Would you be pissed or am i in the wrong?


Misguided Angel
Easiest way to end a friendship, either live with your best friend or go into business together... Seen it many times. I have friends who I trust with my life but no nothing about my "extra curriculars"


Well-Known Member
Drug Lords falling out, we have a different way of dealing with triffles in my part of the world, but as you called him 'suffers from anxiety and depression' not exactly the ideal partner under these conditions, once again 'Sunni' is correct...be nice, try and make up ...be friends, see this as your first encounter with the 'drug world'
You do know that Russians are decendants of a long lost Sicilian exploration fleet?


Well-Known Member
So I just thought I'd come ask the growers if I'm in the wrong between me and my friend who had a falling out over my grow.

I've known this guy since highschool, 15+ years, and has been one of my closest friends since.
I was living in a different town growing and when I moved back I decided to bring him in to be the one guy I got rid of my produce to. At the time I first moved back I was having a few friends of mine come over to help me harvest (because of living arrangements I only had a few hours to get plants down). We'll he is my friend so I let him get involved helping me harvest. He was only helping as my friend.

Well I moved out of there and upgraded my setup, and since I was in my own place I quit asking him for help as much. He would call and say I was "cutting him out" because he would come and harvest and "get part of the trimmings" because "he is invested in this too." Fucker would pretty much come around acting like he was my boss or manager telling me not to sell to anyone but him, setting the price, trying to get equipment for me from another guy who used to be a grower (which I told him flat out not to do). Even brought weed back before because it shaked up, or he left a bag open and it evaporated weight when I told him not to get it until after cure, but noooo he wants it now. Telling me he got whatever I need cuz he is invested, but couldn't even come cash up on a QP....

The deal is he has never invested and I have been giving everything to him on the front. I know other people so eventually I had to talk to another of my close friends, and he offered to take everything for more money and cash up front. So I talked to the other guy and said he had to start coming cash up front or I was going to have to charge him more. He threw a full on temper tantrum, cussed me out, called me greedy, and asked how could I do this after he invested so much time and money. I had said I'd save him some, but that's not good enough and he wants ALL of it or I'm somehow fucking him over.

So, I mean, I told him that he never invested a dime of his own money, I thought he was helping as my friend when I needed it, and he was never my partner. Now he is pissed, and I want to kick his ass. I cut him off (or course), but he was my friend and I feelz bad.

What do? Bygones be bygones?

P.S. I've known him long enough to know he isn't a snitch, so don't have to worry about that. Just a guy who suffers from anxiety and depression, which is where his attitude comes from.... And also why I can be so pissed at him and feel bad for him at the same time.
Sorry to hear, but life long friend or not, never mix money, or weed or anything that deals with YOUR income with friends..i walked away from life time friends over $20.00,, and feel i was lucky that i found out they wer never a real friend for that.. i lent money to good friends, but if they decide paying me back isnt important, then i guess they feel the money is worth the friendship.. wen lending money i always say, pay me back we are all good, no hurry but pay..is our friendship worth more than this much$$ to you?.if that person after months decides to not return calls or whatever,and not repay,,,THEY MADE THE DECISION THAT ,,THE MONEY WAS MORE VALUABLE THAN THE FRIENDSHIP..PERIOD!!! its sad, but if a friend loand me somthing i would re[pay it as quickly as possible ,,as to me a friend ship is worth more than money..unfortunatly not everyone feels this way and have proved to me many times that money can ruin a friendship.. i had a previous friend of mine see me at the bar recently and came up saying hi,,i asked if he had the 2hundred he owed me and he said that was the biggest mistake of his life and how i was always a good friend yada yada yada,,..i said u pay me the money now and itll be like it never happend and we will be friends just like we used to be,,,...he said oh man, i dont have it on me,,but ill pay you,,it was a huge mistake...well that was a few weeks ago,,he hasnt called or paid,,,yep,,it was worth 2 hundred to prove he was never a friend in the first place...who won?? i feel i did!!!

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
It come to realization that I do not have friends. I have people I know who only contact when they need something.

I could live the rest of my days and only talk to mom and dad, wouldn't affect me in the slightest.

My life has been so much better since I stopped talking to everyone I used to know.


Well-Known Member
It come to realization that I do not have friends. I have people I know who only contact when they need something.

I could live the rest of my days and only talk to mom and dad, wouldn't affect me in the slightest.

