EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
The article says 51% for. "A majority (51 percent) of Muslims surveyed said they "should have the choice of being governed according to shariah."
a far cry from 80% wanting to impose it on everybody.

of course, once you've killed your own family twice, lying shamelessly is easy.


Well-Known Member
Socialism if fine if you're on the receiving end.....until the money runs out.

I'll take 1 Rushbos over one BurnedOut Sanders any day. You really don't think there's enough of you progressive wackos to get him elected now, do you? :mrgreen:
First, cute talking point, spewed out right on cue- notice the insult complete with a lack of citation or supporting evidence of any kind. If you're expecting knowing nods in this crowd, you better come with more than that.

Second, Bernie Sanders has actually been in government, doing the job for decades. Limbaugh is at best an entertainer who gets taken far too seriously and at worst a complete hypocrite.

Third, YES. Because forty years of the wrong direction is entirely enough.


Well-Known Member
Nazis were for national socialism not socialism in general... there is a difference.
Nazis called themselves socialists but were actually fascists- propaganda. Republicans call themselves conservative, but their policies have begun to mirror those of the Nazi regime enough that the Fascism term fits them now, too.

Care to throw any more boomerangs?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
"Bernie Sanders drew over 20,000 people to his campaign event in Portland this weekend. Sounds impressive, but remember, it's Portland. You can draw a crowd of 20,000 people with a Frisbee." –Seth Meyers


Well-Known Member
"Bernie Sanders drew over 20,000 people to his campaign event in Portland this weekend. Sounds impressive, but remember, it's Portland. You can draw a crowd of 20,000 people with a Frisbee." –Seth Meyers
sounds like seth meyers has a few good writers on his staff.


Well-Known Member
birthday bomb! how much do you think he will have at the the end of today?

thank you again, friend:hug:
Hard to say... if all the people who claim support on redditt actually have a job and plan to contribute to it then it could easily crack 2 commas but if people dont act it could be depressing.


Well-Known Member
Hard to say... if all the people who claim support on redditt actually have a job and plan to contribute to it then it could easily crack 2 commas but if people dont act it could be depressing.
what is the smallest amount they will take? which link did you use?
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Well-Known Member
Bernie is a self described Socialist.
This will never, ever play in fly-over country.
Regardless of any spin or explanation proffered by Bernie supporters to legitimize or provide context to his "Socialist" ideas.
He is DOA among the general independent electorate.
Hence the increasing mention of Uncle Joe Biden...
Stay tuned.
Lookee here:

Clinton's lead drops further as interest in Biden grows



Well-Known Member
Bernie is a self described Socialist.
This will never, ever play in fly-over country.
Regardless of any spin or explanation proffered by Bernie supporters to legitimize or provide context to his "Socialist" ideas.
He is DOA among the general independent electorate.
Hence the increasing mention of Uncle Joe Biden...
Stay tuned.
Lookee here:

Clinton's lead drops further as interest in Biden grows

Colorado is a flyover state and he's pretty damn popular here.