogled over from portugal and onve of the nights i got a few turkey really high.
The last guy to be stoning with me happened to be this tibetan refugee.
After a wee while his tone of voice just like tottally changed and he said he wanted to talkj to me about a ''matter of great importance'' ( bear in mind this guys farts smnelled like buddhaism a mile away before he decided to fart) as he so eloquently put it.
He starts going on about (bear in mind my english wanst very good then especially in a tibetan/indian accent strong as fuck) how he had a great uncle or some distant relation of the sort whos fucking grandfather or whoever the fuck's son had been given away during childhood to some special sect of buddhaisim in some crazy part of the mountains. The main master mind there had pretty fucking frequent contact with an entity who had declared to this buddhist sect in pretty clear terms how they had facilitated the creation of our species on this planet and howe they have constantly been monitoring us since a very very early age. Nit much different than what some scientists do in a petri dish with bacteria or microbes. Simply watching. I remember at the time just thinking he was trying to take the piss, but thinking of it later i mean he never ever mentioned it again, i only mentioned it to him once when drunk and he didnt speak about it. plus his tone of voice and body language didnt change until wed gone bed. The more years thatpass the more i believe it.
I personally enjoy the idea of having my ''creator'' watching over my species. I mean ive done the same with what i deem to be less important species than i am, only on a rlativel;y muuuch les important scale lol.

And actually bottom line how you fuickinh pout it? did america fake the moon landing? thjat just really goes to show how effectiove their propaganda is. It was al;ways about if AMERICA could make it there. Fucking guess what if americas indeed fucking did set their pussy feet up there a number of other countries would have too by now.

Anyways ium not gonna say anything more about this until if and when that chinese dark side of the moon probe comes back.

Now that you got mne pissed off hers anbother thing im fucking getting worried about.

Ive been to a place where national geographic and discovery channel exist upon a tv set, ad ive founda DISTURBING amount of chinese culture/history related type tv show wanna be documentaries on the schedule, As somne of you more self enquiring people might have wondered, what fuck is happening???

We should all know by now, no matter how small your fucking iq is (yes even if youre a yank), tv is nothing else than a mass propaganda acclimating equipment. Im only 26 years old but i swear TO GOD in the poast couple of generations ive seen certain propaganda propagating media have just an alarming effect on the moulding of the masses. it fucking scares me to FUCK when i see certain channels who are seen by the majoriuty of people and proclaimed to be great sources of information pushing out cultural and historic propaganda of a cencored and brainwashed nation which whores, pollutes and diseases itself out to any nation willing to buy chinese yen.
im honestly shitting my breaches cause i know foir a fact people whoive travelled to ruyral china, fuck you dont even nee dto go rural chine go any major city, and those exploited pieces of work are living in fucking misery,do you even fucking thinkl they know what happy means? Do you really thin china is a fucking country? Fuck off no reginal geographic area ''bounded'' political borders with something like 55 ethnic groupos and over 100 living speking languages EVER fucking was a bloogy ''country''/. wtf is a countrey anyways?! you explain that to me really? can you please???
One of the largest countries in europe is spain with junt around 80 million inhabitnants. I challange you to go to either Galicia, Andalucia, Catalunya and the Basque country and make someone willingly claim they are spanish lol ill give you 5 gran, i swear on my testicles' health, if you managhe to fiund a born and bread catalunya resiudent to say they are actually spanish. You get my fucking point chinas not a fucking country.

Anyways ive ranmted too fuckingh mucvh actually realizing how pissed off oi am atm is making me arrive to the conclusion i need a serious! psychadeliuc retreat, or a murdering rampage i dunno... whichever ones deems to be the healthies at the point of choice.
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first off all one can only think that if a person was in space he would be able to see stars better yet every picture taken has a completely blacked out back ground why would that be and secondly remember its 1969 could those exact suits be used in Chernobyl and the answer is no there was no radiation protection there fore after prolonged out door activity would probably kill them slowly no different then being near a nuke blast if the ignition didn;t kill you radiation will
but back to the black pictures in all of there pictures i can see where they on the night side of the moon causing no stars to be visible .????
remember Space is not earth. The moon is not earth. The moon is an unbelievably high contrast environment in a number of ways. -208 degreed F in the shade, +212F in the sun. Your typical 1960's Brownie camera and film were not going to survive that now were they? Photographing the event was not just an afterthought. it was BS
I read from NASA they took a measly 2.5 days to get to the Moon. The Moon is roughly 240,000 MILES away from Earth.

