EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Republicans are Greedheads, pure and simple. They think no one built their business but them and they don't need to pay for the benefits they receive from society.

Talking sense to the greedy is a fool's errand; we need to tell everyone ELSE how badly they're being screwed by the Greedheads.
i believe every human being is worth the conversation including uncle ben.

no = not now = you haven't given enough facts to convince.

some need more than others.
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Well-Known Member
i believe every human being is worth the conversation including uncle ben.

no = not now = you haven't said enough to convince.
And yet there are still doubters about Newtonian mechanics...

I say convince those who can be and discredit the rest. Their tactics, not mine.


Well-Known Member
And yet there are still doubters about Newtonian mechanics...

I say convince those who can be and discredit the rest. Their tactics, not mine.
Do you mean Newtonian physics? Newtonian mechanics sounds like a boy band...


Well-Known Member
Your failure at life is not indicative of a failure in the system.
any personal successes or failures are because of myself and i hold no one accountable for my choices or actions.

whole economic theory(ies) existed and had impact long before i existed and will continue long after i'm gone.

i'm here to assist (as best i can) in leveling the playing field for all good humans..not just some.


Well-Known Member
any personal successes or failures are because of myself and i hold no one accountable for my choices or actions.

whole economic theory(ies) existed and had impact long before i existed and will continue long after i'm gone.

i'm here to assist (as best i can) in leveling the playing field for all good humans..not just some.
"Level the playing field"


How do you attain these things by attaching a punitively high tax on the higher income brackets?

Is that "lefty equality" ??


Well-Known Member
"Level the playing field"


How do you attain these things by attaching a punitively high tax on the higher income brackets?

Is that "lefty equality" ??
standard business tax rate is 35% it's also been my tax bracket for many years..yet 25 of the 30 fortune 500's pay none of their share of 35%..do you see where i'm going with this?

35% of let's say 100k vs. -45% of billions of dollars of profit?

you can't be serious..just fucking with me.


Well-Known Member
standard business tax rate is 35% it's also been my tax bracket for many years..yet 25 of the 30 fortune 500's pay none of their share of 35%..do you see where i'm going with this?

35% of let's say 100k vs. -45% of billions of dollars of profit?

you can't be serious..just fucking with me.
That's cronyism and I definately don't agree with it.

That doesn't mean you whip out the torches and pitchforks for wealthy private individuals tho...


Well-Known Member
Bernie has yet to receive even one endorsement from anyone in the House or Senate.
Hmmm, I wonder why...?
And yet there remains a lingering sense among many Democrats that a Sanders' nomination would spell doom for the party in 2016 — a sentiment highlighted by the fact that not a single Democrat in either chamber has endorsed the No. 2 primary contender.
Asked why Sanders hasn't won any Democratic endorsements, Grijalva predicted that would soon change.
"It'll come," he said.
It will come after Hillary craters even more dramatically than she has thus far...rats from a sinking ship and all...hahahaah
The Dems are simply waiting for Hillary to reach critical negative mass...then they will all jump ship...political expedience is the key....

This is quite a dramatic set of circumstances which should play out with much mirthful drama...stay tuned!
Excerpts from:
Democrats: Sanders unelectable
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Well-Known Member
Bernie has yet to receive even one endorsement from anyone in the House or Senate.
Hmmm, I wonder why...?
And yet there remains a lingering sense among many Democrats that a Sanders' nomination would spell doom for the party in 2016 — a sentiment highlighted by the fact that not a single Democrat in either chamber has endorsed the No. 2 primary contender.
Asked why Sanders hasn't won any Democratic endorsements, Grijalva predicted that would soon change.
"It'll come," he said.
It will come after Hillary craters even more dramatically than she has thus far...rats from a sinking ship and all...hahahaah
The Dems are simply waiting for Hillary to reach critical negative mass...then they will all jump ship...political expedience is the key....

This is quite a dramatic set of circumstances which should play out with much mirthful drama...stay tuned!
Excerpts from:
Democrats: Sanders unelectable
perhaps it's bernie who wishes no endorsement from the establishment?:mrgreen:

in other words..that's not saying much.

time to think about dusting off that brush kit for my monthly detailing you'll be performing..did i mention it includes a recreational doob while i'm waiting?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
perhaps it's bernie who wishes no endorsement from the establishment?:mrgreen:

in other words..that's not saying much.

time to think about dusting off that brush kit for my monthly detailing you'll be performing..did i mention it includes a recreational doob while i'm waiting?bongsmilie
"We have the delegates and popular support"

Ron Paul 2012


Well-Known Member
perhaps it's bernie who wishes no endorsement from the establishment?:mrgreen:

in other words..that's not saying much.

time to think about dusting off that brush kit for my monthly detailing you'll be performing..did i mention it includes a recreational doob while i'm waiting?bongsmilie
It is waaaay too early...but at the very least, it will be entertaining to see what transpires...time will reveal all...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It is waaaay too early...but at the very least, it will be entertaining to see what transpires...time will reveal all...:bigjoint:
It isn't too early. It's exactly the right time for those who practice advanced citizenship. After the primaries is too late!


Well-Known Member
i devoured every word:

A minute later, a young reporter behind a camera asked this: “How do you reconcile being the anti-establishment candidate with being a career politician?”

It had a definite “gotcha” tone, and Sanders ignored it until another reporter came to her defense. What unfolded next, in a classic Sanders monologue, might have been the closest thing I’ve seen to an Aaron Sorkin script playing out in real life. He pointedly faced the camera, as if choosing to speak directly to the people rather than the corrupt media standing between them, and rattled off an improvised defense.

“I’ve been in office for 25 years,” he began. “As a candidate for mayor of Burlington, I became the first independent ever elected in the city’s history by taking on the entire ruling class of the city of Burlington? Does that sound like a career politician? When I began my political career, I got 2 percent of the vote, and then 1 percent of the vote. Last election, I got 71 percent of the vote. Running for office, representing working people, taking on Wall Street, taking on the military-industrial complex, taking on private insurance companies, taking on pharmaceutical industry. I don’t think that makes me a career politician—I think that makes me a candidate who is standing up for working people and prepared to take on the big-money interests in this country.”

Behind us, a small crowd had trickled in from the gym. They cheered when he finished, and they stayed even after he walked out the door a minute later. Hearing them behind me, you could sense hope, and you could sense desperation. They cheered because of belief, but they stayed because of fear. Beneath the joy, there was the darker sense that Sanders might represent the last chance for progressive politics in America. When this feeling goes away, it doesn’t come back.

thank you reddan:hug:


Well-Known Member
Joy and fear; joy because finally SOMEONE on the campaign trail is speaking to issues that matter to regular people- and fear because the alternative is the stark reality of fascism; the total control of politics by monied interests as opposed to a majority of The People.

We need to start using this word; FASCISM. Use it to describe policies and laws enacted by the Right in this country that limit or flat out trample citizen's Constitutional Rights. It isn't a fabrication, nor is it an exaggeration in this current Gilded Age of privatized prisons, militarized police and separate justice for government employees vs the rest of us.

If the mainstream Right can scream 'Socialism' when describing Mr Obama's policies (as if saying it makes it so; they're just 'republican lite' in a pathetic effort to look different while committing the same crimes against the People), then the left can certainly use the far more damning term- FASCISM- because it fits the facts.