GOP debate

You're a "have my cake and eat it too" kind of fella.

Assuming you live on United States soil, you are forced to be protected by our military and laws, even if you don't want it. But I highly suspect you do. Enter the cake.

The notion that you have to play along to get along either flies right over your tiny head or you stubbornly ignore it. In either case, your dissenting opinion of the government and "how it works" is thankful quite rare, and would affect policy. Eating it too.

If the person or entity "protecting you" uses force to ensure you have no choice but to use them to gain protection....isn't that a bit circular ? (rhetorical question by the way, it IS circular)

Especially if they then say, "you have to pay us extortion to protect you from people that might harm you or extort from you or we'll harm you, so pay us the extortion! "

It is entirely possible to offer protection, without extortion or claiming to be the sole entity that must be used to provide said protection. You've just never been allowed to see it, that's all.

Your inability to escape the maze will forever have you on their treadmill, thinking the cheese they give you is a cake.

Stick to ogling cheesecake and getting all bulbous, you're better at that than discerning your own self imposed cage and the level of your accepted acquiescence reinforced by your indoctrination, slave.
Peggy Noonan makes some interesting points in her WSJ piece today regarding the Trump effect.

The gift of Trump is that just by showing up he makes people watch the Republican debates. The force of his presence makes it all bigger, more exciting, as if something important is happening. That elevates the field. The other candidates are noticed too, and get a chance to make an impression. It’s enlarging.

The cost of Trump is that he turns it all into “Survivor.” That trivializes serious candidates. Mr. Trump has so upped the dramatic ante that the networks have jumped in as players, goading dopey candidate No. 3 to confront and attack dopey candidate No. 4. This is diminishing. They’re puppets in somebody else’s show.

This journalistic approach is in line with the general national mood of hating politicians. Will they cuff around the Democrats like that? And by becoming active players in the drama, do journalists themselves become the newest freaks in what they themselves call the freak show?

A Democratic pundit there to do cable told me something smart. Journalists are now acclimating themselves to the new reality, he said. A few months ago they thought Mr. Trump and reality TV were climbing over the wall trying to get into the real world of politics. Now they realize it’s journalists trying to climb over the wall into the new world of reality TV. That, he said, is now the real world of politics.

Above excerpted from:

I'm more than happy to talk about how statists on both sides of the aisle (primarily Democrats) are responsible for our ridiculous progressive tax system that makes exactly what you described, possible.

Enter the flat tax. Solves everything...end of debate. Who's for that? How many Dems? How would they give GE a pass on taxes?

Please don't say it adversely affects the poor, almost every flat tax proposal waives the first $20k or so of income. I'll bet you didn't know that, did you?

why are you regurgitating pat buchanan talking points on a cannabis website?

are you really that out of touch, Mr. 54-40?
Nice to finally meet a fan of the 1120S form and related schedules.

it's 5 pages. it's all step by step stuff. i don't see how it should be a problem for anyone. then again, i am a math and numbers person, so it all seems easy enough.
it's 5 pages. it's all step by step stuff. i don't see how it should be a problem for anyone. then again, i am a math and numbers person, so it all seems easy enough.
I guess we have more supporting schedules and worksheets to fill out than you do.
good one, ben! do you suppose we will achieve tax reform when the bbbbbbbbillionaire class pays to write their own tax code? what is your idea?..let's talk..

The politicians pass the legislation that the billionaire class writes. And the multi-millionaires that make up the congress and senate vote them in.

What is bernie sanders net worth? Why do liberals keep voting in really really rich people to protect them from the really really rich people??
Did I just read this right? You think Dems aren't responsible for just as much of the current tax code as the Repubs? Do you hear any of them screaming for a flat tax? Of course not, it's hard to provide political favors through the tax code if you're bound by a flat tax.

There was no distraction, there was a straightforward answer you don't like. Let me be clear, the ONLY way you end the problem you've described is a flat tax.

Small tweaks to the existing system are meaningless. You're trying to put out the campfire while the cabin is burning down behind you.

I noticed you don't want to address the flat tax because it answers your question and with the "po' folks" waiver amount, there's no way you can cut it down. No more IRS, no more political favors through tax breaks, rich paying their fair share, poor provided a substantial break, easy awful.

I would like to point out what a joke it is for any president to promise to cut power from another branch of government. Which would be what simplifying the tax code would do to the senate and congress. Neither party is going to do it any time soon yet people keep thinking they will. Lucy and Charlie Brown come to mind...

At this point I am with the Democrats on this one. At least they are not even promising to reform the tax code which is more honest than 90% of the Republicans.
If the person or entity "protecting you" uses force to ensure you have no choice but to use them to gain protection....isn't that a bit circular ? (rhetorical question by the way, it IS circular)

Especially if they then say, "you have to pay us extortion to protect you from people that might harm you or extort from you or we'll harm you, so pay us the extortion! "

It is entirely possible to offer protection, without extortion or claiming to be the sole entity that must be used to provide said protection. You've just never been allowed to see it, that's all.

Your inability to escape the maze will forever have you on their treadmill, thinking the cheese they give you is a cake.

Stick to ogling cheesecake and getting all bulbous, you're better at that than discerning your own self imposed cage and the level of your accepted acquiescence reinforced by your indoctrination, slave.

Yet here you are suckling from the government's nipple, happily accepting their protection. I'm no more a slave than you oh unwise-one, but what slips your mind, conveniently, is that we have a choice to put up, or shut up. I decided a long time ago, that though our government is quite flawed, I don't mind providing some of my hard earned money to provided support and protection for those who can't. Because at the end of the day, if the law can't help me from imminent threat, my silenced SBRs and long range snipers will do the trick.

Oh, and your tiny penis is tiny.