So the astronauts traveled.....a slow 24,000+ MILES PER HOUR to get there!!!!
Yea right! Man who would believe this? In 1969 you think in a aluminium sheet metal, pop riveted capsule that they traveled 24,000 mph you need YOUR head examined!

You think they had enough fuel to go 240,000 miles doing 24,000+mph and had enough fuel to get back to earth on the spaceship rocket that they showed all of us? I'm laughing right now typing up this ridiculousness.

They didn't have the technology and still don't. That's EXACTLY why no other country has done it since! Because they can't!

If America were to now try and go back they'd have to nail it because if anything were to go wrong everybody would be like, "Well 40+ years later things should be a breeze compared to back then."

The rocket couldn't take the kinds of heat that going 24,000 would generate, their suits couldn't take it either.
All ive gotta say in respect to this is:

If indeed America has set feet on the moon why THE FUCK else has no one else with spacial travelling infrastuture not done the same?

I mean... Its not like the first time some dickhead decided to climb the everest and make it to the summit the others said right thats it lets give up. In fact theres a strech in the himalayan conglomeration way upo high where theres just frozen dead bodies (fuck you nasa) i can only imagine the amount of dead bodies (human or otherwise) lingering about our planet's orbit.

I mean after the ''first'' moon landing a lot of dodgy shit hapened in my point of view ffs
How the fuck do you explain of the sever lack of photographic evidence of neil armstrong, the first actual human to set foot on earth, not much whereas all the photso out there of the successful appolo mission are actually of that other dickhead.
All the posterioir interviews done toi neil theres just a weird fucking feeling to them, like he either didnt go there or he actuallyt did go there and realizxed some serious shit.
Im a firm believewr that he went there andrealized some serious shit.
Man ive never actually said this to anyone so i thought i might as well tell the internet.
Ive actually not given much thought to this up until about a few years ago
When i first went to my boarding school in norway, people who were deemed to be inferior at english were given the chance to go to school 2 months earlier and have an intensive english course. I happenbed to be opne of the lucky cunts.
Lonmg story short, at the summer course there were people from all over the most 3rd wordly places of the world, including a tibetan refugee who seeked asylum in India.
I had some hash i esmoogled over from portugal and onve of the nights i got a few turkey really high.
The last guy to be stoning with me happened to be this tibetan refugee.
After a wee while his tone of voice just like tottally changed and he said he wanted to talkj to me about a ''matter of great importance'' ( bear in mind this guys farts smnelled like buddhaism a mile away before he decided to fart) as he so eloquently put it.
He starts going on about (bear in mind my english wanst very good then especially in a tibetan/indian accent strong as fuck) how he had a great uncle or some distant relation of the sort whos fucking grandfather or whoever the fuck's son had been given away during childhood to some special sect of buddhaisim in some crazy part of the mountains. The main master mind there had pretty fucking frequent contact with an entity who had declared to this buddhist sect in pretty clear terms how they had facilitated the creation of our species on this planet and howe they have constantly been monitoring us since a very very early age. Nit much different than what some scientists do in a petri dish with bacteria or microbes. Simply watching. I remember at the time just thinking he was trying to take the piss, but thinking of it later i mean he never ever mentioned it again, i only mentioned it to him once when drunk and he didnt speak about it. plus his tone of voice and body language didnt change until wed gone bed. The more years thatpass the more i believe it.
I personally enjoy the idea of having my ''creator'' watching over my species. I mean ive done the same with what i deem to be less important species than i am, only on a rlativel;y muuuch les important scale lol.

And actually bottom line how you fuickinh pout it? did america fake the moon landing? thjat just really goes to show how effectiove their propaganda is. It was al;ways about if AMERICA could make it there. Fucking guess what if americas indeed fucking did set their pussy feet up there a number of other countries would have too by now.

Anyways ium not gonna say anything more about this until if and when that chinese dark side of the moon probe comes back.

