Minimum wage leading to touchscreens replacing cashiers?

Believe it or not, if the minimum wage in my area goes up (i pay all my workers well over minimum wage) i will close up shop.

I wont be able to afford to give them a 7.75 cent wage each and if the unskilled labor force gets a raise, my skilled workers deserve the same raise. If i didn't give them that raise i would be taking advantage of them. My rates would have to go up ALOT. I currently charge about 100 bucks a room for painting. That would be about 150 if i gave my guys the same raise as the proposed min wage increase. But while that doesn't sound to bad imagine this... A standard 8x8 deck (ive built dozens of them) normally goes for about 4,000 bucks. 1,500 of that is labor, 1,500 for materials, and the other thousand is mine (after insur bhai m y s ance, cost of equipment, and so on).... This raise would put my labor at about 2250. My employees often work overtime... Im scared to do that math and see how much it will cost. I can't just raise the price of jobs that end up scheduled for when my employees hit overtime, so i have to raise that price for all jobs.

That means that it will now cost about 5,000 instead of 4,000 to build the same deck.

The employers that avoid allowing overtime, and dont give their SKILLED workers the wages they deserve will not have to raise their prices as much, and i will no longer have nearly as much business.

Also... Obamacare is not one of my favorite new laws.... But its not THAT bad. I did lose my insurance at the time, and my doctor. It screwed alot of people but it helped just as many... Idk... Slavery didn't help anyone but "mastuh"
Believe it or not, if the minimum wage in my area goes up (i pay all my workers well over minimum wage) i will close up shop.

I wont be able to afford to give them a 7.75 cent wage each and if the unskilled labor force gets a raise, my skilled workers deserve the same raise. If i didn't give them that raise i would be taking advantage of them. My rates would have to go up ALOT. I currently charge about 100 bucks a room for painting. That would be about 150 if i gave my guys the same raise as the proposed min wage increase. But while that doesn't sound to bad imagine this... A standard 8x8 deck (ive built dozens of them) normally goes for about 4,000 bucks. 1,500 of that is labor, 1,500 for materials, and the other thousand is mine (after insur bhai m y s ance, cost of equipment, and so on).... This raise would put my labor at about 2250. My employees often work overtime... Im scared to do that math and see how much it will cost. I can't just raise the price of jobs that end up scheduled for when my employees hit overtime, so i have to raise that price for all jobs.

That means that it will now cost about 5,000 instead of 4,000 to build the same deck.

The employers that avoid allowing overtime, and dont give their SKILLED workers the wages they deserve will not have to raise their prices as much, and i will no longer have nearly as much business.

Also... Obamacare is not one of my favorite new laws.... But its not THAT bad. I did lose my insurance at the time, and my doctor. It screwed alot of people but it helped just as many... Idk... Slavery didn't help anyone but "mastuh"
How many guys do you have that are unskilled?
if you pay them more than minimum wage now why would their wages have to go up 7.75? What's your definition of way more than minimum wage?
How many guys do you have that are unskilled?
if you pay them more than minimum wage now why would their wages have to go up 7.75? What's your definition of way more than minimum wage?

The lowest paid worker i have makes 12$ an hour. If minimum wage workers get a raise, why shouldn't he. There is a reason people that make above minimum wage have those wages.... They are worth more to their employers. If minimum wage goes to 15, yes he gets a raise..... A raise to the new bare minimum. That would mean all his efforts are no more valuable than a teenager working an icecream stand im the summer.

Legally, he is entitled to no such raise outside the new "minimum" but morally i cant pay a man less than what he is worth. As of now his wages are 4.75 more than minimum. If minimum wage becomes 15 an hour i would need to pay him 19.75 or the actual value of his work as comparable to "minimum skill and ability" would be less.

The same goes for all my other employees. The numbers may be diffrent but the principal is the same.
The lowest paid worker i have makes 12$ an hour. If minimum wage workers get a raise, why shouldn't he. There is a reason people that make above minimum wage have those wages.... They are worth more to their employers. If minimum wage goes to 15, yes he gets a raise..... A raise to the new bare minimum. That would mean all his efforts are no more valuable than a teenager working an icecream stand im the summer.

Legally, he is entitled to no such raise outside the new "minimum" but morally i cant pay a man less than what he is worth. As of now his wages are 4.75 more than minimum. If minimum wage becomes 15 an hour i would need to pay him 19.75 or the actual value of his work as comparable to "minimum skill and ability" would be less.

The same goes for all my other employees. The numbers may be diffrent but the principal is the same.

