Minimum wage leading to touchscreens replacing cashiers?

that's actually the poverty line, kid.

fucking craigslist contractor.

For the second time ill do this.

3Bedroom apartment in my area 600 a month, utilities 150 a month combined average, food, 500 a month, that leaves enough left for misc. things like car insurance, med insurance, and so on.... And thats if there is only 1 income in the household.

A single guy working and making 12$ an hour here with no kids to support is definitely comfortable.

Oh and btw that 600 a month apartment is actually in the higher end of the spectrum.

The cost of living here is very low compared to most places. Idk the cost of living near you, im sure its higher than here, but that really doesn't matter. The point is that my employees live comfortably and enjoy their jobs.

Also, a single person with no kids and a full time job CAN support themselves on minimum wage here. They would need to be very smart with their money and it wouldn't be ideal, but its possible if they pinch pennies.
The imposition of a minimum wage will simply accelerate the inevitable robot invasion!
It is going to happen anyway, so why not speed things up by raising the minimum wage?

Researchers have assembled a full list of all the things that robots are good and bad at, and so what jobs they are likely to take. In all, about 35 per cent of jobs are likely to have been taken on by robots in the next 20 years, researchers have said.
I pay and I know. You're simply uninformed and that's probably not your fault.

A tax rate doesn't equal the net taxes paid. Of course the tax tables indicate a rate to pay, however loopholes, etc allow most major corps to pay no taxes.

What you pay in taxes is irrelevant
I make low 6 figures so that's not true in my case. Some of us actually care about our fellow man. Weird right?

I want others to be successful.

I just want them to do it on their time and dime and not expect gubermint and their neighbors to pave the fucking road for them.
lol ^^^^ No internet, cell phone, car?

Yeah, those are reeeaaallll necessities. How did we ever survive without those possessions and services?

Employers now have to fund your entertainment, communication and transportation desires because a bunch of liberal asshats and their cronies in the MSM started calling them "basic rights?"

Go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.
I pay and I know. You're simply uninformed and that's probably not your fault.

A tax rate doesn't equal the net taxes paid. Of course the tax tables indicate a rate to pay, however loopholes, etc allow most major corps to pay no taxes.

What you pay in taxes is irrelevant

We speak the same language man. People on here act like they're not taxed, which is complete bullshit. They use entirely legal means to limit what they pay but that doesn't mean it's illegal or they aren't taxed.

That's what I'm laughing about.

Even a normal citizen uses legal means (loopholes, deductions, etc.) to limit their tax costs. To say they're not taxed or at close to 0% isn't true.
For the second time ill do this.

3Bedroom apartment in my area 600 a month, utilities 150 a month combined average, food, 500 a month, that leaves enough left for misc. things like car insurance, med insurance, and so on.... And thats if there is only 1 income in the household.

A single guy working and making 12$ an hour here with no kids to support is definitely comfortable.

Oh and btw that 600 a month apartment is actually in the higher end of the spectrum.

The cost of living here is very low compared to most places. Idk the cost of living near you, im sure its higher than here, but that really doesn't matter. The point is that my employees live comfortably and enjoy their jobs.

Also, a single person with no kids and a full time job CAN support themselves on minimum wage here. They would need to be very smart with their money and it wouldn't be ideal, but its possible if they pinch pennies.

Few months ago we bought another rental in town for under 50k after closing, and I'm going to be about 10k into remodel and clean up as we did most of the work ourselves. Even a first time buyer with shitty credit could get this for around 400 a month and its a really cozy 1350 sqft 3 bed with single garage next to an elementary school, quiet clean neighborhood except for at recess.

But no one wanted it when it was for sale. It sat for 7 months before we bought it and now we have it rented out for 850 a month to a good family on a year lease. 10k a year to rent a 50k house, and their new car and new truck look so good in the driveway...derp derp derp.