Crisis in Hungary Refugees, something I noticed that's disturbing

Just so you kmow, you wont see it in the US press because the US is responsible for it,.....Pakistan is selling the Saudi`s Nuclear weapons because the Iranian threat is real.

Last intel is that Pakistan has already moved said items.
Just so you kmow, you wont see it in the US press because the US is responsible for it,.....Pakistan is selling the Saudi`s Nuclear weapons because the Iranian threat is real.

Last intel is that Pakistan has already moved said items.
Please show me where YOU got this info
Please show me where YOU got this info
The bullshitometer is "DING DING DING" at that one.

Even if they did sell nukes to Saudi Arabia, if the Saudis ever used them you could trace it back to Pakistan by the unique chemical makeup of the fissile material.

Why are people so afraid of Iran?

They're the most secular "Islamic country" in the Middle East, they've been handing it to ISIS since their inception and they're mostly Shia, which is the less crazy type.

If Iran's last president hadn't said that Israel thing it'd be a completely different story in the Middle East today.
We agreed to take some of them

Sky News said:
UNHCR makes referrals, and the US government then interviews candidates for resettlement. (The vast majority of those who apply will not be accepted – because there are many more applicants than spots available. More on that in a moment.)

Between 2011 and 2014, 201 Syrian refugees were resettled in the US.

So far in 2015, 651 people have been admitted, and the State Department says it hopes another 1150 persons can be admitted by September 30, for a total of 1800 refugees in FY 2015.

But that is a fraction of what UNHCR would like to see.

80% of those "Refugees" are what would be known in Europe as Tinker's, Gypsy's, Romany's, ( where " to roam" came from" ), thieves, liars, and generally people you don't want to know. Go to Dublin and you'll see what I mean,They are trying to slip under the radar, get refugee status and milk and downright steal as much as they can. To bad the real refugees are stuck in this situation, but I can understand Hungary's situation. Send them Israel, that would be fun.
The bullshitometer is "DING DING DING" at that one.

Even if they did sell nukes to Saudi Arabia, if the Saudis ever used them you could trace it back to Pakistan by the unique chemical makeup of the fissile material.

Why are people so afraid of Iran?

They're the most secular "Islamic country" in the Middle East, they've been handing it to ISIS since their inception and they're mostly Shia, which is the less crazy type.

If Iran's last president hadn't said that Israel thing it'd be a completely different story in the Middle East today.
Harrekin, MOST people on earth aren't afraid of Iran, only Saudi Arabia and Israel. Saudi Arabia just signed on to accepting the accord, so the only ones left on the planet that don't like it are hardliners in Israel and Republicans in Congress. Even the IDF and Shin Beth see no problem, only that fucked up Likud and Netanyahu and McConnell. They don't really matter though in the real scheme of things, as the rest of the world hates the US generally, and Israel specifically. So, no problem in the rest of the world. Actually, they are getting the popcorn out for 9/17, when the monkeys come home to roost at Capital Hill, and show the world how fucking stupid Americans really are.
Harrekin, MOST people on earth aren't afraid of Iran, only Saudi Arabia and Israel. Saudi Arabia just signed on to accepting the accord, so the only ones left on the planet that don't like it are hardliners in Israel and Republicans in Congress. Even the IDF and Shin Beth see no problem, only that fucked up Likud and Netanyahu and McConnell. They don't really matter though in the real scheme of things, as the rest of the world hates the US generally, and Israel specifically. So, no problem in the rest of the world. Actually, they are getting the popcorn out for 9/17, when the monkeys come home to roost at Capital Hill, and show the world how fucking stupid Americans really are.

I think your tag line is hilarious given how abusive you are on this forum
I think your tag line is hilarious given how abusive you are on this forum
No, I am not kind to assholes, only innocents and nice people. Fuck the rest, Jesus I'm not.
Also, give me an example of my abuse, or do I just annoy you?
No, I am not kind to assholes, only innocents and nice people. Fuck the rest, Jesus I'm not.
Also, give me an example of my abuse, or do I just annoy you?

' Actually, they are getting the popcorn out for 9/17, when the monkeys come home to roost at Capital Hill, and show the world how fucking stupid Americans really are.'

Amused would be more accurate. You are an internet badass.... LOL!!!
Harrekin, MOST people on earth aren't afraid of Iran, only Saudi Arabia and Israel. Saudi Arabia just signed on to accepting the accord, so the only ones left on the planet that don't like it are hardliners in Israel and Republicans in Congress. Even the IDF and Shin Beth see no problem, only that fucked up Likud and Netanyahu and McConnell. They don't really matter though in the real scheme of things, as the rest of the world hates the US generally, and Israel specifically. So, no problem in the rest of the world. Actually, they are getting the popcorn out for 9/17, when the monkeys come home to roost at Capital Hill, and show the world how fucking stupid Americans really are.
Monkeys that roost?

America gets fucking weirder every day.
' Actually, they are getting the popcorn out for 9/17, when the monkeys come home to roost at Capital Hill, and show the world how fucking stupid Americans really are.'

Amused would be more accurate. You are an internet badass.... LOL!!!
Sorry I upset you because I think Capital Hill is mostly full of monkeys, and the intelligence level of the average American is just about on a par with a baboon. These are of course my own opinions, and thanks for the complement, as I have always wanted to be a badass.
80% of those "Refugees" are what would be known in Europe as Tinker's, Gypsy's, Romany's, ( where " to roam" came from" ), thieves, liars, and generally people you don't want to know. Go to Dublin and you'll see what I mean,They are trying to slip under the radar, get refugee status and milk and downright steal as much as they can. To bad the real refugees are stuck in this situation, but I can understand Hungary's situation. Send them Israel, that would be fun.
I worked with a couple of polish people that were refugees from the Balkans 16 years ago
I didnt realize they were old enough to have started the war in the middle east....

believe it or not, history started before january of 2009.

for example, there was a year called 2003. that was the year your hero and savior bush led us into a pointless war of choice in iraq.
believe it or not, history started before january of 2009.

for example, there was a year called 2003. that was the year your hero and savior bush led us into a pointless war of choice in iraq.

His dad did it the correct way in 90, turn the boys loose.

W however like Cheney, think that polite war of asking and thanking is they best way to go,...Very stupid. They also calculated that a prolonged war would allow companies they hold stocks in, would go through the roof if the long war used more weapons to be replaced, Obviously never heard of a frontal assault with magnitude,...Stupid again.

Damn those two were Stupid.

So,....... They`re still killing in the name of religions and Obama has no clue or will to stop it,.... Stupid again,...

Stupid is stupid,....R or D.....