Sure i believe you... you are the masters and im the peasant...Pot does not use anything but water early in its life. As it ages it begins taking up what is in the soil. You don't believe us?
Sure i believe you... you are the masters and im the peasant...Pot does not use anything but water early in its life. As it ages it begins taking up what is in the soil. You don't believe us?
soo the watts count together okay yeah i will need more light rig... all from lowes or home depot.... u want the 6500k imo and wont find it in anything on shelf in bigger then 23 true watts u want 4 of them ....1 lamp kit...7.49...its just the plug and socket u wire it its simple .... 2 to 1 socket splitter.... u will only need three since you already have a 90 ......they are 2.49 a peice... this will give u altogether 92 more watts.... for a total of 182... more then enough for 3/4 weeks of veg over a plant...
i stoped watering because i tought that too.. it recovered a bit got back down again soo i dont knowur plant is over watered, under lighted period....imo ... but do what u want
well just needs more watt right ?ur plant is over watered, under lighted period....imo ... but do what u want
okay soo i should let itr dry out for the next days ?yes.... the soil will dry and ur plant will perk up ... judge when to water by the weight of your pot... when it real light its time to water...
yes till ur cup is light,,, and ur lights pick up ur droop leavesokay soo i should let itr dry out for the next days ?
i never gave anything else.. just normal carbon filtered water..and JUST WATer... The soil has enough nutrients in it to last a while... it is Hot but not burning so u are great....
soo she should recover in the next " 2days" ?yes till ur cup is light,,, and ur lights pick up ur droop leaves
and stay in for that soil or change it how haarley said ?then if u want to transplant go for it.... but wait till ur plants in good ideal health first
okay i hope soo... i lowered the light now... ill go to the store and buy the other one.. the yelloowish edges are there because not enough light ?she should recover a few hours after ur light is closer atleast by morning
i dont have foxfarm.. its just a premium flower soil.. i just said foxfarm because harley said too much nutes..stay in fox farms in my opinion unless u have a reason to change... like nute burn.... burnt brown tips edges etc....