Small Plant with beginning yellowish edge


Well-Known Member
really gotta watch it with 24/0 ive had to give them a 6 hour break 2 times in there life i would recommend a 20/4 but i dont have a timer and i sleep more then 4 hours lol


Well-Known Member
20150921_132235.jpg 10 days into flowwering .... the back plant buzz light gear vegged for 3 weeks.... i am running 700w of cfls in a 4x4x6 ... i will uprade to hps for flowering next grow


Well-Known Member
20150921_132113.jpg just popped 1st pistils three days before her pic at day 7 but here they are at day 10 everywhere and longgggggg... female for sure


Well-Known Member
Yes there is... il stop by later
Likely they will know why you are there.Don't say it though. Ask at the same time about lights in the red spectrum to flower with. Tropical fish, corals and plants all have different light needs and tropical fish stores supply those needs. Since you are going small right now.


Well-Known Member
21w is fine if you dont find anything else if ur building that rig still will be ok with 4 bulbs ... i agree with hotrod 40w would be awesome if you could find it and u would only need 2 plus the 90 u have .... dont settle for 5k push for that 6500k... also IMPORTANT u want atleast 1600 lumens per bulb <- more lumens the better .... i think the 21w are 1600....forgot to mention that earlier ..... i have 42w cfls for flower they are 2700k and push out 2750 lumens they are awesome but i couldnt find them in 6500k