My life has been so much better since I stopped talking to everyone I used to know.
i can say that about most ppl i know ......live or die does not effect me in the least
but i got 3 real true friends by this standard


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear, but life long friend or not, never mix money, or weed or anything that deals with YOUR income with friends..i walked away from life time friends over $20.00,, and feel i was lucky that i found out they wer never a real friend for that.. i lent money to good friends, but if they decide paying me back isnt important, then i guess they feel the money is worth the friendship.. wen lending money i always say, pay me back we are all good, no hurry but pay..is our friendship worth more than this much$$ to you?.if that person after months decides to not return calls or whatever,and not repay,,,THEY MADE THE DECISION THAT ,,THE MONEY WAS MORE VALUABLE THAN THE FRIENDSHIP..PERIOD!!! its sad, but if a friend loand me somthing i would re[pay it as quickly as possible ,,as to me a friend ship is worth more than money..unfortunatly not everyone feels this way and have proved to me many times that money can ruin a friendship.. i had a previous friend of mine see me at the bar recently and came up saying hi,,i asked if he had the 2hundred he owed me and he said that was the biggest mistake of his life and how i was always a good friend yada yada yada,,..i said u pay me the money now and itll be like it never happend and we will be friends just like we used to be,,,...he said oh man, i dont have it on me,,but ill pay you,,it was a huge mistake...well that was a few weeks ago,,he hasnt called or paid,,,yep,,it was worth 2 hundred to prove he was never a friend in the first place...who won?? i feel i did!!!
Money can be made anytime, integrity just is and its very rare.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
i can say that about most ppl i know ......live or die does not effect me in the least
but i got 3 real true friends by this standard
View attachment 3495411
I like the body or fight test. You know, if you called em up at 3AM, would they come out to help you get in a fight or bury a body of somebody you just killed?

When I get to that criteria, it's a very low number of people, but I know they ain't going to bend me over.


Well-Known Member
I like the body or fight test. You know, if you called em up at 3AM, would they come out to help you get in a fight or bury a body of somebody you just killed?

When I get to that criteria, it's a very low number of people, but I know they ain't going to bend me over.
well i know how to do that on my own as for getting rid of it ......away use rivers just t slit the gut so gas to not turn it into floater.....water and fish do most of the work then the current transfers the bones for miles (206 bones in human body) odds of them being found id and used against u is almost none if u use a method of killing where only effect soft tissue or bones to small to be found

edit i am the one that always gets the dumb calls at 1 2 3 4 am ,,,,only one time did they actually hit someone most of it is dogs/deer or run away and make a community in the woods
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Well-Known Member
I'm calling you when I kill a man.

here is a trick for in case ......u are driving u had 4 beers and know u are technically over the 0.07 limit .....if u get in a wreck make sure everyone is ok then take a drink on site in front of everyone ....makes the test invalid u say took it to settle nerves just in car wreck

(keep a bottle in your trunk if u break down u have something to make walk bearable ....if u are cold make sure over 100 proof and it can be used to start fires )
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Steve French

Well-Known Member
i am the one they call i do not call them unless i feel like doing some fun and need to make sure covered


here is a trick for in case ......u are driving u had 4 beers and know u are technically over the 0.07 limit .....if u get in a wreck make sure everyone is ok then take a drink on site in front of everyone ....makes the test invalid u say took it to settle nerves just in car wreck

(keep a bottle in your trunk if u break down u have something to make walk bearable ....if u are cold make sure over 100 proof and it can be used to start fires )
I've heard of this one. There was this RCMP officer here named Monty Robinson, who ran over a motorcyclist here and killed him somewhat recently, and pulled this. Even though the prosecutors had evidence he planned to do such a thing if ever in such a situation, he used it well and only ended up with obstruction of justice and a suspended sentence compared to some real jail time. Just drove home from the accident and drank a couple shots.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of this one. There was this RCMP officer here named Monty Robinson, who ran over a motorcyclist here and killed him somewhat recently, and pulled this. Even though the prosecutors had evidence he planned to do such a thing if ever in such a situation, he used it well and only ended up with obstruction of justice and a suspended sentence compared to some real jail time. Just drove home from the accident and drank a couple shots.
yes but the obstruction of justice has to be proven .......this little talk will be buried in 7 day in 2 weeks forgotten by most

u know the idea just keep the bottle in the trunk use the reasons i said and not a damn thing they can do to u ..........personally i think it is wrong for breathalyzers my 5th amendment right said i can not be forced to give evidence against my self and will not be punished for it ......but u say no u lose your driving for 6 months 2 time a year 3 revoked


Well-Known Member
sorry i find cops are assholes in general

they use those spot checks just to fuck with u and get a power trip off in their nutz .........so many times nothing wrong no smell no beer for months can u step out of the car can u please do this and that (abc one i look at them i am fucking dyslexic i never been able to do it) .....then the 2nd car shows up ......i know it is fucking stall tactic so they can get a dog to go around my car and hit then another hour as they tare the car apart


Well-Known Member
Your friend got rid of your weed for all that time and you suddenly got a better offer? Cash upfront? Did he not always pay you? He protected your anonymity too?

