EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Oh but they are! I think the statement is one of confusion...
i'm not my brothers keeper..but if it's illogical?

'bernie sanders? he's a socialist!!!!!' no! no way! i don't like socialism'..

me: okay, define it..what do you not like about?

rightie has nothing on leftie..and rush limbaugh (the voice of the right) is nothing but a drug addict..anyone know how much time he did for transporting a pharmacy across state lines?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
'bernie sanders? he's a socialist!!!!!' no! no way! i don't like socialism'..

me: okay, define it..what do you not like about?
Socialism if fine if you're on the receiving end.....until the money runs out.

I'll take 1 Rushbos over one BurnedOut Sanders any day. You really don't think there's enough of you progressive wackos to get him elected now, do you? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Socialism if fine if you're on the receiving end.....until the money runs out.

I'll take 1 Rushbos over one BurnedOut Sanders any day. You really don't think there's enough of you progressive wackos to get him elected now, do you? :mrgreen:
1. it's social democracy..not marx's socialism
2. progressive wackos include the majority of black and brown constituents which outnumber the right constituency by far..it's all about the numbers.
3. we know just where the money's coming from and lemme tell you..it ain't running out anytime soon:wink:

and yes, bernie sanders will be our next president..it is you, my friend that needs to get used to this.
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Well-Known Member
You're LITERALLY retarded.

Well you do vote Republican so I suppose it's a given.

So, your reply to my true statement is "You're LITERALLY retarded." Couldn't even make an attempt to challenge it? I vote in every Democrat primary.


Well-Known Member
Let's do some quick math. We'll take the upper limit of how many ISIS fighters there are: 257,900. Now let's take how many Muslims there are in the world: 1,570,000,000. That means ISIS represents 0.01634% of Islam. So explain to me how we're to judge Islam based on the actions of less than a tenth of percent of their practicing members?

That's like judging Christianity on what Anders Brevik did.
Where did he condemn all Muslims for the actions of a few? 80% of American Muslims support the imposition of Sharia law, the same barbarous creed of ISIS. "Quick math" with carefully selected criteria chosen to obscure, not enlighten.,


Well-Known Member
so what do we do with the non-aborted? how do we support them, red? especially since the right is convinced everyone should have a job even when competition is steep?
Pretty sure you were among the "non-aborted". How were you supported? The competition is not steep, you're just unworthy.


Well-Known Member
Where did he condemn all Muslims for the actions of a few? 80% of American Muslims support the imposition of Sharia law, the same barbarous creed of ISIS. "Quick math" with carefully selected criteria chosen to obscure, not enlighten.,
not any muslims i know..citation? nvm..methinks you have it backwards, red.

A majority (51 percent) of Muslims surveyed said they "should have the choice of being governed according to shariah."

Almost 30 percent of American Muslims believe it is legitimate to use violence "against those that insult the prophet Muhammad, the Qur'an, or Islamic faith."

One quarter of Muslims said that "violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad."

Even more ominous, "nearly one-fifth of Muslim respondents said that the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make shariah the law of the land in this country," the CSP polling data showed.

When asked "if shariah conflicts with the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which law should be considered supreme?," one third of Muslim respondents said sharia.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/06/poll_shows_high_levels_of_support_for_shariah_law_and_violence_among_american_muslims.html#ixzz3l5YQIVkx
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Well-Known Member
Trijico putting bible verses in their sights. Rifle companies stamping bible verses on their rifles. Christians killing Muslims in the Central African Republic and even cannibalizing them. Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda, The National Liberation Front of Tripura in India, The Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland in India, Hutaree Christian Militia here in the U.S., Robert Doggart was arrested by the FBI for plotting anti Muslim terror attacks in New York, the Army of God, Eastern Lightning, The Phineas Priesthood, Adam Everett Livix was arrested in Israel for plotting to blow up Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem...
Bible verses = murder?


Well-Known Member
not any muslims i know..citation? nvm..

A majority (51 percent) of Muslims surveyed said they "should have the choice of being governed according to shariah."

Almost 30 percent of American Muslims believe it is legitimate to use violence "against those that insult the prophet Muhammad, the Qur'an, or Islamic faith."

One quarter of Muslims said that "violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad."

Even more ominous, "nearly one-fifth of Muslim respondents said that the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make shariah the law of the land in this country," the CSP polling data showed.

When asked "if shariah conflicts with the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which law should be considered supreme?," one third of Muslim respondents said sharia.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/06/poll_shows_high_levels_of_support_for_shariah_law_and_violence_among_american_muslims.html#ixzz3l5YQIVkx
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Thank you for disproving your own position, again.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for disproving your own position, again.
dude..do you not understand fucking numbers? you say 80% is for and the article says 70% is against.

what's wrong sister's not home to cook you your dinner yet?

FTW: 68% is the mainstream in america; everything else is fringe faction. i bet 30% of whites surveyed think it's perfectly fine to ride the night in white sheets..


Well-Known Member
1. it's social democracy..not marx's socialism
2. progressive wackos include the majority of black and brown constituents which outnumber the right constituency by far..it's all about the numbers.
3. we know just where the money's coming from and lemme tell you..it ain't running out anytime soon:wink:

and yes, bernie sanders will be our next president..it is you, my friend that needs to get used to this.
Yes, get used to something predicted to occur over a year from now by a woman unqualified to answer the telephone.


Well-Known Member
Yes, get used to something predicted to occur over a year from now by a woman unqualified to answer the telephone.
i've made several predictions here, all of which came to fruition..be a naysayer all you want.

bernie sanders will be our next president.


Well-Known Member
dude..do you not understand fucking numbers? you say 80% is for and the article says 70% is against.

what's wrong sister's not home to cook you your dinner yet?

FTW: 68% is the mainstream in america; everything else is fringe faction. i bet 30% of whites surveyed think it's perfectly fine to ride the night in white sheets..
I stand corrected. You disproved pnwmystery's position "That means ISIS represents 0.01634% of Islam", not your own. Your position is murder is only wrong when committed by white Christians.


Well-Known Member
So, we must judge ISIS's current evil deeds based on what happened with Christianity hundreds if not thousands of years ago?
no, we can compare their deeds to what we did in iraq less than a decade ago.

half a million dead muslims, all killed by us. how many hundreds of thousands have they killed?


Right now, ISIS is seeking out and killing Christians, not the other way around.
maybe it's because we killed half a million innocent civilian muslims, and raped a shit ton more of their women?

And if you havent noticed, ISIS is just the most recent popular muslim extremist group on the block. Show me the out of control christian groups that are doing things today.
see above.

a born again christian president who thought that god was talking to him sent troops into iraq and killed half a million civilians.

we bulldozed them into piles, including the elderly, women, and children, and buried them in shallow graves.

has ISIS done anything even comparable or to that scale?


Well-Known Member
i've made several predictions here, all of which came to fruition..be a naysayer all you want.

bernie sanders will be our next president.
Name one, with citations of the prediction BEFORE the event. "Winter is coming" doesn't count.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected. You disproved pnwmystery's position "That means ISIS represents 0.01634% of Islam", not your own. Your position is murder is only wrong when committed by white Christians.
tsk, tsk, tsk..putting words in my mouth..