Now that you got mne pissed off hers anbother thing im fucking getting worried about.

Ive been to a place where national geographic and discovery channel exist upon a tv set, ad ive founda DISTURBING amount of chinese culture/history related type tv show wanna be documentaries on the schedule, As somne of you more self enquiring people might have wondered, what fuck is happening???

We should all know by now, no matter how small your fucking iq is (yes even if youre a yank), tv is nothing else than a mass propaganda acclimating equipment. Im only 26 years old but i swear TO GOD in the poast couple of generations ive seen certain propaganda propagating media have just an alarming effect on the moulding of the masses. it fucking scares me to FUCK when i see certain channels who are seen by the majoriuty of people and proclaimed to be great sources of information pushing out cultural and historic propaganda of a cencored and brainwashed nation which whores, pollutes and diseases itself out to any nation willing to buy chinese yen.
im honestly shitting my breaches cause i know foir a fact people whoive travelled to ruyral china, fuck you dont even nee dto go rural chine go any major city, and those exploited pieces of work are living in fucking misery,do you even fucking thinkl they know what happy means? Do you really thin china is a fucking country? Fuck off no reginal geographic area ''bounded'' political borders with something like 55 ethnic groupos and over 100 living speking languages EVER fucking was a bloogy ''country''/. wtf is a countrey anyways?! you explain that to me really? can you please???
One of the largest countries in europe is spain with junt around 80 million inhabitnants. I challange you to go to either Galicia, Andalucia, Catalunya and the Basque country and make someone willingly claim they are spanish lol ill give you 5 gran, i swear on my testicles' health, if you managhe to fiund a born and bread catalunya resiudent to say they are actually spanish. You get my fucking point chinas not a fucking country.

Anyways ive ranmted too fuckingh mucvh actually realizing how pissed off oi am atm is making me arrive to the conclusion i need a serious! psychadeliuc retreat, or a murdering rampage i dunno... whichever ones deems to be the healthies at the point of choice.
LMAO i got to say man this is awesome
I rea;;y dont think normal human beings can imagine what it really means to have literally all the money in the world or close to it.... Owning newspapers and tv stations for you to slightly lean or control whats said in your benefit (be it long or short term for either you or a cause or group). Ffs just look at the past 10 years peadophile reports of crimes ion europe. Theyre most of them alllll done by high people in government or businesses. i swaer to god ppl hjuge amounts of money do crazy shit!!! do the humanoid species. After a while dusting your balls on cocaine and sprinkling them allover your servants as they rape eachother just ISNT enough, i swear to god it just dont cut it anylonger. So them sick pieces of shit start figuring out of crazy shit they can almost get way with (and definetly do) due to their power, nah its really ot about mnoney anymore, once you eithert start seeing so many millions go in the account so often if you are halkf smnart it just becomes fucking power man. Most of these cunts you never hear about its not over money they wank its power. They nut themselves over stacks of 5 mill (and prolly burn it when done) after they rape 8 year old kids. Fffs sake go read any p[eadophile scandl in britain in the past 5 years ALL involve some kind of government entity and all go away just as fast as theyt came in.

I rea;;y dont think normal human beings can imagine what it really means to have literally all the money in the world or close to it.... Owning newspapers and tv stations for you to slightly lean or control whats said in your benefit (be it long or short term for either you or a cause or group). Ffs just look at the past 10 years peadophile reports of crimes ion europe. Theyre most of them alllll done by high people in government or businesses. i swaer to god ppl hjuge amounts of money do crazy shit!!! do the humanoid species. After a while dusting your balls on cocaine and sprinkling them allover your servants as they rape eachother just ISNT enough, i swear to god it just dont cut it anylonger. So them sick pieces of shit start figuring out of crazy shit they can almost get way with (and definetly do) due to their power, nah its really ot about mnoney anymore, once you eithert start seeing so many millions go in the account so often if you are halkf smnart it just becomes fucking power man. Most of these cunts you never hear about its not over money they wank its power. They nut themselves over stacks of 5 mill (and prolly burn it when done) after they rape 8 year old kids. Fffs sake go read any p[eadophile scandl in britain in the past 5 years ALL involve some kind of government entity and all go away just as fast as theyt came in.

