U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies

Most civilized countries look down on the sexual abuse of children for good reason. It's incredibly psychologically damaging and leads to an unhealthy society full of perverted sickos who were likely abused as children themselves. Basically the cycle of sexual abuse just keeps going until somebody puts a stop to it. This isn't a difference of cultures. It's a good vs evil kinda thing. Sexually abusing children is wrong in any decent culture and should never be socially acceptable. There's no 'gray area' for this practice to fall into.
I agree, but we don't control the entire globe. Hell we have trouble enough with our own little corner of it...
This is crazy but I want to thank you for posting this. I have a buddy that severed in Afghanistan on a couple of tours. He has told me a lot of fucked up stories but this was one that I won't forget. This article is almost identical to the stories my friend told me. This is something that people should be aware of so thanks.
Not relieving people of command for doing something about blatant child sex abuse would be a good start.

“The reason we were here is because we heard the terrible things the Taliban were doing to people, how they were taking away human rights,” said Dan Quinn, a former Special Forces captain who beat up an American-backed militia commander for keeping a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave. “But we were putting people into power who would do things that were worse than the Taliban did — that was something village elders voiced to me.”

The policy of instructing soldiers to ignore child sexual abuse by their Afghan allies is coming under new scrutiny, particularly as it emerges that service members like Captain Quinn have faced discipline, even career ruin, for disobeying it.

After the beating, the Army relieved Captain Quinn of his command and pulled him from Afghanistan. He has since left the military."

That`s your CinC in action. He knows more than we do. He continues to preach diplomacy is the best policy. Nobody can do anything about the pedophiles until the boss say so. Little boys will suffer for it, longer and more frequently than if Obama does not allow it.

The fact that it`s under new scrutiny, means it was allowed to start with. If it`s in our best interest to allow it,...shoot your way out, send Putin in.
So why does America keep arming the ultra-radicals like ISIS?

The CIA trained and bank rolled Al Queda in their infancy to fight against Russia in Afghanistan...

Installed the Shah in Iran...

Props up Saudi Arabia, Israel...

Pro-tip: Actually fix the Middle East (that you idiots broke) instead of sitting around dumbfoundedly exclaiming "isn't it awful over there".

Disposed of a moderate like Saddam with the entire conventional might of the US military but won't lift a finger to kill ISIS.
War is obscene. I mean that in every sense of the word. Some veterans will tell you that you can't know war if you haven't served in one, if you haven't seen combat. These are often the same guys who won't tell you the truths that they know about war and who never think to blame themselves in any way for our collective ignorance. just have to look at the rape americans did in Vietnam
War is obscene. I mean that in every sense of the word. Some veterans will tell you that you can't know war if you haven't served in one, if you haven't seen combat. These are often the same guys who won't tell you the truths that they know about war and who never think to blame themselves in any way for our collective ignorance. just have to look at the rape americans did in Vietnam
Unless they were conscripted, they signed up for it but now they're deserving some kind of reverential treatment?

I'll give you a hint, if you don't want to go to war don't join the military (especially not one that regularly goes for "sortees").
This is how far we have fallen as a country and an indicator that our leadership no longer represents the people.
and what should the US military do about it?
When ur a US soldier u MUST COMPLY or you will be charged with Insubordination.Rape is rape dont matter if it be a woman,child or man its wrong.It has nothing to do with religion its wrong.However same as with that redneck KY clerk u CANT let religious views impede ur duties.You must be willing to execute orders & laws or face punishments.All any of us can do is pray to our gods & saints or who or whatever your higher power be to send mercy,justice & compassion to those that must endure horrid things & to those that are forced to do nothing & must struggle to maintain control of themselves.
Blessed Be
In a combat zone, rape is the equivalent of j-walking in combat. There are so many more obscene atrocities going on all around you, that rape doesn't even register on the scale...
I'll take your word as you've been in much nastier shit than I can imagine.
But I still have a moral compass that I hope wouldn't become desensitized by the brutality of war.

I mean no disrespect at all - just hope I could never be ambivalent to that sort of behavior.
I'll take your word as you've been in much nastier shit than I can imagine.
But I still have a moral compass that I hope wouldn't become desensitized by the brutality of war.

I mean no disrespect at all - just hope I could never be ambivalent to that sort of behavior.
No bro. I understand people have no concept of what it's like....I never could have imagined it myself....
I'll take your word as you've been in much nastier shit than I can imagine.
But I still have a moral compass that I hope wouldn't become desensitized by the brutality of war.

I mean no disrespect at all - just hope I could never be ambivalent to that sort of behavior.

It's a priorities thing; when you're taking fire, the world gets real small and what people are doing to one another disappears from your attention very quickly. Survival means getting a thick skin.

I'm not condoning anything; war itself is the worst thing humans can do to one another.

What REALLY makes me sick to my stomach are all the young chicken hawks in Congress calling for more and more and more wars... knowing they won't suffer any repercussions.
No bro. I understand people have no concept of what it's like....I never could have imagined it myself....

So TELL US. Don't make the mistake of a dozen generations and refuse to share what you saw or did out of some misplaced sense of decorum; TELL IT LIKE IT IS.

It's the only way to help prevent more of them. Only when people know just how horrible war is will they hold their representatives accountable for starting them. Especially for stupid reasons like profits.