Hard or Soft Water?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Stick with what works for you, i like growing in coco as i feel theres alot of benefits if your willing to take the time to learn, but i suppose id find growing in soil or mix more confusing just because ive had no experience with it.
It was more to do with dealing with higher temps in the summer here. I unplug the shed around june 1 and head outdoors then back in in hopefully a week or 2 when temps drop below 80 lol. Was thinking coco I could shorten that up a bit. Going to hook up a deep water circ system instead into the lake, just need to get the trench dug lol.


Well-Known Member
I have no clue about coco lol. I run lps setup and start at .2 using just aqua flakes and microblift pl, and calmag if needed, I never add anything but that for the whole grow. I raise EC slowly to appr .6 and monitor res to see how EC changes and adjust. I was thinking of switching to coco dtw but now may just stick with this as over the last two years I've dialled it in to be pretty maintenance and trouble free :).

When you say an lps setup what does lps mean? Any threads with pics of your start i could look at for reference, i love the seedling stage and so few detail it in grows?


Well-Known Member
2015-08-10 10.28.29.jpg

This is about the worst seedlings im turning out recently, average at best. Im in such a flux with watering, nutes and a few other minor things. I can get it perfect but then it dips and i have to work at it again. Frustrating but like you say you got to work at things.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3493154

This is about the worst seedlings im turning out recently, average at best. Im in such a flux with watering, nutes and a few other minor things. I can get it perfect but then it dips and i have to work at it again. Frustrating but like you say you got to work at things.
That looks fine to me.... is that a scrog underneath your plants?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
When you say an lps setup what does lps mean? Any threads with pics of your start i could look at for reference, i love the seedling stage and so few detail it in grows?
Its low pressure spray nozzles, just one of many variations using totes and trays. I dont think i actually have a pic of the setup. I'll have a look on the laptop tomorrow. I've growen (or tried growing lol) in pretty much every way. Started in dirt about 40 years ago but just moved in side seriously 5 years ago, so still learning lol. Coco and true high pressure aero are the only ones I haven't tried. My seedling stage is pretty straight forward. Germ in paper towel. Throw them in RW cubes which have been in the netpots and running for a couple of days. I only spray 3 times a day and sometimes just twice till roots are established then turn the switch to full time spray. I have found the biggest issue I have with seedlings is to much water before they have a good root structure. But yes I have had issues with seedlings as well lol. .2 ec and 5.8 ph is what I start them in. And bennies right from the start as well in the rock wool.


Well-Known Member
Its low pressure spray nozzles, just one of many variations using totes and trays. I dont think i actually have a pic of the setup. I'll have a look on the laptop tomorrow. I've growen (or tried growing lol) in pretty much every way. Started in dirt about 40 years ago but just moved in side seriously 5 years ago, so still learning lol. Coco and true high pressure aero are the only ones I haven't tried. My seedling stage is pretty straight forward. Germ in paper towel. Throw them in RW cubes which have been in the netpots and running for a couple of days. I only spray 3 times a day and sometimes just twice till roots are established then turn the switch to full time spray. I have found the biggest issue I have with seedlings is to much water before they have a good root structure. But yes I have had issues with seedlings as well lol. .2 ec and 5.8 ph is what I start them in. And bennies right from the start as well in the rock wool.

No its cool, your words on overwatering are very helpfull no pics needed. If i start at 0.7 i dont seem to raise it for a week or so but if i start at 0.3 it ends up raising every few days. Id say its better to start light and raise but Canna, formulex and vitalink have these minimun ec's for their ferts to be usefull and thats about the 0.7ec mark. 0.7ec is also the lightest start the canna calculator will give for starting anything hydro/soiless, its even written on a couple of the bottles but state you can go much lower if your in soil.

This slightly confuses me a bit and different growers say different things, im still not convinced except i never get any overfert problems that i can notice.