almost EVERYONE HAS A PRICE. Some higher than others, but the system we are brainwashed in we are pretty much programmed that way. One you find someone without a price who matters theyll be dead within a week, just my guess...
Wow man! Science much? Jesus Christ I can't believe this shit is still debated. Your points are dumb. And you do realize 24,000 mph is nothing through the vacuum of space right? A peice of paper will go 100,000,000 miles an hour through a vacuum without fluttering.
think about it common sense even the space station and all space shuttles they never left our atmosphere or space station is not in space in actual space
The International Space Station orbits Earth in this layer. mesopause—the boundary between the mesosphere and the thermosphere; the coldest place on Earth. mesosphere—the layer in which most meteors burn up after entering Earth's atmosphere and before reaching Earth's surface. were talking 24,000 miles per hr
are you aware what the space shuttle reaches as in speed

  1. about 17,500 miles per hour

    Q. How fast does a Space Shuttle travel? What is its altitude? How much fuel does it use? A. Like any other object in low Earth orbit, a Shuttle must reach speeds of about 17,500 miles per hour (28,000 kilometers per hour) to remain in orbit.

  1. curious how much boost would it take to get a rocket to the speed to make it to the moon ?? in such a short time and have enough fuel ?? remember even to get out of earths gravitational pull they go through to boosters tanks 1 million pounds lol put this all together and its highly logical that NO they never landed on the moon yet got even close enough in 2.5 days not a fucking chance
  2. Shit the heat @ 24,000 mph this means when some of them space shuttles disapeared in front of our eyes ??? and fell in millons of pieces should of survived it with out a scratch
Criticizing the Space Shuttle is like punching America in the face. After all, it’s been a symbol of national pride for thirty years..
For many the best day was the final flight of the Space Shuttle Discovery to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum…because a museum is where the shuttle belongs.
To put it bluntly Merica has the worst fatality rate
Let me spell it out for you: out of five Shuttles–Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavor—two met a disastrous and fiery fate. That’s a 40% vehicular failure rate (updated) and a flight failure rate of 1.5%. This would have grounded any other vehicle permanently. and thats just getting to the outter part of out atmosphere but believe TV and think yeah weeze mercians were the first on the moon lol Right
To compare, the Apollo I mission resulted in the death three astronauts during a launch pad test. The Mercury and Gemini missions had no fatalities.

The Chinese space program has currently had no fatalities.

As for the Russian space program, one cosmonaut died during the re-entry of the Soyuz 1, and three died on the Soyuz 11 after being exposed to vacuum.

(There is no hard data available on the deaths of Soviet-era cosmonauts, but unsubstantiated rumors suggest that there may have been Soviet casualties in the early days of the space race.)
The space shuttle killed more people then any other space vehicle in human history and you made it to the moon :)
One thing is be a patriot other is using your noggen only way countries get to planets is by robots i believe usa has landed on the moon but no man has ever a robot has like the one on mars presently
truth is we know feelings get hurt and god forbid if usa lied to its people after all we look up to our government to do right things
America don't fuck around ask Juan Pablo Escobar Or one of sadams kids.

You are right my American Brother...Yes hoday and koday or how ever you spell it got a good taste of American goodness and one of their 14yr old kids was so stupid to point a gun at trained killers while hiding under a bed? Lol They were a bunch of dumb fucks. They should of stuck to sucking camel dicks.

Oh and Darth can believe we didnt land on the moon if you choose, we are all entitled to our opinions, but would you walk up to those guys (astronauts) and call them liars? Alittle respect to those guys that risked their lives to further our space exploration is due. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize everyone who worked on the project didn't lie about it, they worked their asses off on it and we did it.
The space shuttle killed more people then any other space vehicle in human history and you made it to the moon :)
One thing is be a patriot other is using your noggen only way countries get to planets is by robots i believe usa has landed on the moon but no man has ever a robot has like the one on mars presently
truth is we know feelings get hurt and god forbid if usa lied to its people after all we look up to our government to do right things

We did not go to the moon in the Space Shuttle. So that is a straw man. As for your logic surrounding the Space Shuttle killing humans you have to look at exposure rates of these types of activities. An alternate explanation for machines is it is cheaper. They are currently taking the meatspace out of the cockpit as we move to drones. But trust me we did have fighter systems with pilots prior to moving to drones.

