The touchy subject of politics and weed, more garbage!


Well-Known Member
The huffington (which is mostly garbage anyway) has posted this today:

There goal:
Is not Legalization but extreme REGULATION. Which means no more farmers markets, no more sercet sess's, Keeping money in the hands of those who already have it.

Yea, they don't come out and say it outright but that is what it will become. All the different groups that attended the cup will have to be fully regulated with the state. Why? because why should you or I be able to be compensated properly without having to give most of it to the state? That keeps small time up an comers from growing it also puts pricing in the hands of the rule makers, not the public.

The article in the huffington makes it seem like without major regulation you will not be safe. Untrue, As long as you as a caregiver follow the current MMMP rules for care giving your covered as far as the state is concerned or at least as far as one can be, there's no guarantee of anything.

I hope everyone will see why this is bad and vote against it. Except those of you who want regulation. There will be no reasoning with you
Eh, those turds can vote into legislation no jerkin off on Sunday or blah blah blah ..I do what I want..and tens of millions like me do the same... They are just getting cut out..I didn't even get a card this year ..Why? Because there were rumors the pigs would get access to the state registry..they just cost themselves 250$ ..I'm not alone can't regulate jerkin off or growing weed..its just too easy to do.
Eh, those turds can vote into legislation no jerkin off on Sunday or blah blah blah ..I do what I want..and tens of millions like me do the same... They are just getting cut out..I didn't even get a card this year ..Why? Because there were rumors the pigs would get access to the state registry..they just cost themselves 250$ ..I'm not alone can't regulate jerkin off or growing weed..its just too easy to do.
Vote for Republican Chris Christie
He vows to shutdown the legalization in Colorado and California

They can pry my plants from my cold, dead fingers.

If you allow such monsters to peel off various parts of society and deny them their rights, how long do you think it will be before they come for you?

Hint; having read my Nazi party history, the answer is 'not long'.
Christie would have a better chance at getting the last crispy cream at a fat guy convention then going any further in his career.
About 70% of the US Department of Justice today is built upon and during the past 50 years of maleficence we call the "Drug War". There is no question about the common revolving political door there that now dominates our modern politics: Wealthy politically connected family > Ivy League Law School > US Attorney > Wall Street Lawyer > Politically appointed Government Executive or well groomed/funded elected politician. Since 2008 nearly a million citizens per year have been arrested for marijuana offences alone, yet there has not been a single one on Wall Street following the global financial collapse engineered there? In the end there is no difference between Christie, the Clintons or Obama as the establishment room is always full of these same folks regardless if they are calling themselves a Democrat or Republican. Watch Trump's drug policy views change as he is accepted into and spends more time in those rooms ...


There can be no judicial reform without political reform at this point IMHO.
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Nancy, I understand you want it completely tax free and unregulated (who doesn't?) but that's not going to happen yet. In the mean time I don't understand why you're against the MiLegalize proposal. You'd really rather keep sending people to jail for growing a plant rather than have it taxed and regulated for those who try to make a business out of it?
People will still be going to jail or being or being penalized for growing.. No provision for p2p sales?? No penalty for anyone who violates my or my children's civil rights. No provision for breeding., this is just us trying to bribe the people who hate us..
They lost the War.. They where wrong.. Why should I pay them a dime for harming my child?????

If mileagilize is the best our 'brightest' can do? Damn sad in my opinion...
And Huel?? When they use bullies and try to push me??? Well I don't push well.
About 70% of the US Department of Justice today is built upon and during the past 50 years of maleficence we call the "Drug War". There is no question about the common revolving political door there that now dominates our modern politics: Wealthy politically connected family > Ivy League Law School > US Attorney > Wall Street Lawyer > Politically appointed Government Executive or well groomed/funded elected politician. Since 2008 nearly a million citizens per year have been arrested for marijuana offences alone, yet there has not been a single one on Wall Street following the global financial collapse engineered there? In the end there is no difference between Christie, the Clintons or Obama as the establishment room is always full of these same folks regardless if they are calling themselves a Democrat or Republican. Watch Trump's drug policy views change as he is accepted into and spends more time in those rooms ...


There can be no judicial reform without political reform at this point IMHO.

Very good post sir!
People will still be going to jail or being or being penalized for growing.. No provision for p2p sales?? No penalty for anyone who violates my or my children's civil rights. No provision for breeding., this is just us trying to bribe the people who hate us..
They lost the War.. They where wrong.. Why should I pay them a dime for harming my child?????

If mileagilize is the best our 'brightest' can do? Damn sad in my opinion...
And Huel?? When they use bullies and try to push me??? Well I don't push well.

On the whole I agree with you, BUT I still see this as a big step forward as imperfect as it may be.

Why should there be anything about patient to patient transfers? This isn't a medical proposal, it's for everyone over 21, and it does protect up to 2.5 ounce transfers, which is better than the current mmmp does.

Again, it's far from perfect but it's a big step in the right direction and it will keep a lot of people out of jail...
I prefer bigger steps Huel..
I certainly see no reason to pay the people that hate us..
Once u pay the Danegeld you are never rid of the Dane​