Well-Known Member
did you know that in america a long time ago they considered lobsters dirty nasty food like eating bugs. they were feeding it to the prisoners and they had to stop because it was deemed to be unhumane
no i never heard that LOL
i do know an american guy though who could never forgive Ronald reagan for turning the status of tomato ketchup to a "food" he felt cheated and angry about it


Well-Known Member
Im considering doing a scrog as i have height restrictions and my plants always end up to close to the lights so im constantly moving them, i always top my plants at least once as this helps with the height a little but id like to be able to keep a even-ish canaopy..
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Well-Known Member
Im considering doing a scrog as i have height restrictions and my plants always end up to close to the lights so im constantly moving them, i always top my plants at least once as this helps with the height a little but id like to be able to keep a even-ish canaopy..
I never run a scrog but ask others, it seems pretty popular. I normally top after 3/4 weeks veg and flower, this keeps them short and even but i always go for shortish strains to start with.

How the fuck can a big juicy steak have dog in it! Cow eat the dog? Lol
Beef products, sausage, lasange, mince beef, burgers anything processed. The worst part is they had meat they couldnt even identify. The horse meat was in everything and the rest was just isolated cases.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I actually saw that on a show. I dont buy to much processed stuff. Just started making my own sausage, jerky, and eat lots of wild stuff. Moose, deer, turkey, etc,

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
No its cool, your words on overwatering are very helpfull no pics needed. If i start at 0.7 i dont seem to raise it for a week or so but if i start at 0.3 it ends up raising every few days. Id say its better to start light and raise but Canna, formulex and vitalink have these minimun ec's for their ferts to be usefull and thats about the 0.7ec mark. 0.7ec is also the lightest start the canna calculator will give for starting anything hydro/soiless, its even written on a couple of the bottles but state you can go much lower if your in soil.

This slightly confuses me a bit and different growers say different things, im still not convinced except i never get any overfert problems that i can notice.
I always keep things on the light side when feeding at every stage and just watch the fluctuation in the res., with hydro I find it easy but soil was always very confusing for me lol. its way easier to up the EC if needed, the tips of the leaves also tell me when things are getting a tad hot.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
In all reality it really makes no difference - your plants will grow and give you good results - don't get caught -up in all things necessary for marijuana growth - what did they use many , many years ago ? just rain .


Well-Known Member
In all reality it really makes no difference - your plants will grow and give you good results - don't get caught -up in all things necessary for marijuana growth - what did they use many , many years ago ? just rain .
The only difference is years ago the weed wasnt nearlly as potent as some of the strains today, but i totally agree with what your saying, sometimes getting to technical can complicate things, up until now i never used any ppm ph, etc etc.. and still did ok but i see room for improvement and feel the ph especially is important..


Well-Known Member
I never run a scrog but ask others, it seems pretty popular. I normally top after 3/4 weeks veg and flower, this keeps them short and even but i always go for shortish strains to start with.

Beef products, sausage, lasange, mince beef, burgers anything processed. The worst part is they had meat they couldnt even identify. The horse meat was in everything and the rest was just isolated cases.
I think a scrog and topping is the way foward for me.. im just debating wether or not to start my babys in rockwoll or just small pots of coco?? Any suggestions? Ive always just started in coco


Well-Known Member
I think a scrog and topping is the way foward for me.. im just debating wether or not to start my babys in rockwoll or just small pots of coco?? Any suggestions? Ive always just started in coco
I would not recomend rockwool or over complicate things, do what you did last time just monitor the ph for this grow and see if it brings improvement.

The main thing i can take out of the thread is that our water classification system is different, we neither had hard or soft water but slightly hard water and we found out that hard water ferts are for real hard water not ours.

Hard water ferts were based on high ppms and high ph and deal with that in relation to carbonates.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I agree that if your growing in coco keep the seedlings in coco. I use Rock Wool but its a love/hate thing lol. I have tried it all and rock wool is the easiest thing for my net pots and balls. If I could find something better, trust me, I'd use it. Again I know shit about coco but can you not start the seed right in the first pot? Do you need to use a starter pod?