Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Stow, I don't believe genuity is beemo. Me and genuity have private convos some time. He has always been nice to me.

Lets not turn this thread into a witch hunt.

Some guys don't like to deal with the same old conversation over and over. Even something resembling it will put them on the defense.

My hubby is like that.

I'm willing to bet that genuity didn't read all the posts and just skimmed.

Genuity comes off as a 26-28 year old. Beemo comes off as a 18-19 year old boy.
33 years young...34 if you count the belly time....nice upbringing,3 kids one with diabetes type 1....converted from the D game to the green rush.....

Any more info,anybody needs let me know.
What is talking to a mod going to prove? I post on here from at least a 1/2 dozen different computers, all with different IP addresses.
All the same place....if you know how it works.

Ask a MOD,or you are just in here to stir shitstorms.

Back to baseless claims
33 years young...34 if you count the belly time....nice upbringing,3 kids one with diabetes type 1....converted from the D game to the green rush.....

Any more info,anybody needs let me know.
I knew you were older.

You got any gage girls vegging right now?

What's in the future for your grow?
All the same place....if you know how it works.

Ask a MOD,or you are just in here to stir shitstorms.

Back to baseless claims

I know how it works. You telling me that every computer I have, at each one of my offices, all in different cities, all have the same IP address?

Do you know how it works?

Anyway, like I said before, I could be wrong. I'll eat crow if proven wrong. That doesn't excuse the fact that this thread had no bickering about anything, including prices, until Beemo showed up. How many times have you cheered him on with your "I guess Beemo was right all along". He's the only one stirring shit about prices, and yet you don't see that. Just buddy buddy with him.
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