One of my Physics professors, a mathematician was one of the men who did those mathematical calculations. When he worked at Cal Tech. Back when we were launching Apollo missions JPL/Cal Tech would lose 1 mathematician, physicist, or engineer per week during these launches to a heart attack or stroke. They kept 2 ambulances on the grounds where they worked. So it breaks my heart to think about those men, the jobs they did and the sacrifices they made being relegated to conspiracy theory.

Unless you've had enough Calculus and Physics you can't understand N-body problems so you won't understand the solution. Essentially you dismiss what appears magical to you. It is sad to see the devolution. I suggest you take Physics and Calculus. Once you can do Differential Equations and Integration the answers will present themselves if you care to look.

It's pretty much all out there on the internet if you care to google it. Essentially for the sufficiently educated no proof is necessary but they can do the integration.
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We did not go to the moon in the Space Shuttle. So that is a straw man. As for your logic surrounding the Space Shuttle killing humans you have to look at exposure rates of these types of activities. An alternate explanation for machines is it is cheaper. They are currently taking the meatspace out of the cockpit as we move to drones. But trust me we did have fighter systems with pilots prior to moving to drones.

One of my Physics professors, a mathematician who I shall call Dr. Joe was one of the men who did those mathematical calculations. When he worked at Cal Tech. Back when we were launching Apollo missions JPL/Cal Tech would lose 1 mathematician, physicist, or engineer per week during these launches to a heart attack or stroke. They kept 2 ambulances on the grounds where they worked. So it breaks my heart to think about those men, the jobs they did and the sacrifices they made being relegated to conspiracy theory.

Unless you've had enough Calculus and Physics you can't understand N-body problems so you won't understand the solution. Essentially you dismiss what appears magical to you. It is sad to see the devolution. I suggest you take Physics and Calculus. Once you can do Differential Equations and Integration the answers will present themselves if you care to look.

It's pretty much all out there on the internet if you care to google it. Essentially for the sufficiently educated no proof is necessary but they can do the integration.

everything is easy written on paper like you said just saying is this how they landed on the mars ?? of course but cmon open your eyes you mention is it cheaper well if you use your calculations and get the right answer it cost 1.3 billion per launch could this be the reason NASA went bankrupt ???
everything is easy written on paper like you said just saying is this how they landed on the mars ?? of course but cmon open your eyes you mention is it cheaper well if you use your calculations and get the right answer it cost 1.3 billion per launch could this be the reason NASA went bankrupt ???

I have open eyes and the mathematics and physics to know the solutions were valid. Most importantly I was of sufficient age I was punished with the mathematics of the moon landing as it was happening.

In the 1960's when we were engaging in MAD with the Soviets there were no budgetary constraints. Further what does our sending a mission to Mars have to do with our landings on the moon? Essentially as our technology evolved our exploratory techniques shifted to less risk and less cost.

But I come from a time when men gambled their lives on their convictions and they did not always win.
Don't you think the Russians would have easly outed us, if we tried to fake it?...this was still the cold war going one...
hey bro was doing some investigative journalism lol and would you believe Russia had the first space station back in 1972 ???
and also since many seem to forget after many failed attempts to re supply the space station like space X explosion ,, but how did food finally get up there ???
and which country did it ???
After a series of failed resupply missions, the International Space Station finally got assorted goodies for its crew Sunday when a Russian spacecraft filled with supplies docked at the station.

The unmanned rocket blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Friday. It carried 6,100 pounds of food, fuel, water, oxygen and other supplies.
I have open eyes and the mathematics and physics to know the solutions were valid. Most importantly I was of sufficient age I was punished with the mathematics of the moon landing as it was happening.

In the 1960's when we were engaging in MAD with the Soviets there were no budgetary constraints. Further what does our sending a mission to Mars have to do with our landings on the moon? Essentially as our technology evolved our exploratory techniques shifted to less risk and less cost.

But I come from a time when men gambled their lives on their convictions and they did not always win.
Yah back then we didn't have the tech to fake any such missions. Game set match.