Sounds like you are about to perhaps learn 'better the devil you know'.

The guy obviously felt that he'd built up years of trust and a business relationship, just to be told you may sell elsewhere.

There's always 2 sides to a story. I wonder what he'd say.

I don't think you're greedy. I think you're stupid greedy which is the worst.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
So I just thought I'd come ask the growers if I'm in the wrong between me and my friend who had a falling out over my grow.

I've known this guy since highschool, 15+ years, and has been one of my closest friends since.
I was living in a different town growing and when I moved back I decided to bring him in to be the one guy I got rid of my produce to. At the time I first moved back I was having a few friends of mine come over to help me harvest (because of living arrangements I only had a few hours to get plants down). We'll he is my friend so I let him get involved helping me harvest. He was only helping as my friend.

Well I moved out of there and upgraded my setup, and since I was in my own place I quit asking him for help as much. He would call and say I was "cutting him out" because he would come and harvest and "get part of the trimmings" because "he is invested in this too." Fucker would pretty much come around acting like he was my boss or manager telling me not to sell to anyone but him, setting the price, trying to get equipment for me from another guy who used to be a grower (which I told him flat out not to do). Even brought weed back before because it shaked up, or he left a bag open and it evaporated weight when I told him not to get it until after cure, but noooo he wants it now. Telling me he got whatever I need cuz he is invested, but couldn't even come cash up on a QP....

The deal is he has never invested and I have been giving everything to him on the front. I know other people so eventually I had to talk to another of my close friends, and he offered to take everything for more money and cash up front. So I talked to the other guy and said he had to start coming cash up front or I was going to have to charge him more. He threw a full on temper tantrum, cussed me out, called me greedy, and asked how could I do this after he invested so much time and money. I had said I'd save him some, but that's not good enough and he wants ALL of it or I'm somehow fucking him over.

So, I mean, I told him that he never invested a dime of his own money, I thought he was helping as my friend when I needed it, and he was never my partner. Now he is pissed, and I want to kick his ass. I cut him off (or course), but he was my friend and I feelz bad.

What do? Bygones be bygones?

P.S. I've known him long enough to know he isn't a snitch, so don't have to worry about that. Just a guy who suffers from anxiety and depression, which is where his attitude comes from.... And also why I can be so pissed at him and feel bad for him at the same time.
You're being a little bitch Imo . Say what you feel. Fuck that guy, I highly doubt you can kick his ass it sounds like he punks you all the time. Tell him you found a guy that takes it all at one time and is willing to pay more.. money talks bullshit walks. MAN THE FUCK UP BRO!


Well-Known Member
He says he is invested. Is he paying half your electric bill? Did he help buy the lights and seeds and all the other equipment? Is he going to pay half your fine if you get busted? Is he going to do half your jail sentence if you get busted?

It sounds like he is just trying to take advantage of you. I would tell him you stopped growing. You are in kind of a bad situation, because he is likely to be upset, and may very well go around running his mouth about your grow. I would keep a low profile for a few months.


Well-Known Member
Your friend got rid of your weed for all that time and you suddenly got a better offer? Cash upfront? Did he not always pay you? He protected your anonymity too?

Sounds like you are about to perhaps learn 'better the devil you know'.

The guy obviously felt that he'd built up years of trust and a business relationship, just to be told you may sell elsewhere.

There's always 2 sides to a story. I wonder what he'd say.

I don't think you're greedy. I think you're stupid greedy which is the worst.
No he didnt protect my anonymity. He talks about my grow to at least one of his friends that i know of, he had brought someone with him picking up a bag before (which i talked to him about), has tried to bring his friends to help w my harvest (also we had wprds about that).

He also misses payments and comes up short. But he does pay up in full eventually and is reletively good about it.

Honestly probably wouldnt be as big a deal but my financial situation is i need the money up front on this grow to pay off the court. I have 30 days to pay and it wont happen unless i get cash up front for it all. Not anyones problem but mine, but that's the way it is right now.

He knows this. He knows why i need cash up front on this, yet he is still worried about himself. If he could have been my friend about it and helped me out like he always says he will if i get in a situation like this... Idk... Its not being motivated by greed, but by necessity