You forgot, now that your employees make more money the government gets a bigger cut including matching for SSI. And the guy making the new minimum wage is not one of your customers. Somebody scraping by does not have 4000 or 5000 to spend on a deck. In addtion, the people that might have been able to spend 4K may not be able to spend 5K so there are jobs that you will no longer do and that is the tip of your iceberg. You dont get to start spending fun money until you meet your obligations...

And for anyone talking about Obamacare... The whole legislation has not even finished being implemented yet. 2016 is going to be a tough year as the commercial employers are going to be required to pony up.

All we need is a bunch of unrealistic legislation and bureaucracy and this economy is going to stall out... Oh wait...

Can you imagine a fantasy scenario where a 15 dollar minimum wage actually makes you, the owner richer? Oh wait, the people who want it dont give a fuck about you.... Why are you going to give a fuck back?
The lowest paid worker i have makes 12$ an hour. If minimum wage workers get a raise, why shouldn't he. There is a reason people that make above minimum wage have those wages.... They are worth more to their employers. If minimum wage goes to 15, yes he gets a raise..... A raise to the new bare minimum. That would mean all his efforts are no more valuable than a teenager working an icecream stand im the summer.

Legally, he is entitled to no such raise outside the new "minimum" but morally i cant pay a man less than what he is worth. As of now his wages are 4.75 more than minimum. If minimum wage becomes 15 an hour i would need to pay him 19.75 or the actual value of his work as comparable to "minimum skill and ability" would be less.

The same goes for all my other employees. The numbers may be diffrent but the principal is the same.
So you have hard working guys on your crew who are elgible for food stamps? Who pays for the food stamps?
You forgot, now that your employees make more money the government gets a bigger cut including matching for SSI. And the guy making the new minimum wage is not one of your customers. Somebody scraping by does not have 4000 or 5000 to spend on a deck. In addtion, the people that might have been able to spend 4K may not be able to spend 5K so there are jobs that you will no longer do and that is the tip of your iceberg. You dont get to start spending fun money until you meet your obligations...

And for anyone talking about Obamacare... The whole legislation has not even finished being implemented yet. 2016 is going to be a tough year as the commercial employers are going to be required to pony up.

All we need is a bunch of unrealistic legislation and bureaucracy and this economy is going to stall out... Oh wait...

Can you imagine a fantasy scenario where a 15 dollar minimum wage actually makes you, the owner richer? Oh wait, the people who want it dont give a fuck about you.... Why are you going to give a fuck back?

You worry Mexicans bring wages down and you worry the government and unions bring wages up?
Believe it or not, if the minimum wage in my area goes up (i pay all my workers well over minimum wage) i will close up shop.

not that anything you say can be believed, but if what you are saying is true, you are a fucking craigslist contractor.

no one wants your shitty services anyway.
Can you imagine a fantasy scenario where a 15 dollar minimum wage actually makes you, the owner richer?

yes, it's called every single company that produces a quality product worth having in the first place.

google wouldn't exist unless they paid over $15 an hour for their talent.

of course, you scrub shit off the side of pools for $20 a pop, so none of this would even effect you.
So you have hard working guys on your crew who are elgible for food stamps? Who pays for the food stamps?

Im pretty sure i just broke down the math on how in my area a total income of 23,500 was enough for a family of 3 to live in comfort for a year. 12 bucks an hour is damn near double minimum wage, and that worker is the least experienced guy i have. Yeah, its not great money but he isnt complaining. He understands that as he becomes a better worker his check will grow.

My employees are all pretty happy. Only complaints i ever get is that the truck i bought for the company (i dont drive do to ptsd from a nasty accident in 2013) is a stick shift and most of them can't drive it.

Oh, and one guy likes to complain that i fired his friend for coming to work hungover a few times.... Well... Sorry but my customers dont like tje smell of vomit and beer at 8am coming from the guys who are rebuilding their patio.
I'm pretty sure we here in the US have one of the worlds highest corporate tax rates. Maybe 3rd in the world or something like that. There's a lot of grief on here all the time about evil corps, and they are often to blame, but we already tax the living shit outta them. Haven't looked it up but Chad and some other country are the only ones who tax corps higher than us.

This is a lie and a smokescreen. Look at the deductions and subsidies available to understand that corporations actually pay LESS, and often NOTHING AT ALL. General Electric, one of the world's largest companies, regularly employs armies of tax attorneys to ensure their tax bill is zero. ZERO?! A corporation that pays BILLIONS in shareholder dividends pays nothing?!
How much of your life would you give up to, live 1 year like Charlie Sheen?

Not one damned minute. That guy exemplifies everything that's wrong with how the current system works. Well, not everything... Trump covers the rest pretty well though.