Crisis in Hungary Refugees, something I noticed that's disturbing

They don't give a fuck, loads of them quoted on video (on the live news) saying "Syria is gone, we will never go back to Syria".

They're also breaking EU asylum law by not claiming asylum in the first safe country they arrive in.

It's a fucking mess, yes, refugees have a right to flee their countries for a variety of reasons but it's a sea of humanity that will not stop..

"There goes the neighborhood". Europe is toast.
Sorry I upset you because I think Capital Hill is mostly full of monkeys, and the intelligence level of the average American is just about on a par with a baboon. These are of course my own opinions, and thanks for the complement, as I have always wanted to be a badass.

You keep inferring that I am upset. That must be your goal. It isnt working at all. Try harder ;]
Im not sure why (probably the weed) but I get a feeling it's a bad idea to just let Syrians literally walk into Europe considering how many insane Islamic State members reside in Syria...

It`s also a bad idea to tell them to take care of and fight for themselves,...that wouldn`t be terrorism........
His dad did it the correct way in 90, turn the boys loose.

W however like Cheney, think that polite war of asking and thanking is they best way to go,...Very stupid. They also calculated that a prolonged war would allow companies they hold stocks in, would go through the roof if the long war used more weapons to be replaced, Obviously never heard of a frontal assault with magnitude,...Stupid again.

Damn those two were Stupid.

So,....... They`re still killing in the name of religions and Obama has no clue or will to stop it,.... Stupid again,...

Stupid is stupid,....R or D.....

how was killing half a million civilians a polite war,
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Im not sure why (probably the weed) but I get a feeling it's a bad idea to just let Syrians literally walk into Europe considering how many insane Islamic State members reside in Syria...

there goes the midget agreeing with the klanman.
The amount of terrorists marching toward Germany right now is greater than the number of criminals in the Mariel boat lifts
This is the insipid attitude of someone who's never had to confront war. Maybe they lived there? Had jobs? Lives?

Go play in the freeway.
Or they could be a massive force of radical Islamists that are being welcomed across Europe...

The end times are nigh!!

(Disclaimer: Not guaranteed to happen)


Or they could be a massive force of radical Islamists that are being welcomed across Europe...

The end times are nigh!!

(Disclaimer: Not guaranteed to happen)


Picture after picture.
Video after video.
Most of the refugees are military aged males.
Not good.