Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
You're a "have my cake and eat it too" kind of fella.
Assuming you live on United States soil, you are forced to be protected by our military and laws, even if you don't want it. But I highly suspect you do. Enter the cake.
The notion that you have to play along to get along either flies right over your tiny head or you stubbornly ignore it. In either case, your dissenting opinion of the government and "how it works" is thankful quite rare, and would affect policy. Eating it too.
If the person or entity "protecting you" uses force to ensure you have no choice but to use them to gain protection....isn't that a bit circular ? (rhetorical question by the way, it IS circular)
Especially if they then say, "you have to pay us extortion to protect you from people that might harm you or extort from you or we'll harm you, so pay us the extortion! "
It is entirely possible to offer protection, without extortion or claiming to be the sole entity that must be used to provide said protection. You've just never been allowed to see it, that's all.
Your inability to escape the maze will forever have you on their treadmill, thinking the cheese they give you is a cake.
Stick to ogling cheesecake and getting all bulbous, you're better at that than discerning your own self imposed cage and the level of your accepted acquiescence reinforced by your indoctrination, slave.