Viking Fruit 15/16

Quiet Riot 1983 Us festival, crazy fucken day there. In fact I missed Quiet Riot, I finally got in the place half way during Motley Crews set. They estimated that 250,000 people expected, but they say over 500,000 showed on that Sunday, and I believe them. CRAZY FUCKEN OUT OF CONTROL MADNESS! And that was just getting into the place. Nothing like I've ever seen before, hot crowded, I had my girlfriend with me, so that made things 10X worse dealing with her complaining all day, walking for miles and miles. That was a good day to be 19 years old, 6'4" and 275 pounds. The crowds were over whelming, I can't imagine for someone like my girlfriend 5'-4" tall and 120 pounds. It was suffocating there.
Glad I went, but would never do it again. Something that big and unorganized, no thanks.... I'm too old now!...LOL
Quiet Riot 1983 Us festival, crazy fucken day there. In fact I missed Quiet Riot, I finally got in the place half way during Motley Crews set. They estimated that 250,000 people expected, but they say over 500,000 showed on that Sunday, and I believe them. CRAZY FUCKEN OUT OF CONTROL MADNESS! And that was just getting into the place. Nothing like I've ever seen before, hot crowded, I had my girlfriend with me, so that made things 10X worse dealing with her complaining all day, walking for miles and miles. That was a good day to be 19 years old, 6'4" and 275 pounds. The crowds were over whelming, I can't imagine for someone like my girlfriend 5'-4" tall and 120 pounds. It was suffocating there.
Glad I went, but would never do it again. Something that big and unorganized, no thanks.... I'm too old now!...LOL
O'ya, Van Halen sucked that night to. David Lee Roth was fucked up on booze and put on a terrible performance.
Quiet Riot 1983 Us festival, crazy fucken day there. In fact I missed Quiet Riot, I finally got in the place half way during Motley Crews set. They estimated that 250,000 people expected, but they say over 500,000 showed on that Sunday, and I believe them. CRAZY FUCKEN OUT OF CONTROL MADNESS! And that was just getting into the place. Nothing like I've ever seen before, hot crowded, I had my girlfriend with me, so that made things 10X worse dealing with her complaining all day, walking for miles and miles. That was a good day to be 19 years old, 6'4" and 275 pounds. The crowds were over whelming, I can't imagine for someone like my girlfriend 5'-4" tall and 120 pounds. It was suffocating there.
Glad I went, but would never do it again. Something that big and unorganized, no thanks.... I'm too old now!...LOL
83 i was a 10 yr these stories tmb
I got a few more.
I would help my buddies hard rock band in high school (class of 1982, No Surprise was the bands name) when they would have a gig or even practice (the party spot). They played all the time, they were decent. A bunch of Mexican/Chicano rockers (I grew up in East Los Angeles, moved to the Yosemite area in 1987). Back yards, clubs, even the Whisky A-Go-Go in Hollywood a few times. The guitarist who was my partner in the band was named Rudy Rios. His Guitar Guru/teacher also taught Carlos Cavazo of Quiet Riot as well. When they formed Quite Riot is exactly when I was immersed in that scene. We would be back stage when they played locally, when they were on tour.
Believe it or not I seen Motely Crew play in a back yard before they made it big. You had to know somebody to get in that back yard. They were a big draw even back then in the L.A. club scene. I was to young to get into a lot of the clubs they played, most were 21 and over, but I did see them a couple times in certain venues. I have an original "To Fast For Love" album that was produced by their own label "Leather Records" before a big label signed them to a contract. I could only imagine what my life would have been like if I stayed in L.A.
It was good that I got out of L.A. when I did. I can't imagine living life that "fast" again.
Hope this story helps the shift go by a bit quicker.

Fucking great story man! I saw Y&T and Motley Crue in Nashville in 1985! Was a huge Crue head since the beginning with Too Fast, would give up a nut to have seen that early days backyard show man. Fuckin A!
O'ya, Van Halen sucked that night to. David Lee Roth was fucked up on booze and put on a terrible performance.

Best concert I ever saw was Van Halen at Starwood Ampitheatre in Nashvegas. Of course, Hagar was lead singer then, in like 1991 or 92 and Vince Neil opened on his solo tour. They rocked for 3 fucking hours and everybody did a solo.
Hey you mad kiwi! Good to see yah....
What you puttin down this year?
A couple of clones this year! And possibly a seed or two. Maybe some autos as a side project haha Wanted to do seeds but due to my situation its a liitle on the harder side! Still happy with what ive got though keen for the season :smile:
Best concert I ever saw was Van Halen at Starwood Ampitheatre in Nashvegas. Of course, Hagar was lead singer then, in like 1991 or 92 and Vince Neil opened on his solo tour. They rocked for 3 fucking hours and everybody did a solo.
I've seen Van Halen 4-5 times and that "US" show was the worst show I seen them do. The best show they put on was the "Women and Children First" tour in 1980 or 81. That was a fun concert.
My best concert hands down was Pink Floyd Division Bell tour at Oakland Coliseum. Frying my ass off on shrooms, I was in tears because I was so happy and feeling total euphoria during that show. I've been waiting for Floyd to tour again, but don't think that's happening. I had my hopes up when their new album came out, but no go. I seen Roger Waters do "The Wall" tour, and that kicked ass.
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Screenshot_2015-09-16-15-39-48.png If there was anything i really missed its live concert the wall with baked and now bit dru k time to put phone down and not embarrass myself
My first real metal show was ozzy!
The first time I saw Metallica was monsters of rock 88, VH, SCORPIONS, ACCEPT, And some zeppelin sound alike lol it was just before justice was released.
A couple of clones this year! And possibly a seed or two. Maybe some autos as a side project haha Wanted to do seeds but due to my situation its a liitle on the harder side! Still happy with what ive got though keen for the season :smile:
That panamanian you laid down last year was sick!!!
My first real metal show was ozzy!
The first time I saw Metallica was monsters of rock 88, VH, SCORPIONS, ACCEPT, And some zeppelin sound alike lol it was just before justice was released.

Fuck yeah! I was at Monsters of Rock in the summer of 1988 at the now long gone JFK Stadium in Philadelphia while stationed there when I was in the Navy. Seems like besides VH, there was Metallica, Dokken and another band. Ok, looked it up and it was Kingdom Come. I don't remember it being KC but that was 27 years ago.
My first real metal show was ozzy!
The first time I saw Metallica was monsters of rock 88, VH, SCORPIONS, ACCEPT, And some zeppelin sound alike lol it was just before justice was released.
Just out of high school my girlfriend had a secretarial job at a company that had 4 premium tickets to EVERY event that took place at the Fabulous Forum in Los Angeles. Concerts, hockey, boxing, basketball, everything. The salesman at my GF's work used these ticket to "woo" their clients. Not all the tickets got used by the salesman, so they would give the extra tickets to their employees. So I seen TONS of acts/concerts back in the day for free. The one act I never seen and is on my list is Metallica, and if I could see them with the symphony orchestra playing with them would be bonus!
Fuck yeah! I was at Monsters of Rock in the summer of 1988 at the now long gone JFK Stadium in Philadelphia while stationed there when I was in the Navy. Seems like besides VH, there was Metallica, Dokken and another band. Ok, looked it up and it was Kingdom Come. I don't remember it being KC but that was 27 years ago.
Lol it was kingdom come i co7ldnt remember the name, but matellica killed it and the rest were just good, i can just remember how good they were.