The Dons' Organic Garden

I hope im not bugging you, I couldnt find what you use in your soil. Im low on cash for the next month, so I was looking at a premixed batch of minerals and nutrients and get the base soil together locally IF POSSIBLE.

I was looking at Coots premixed. Im very jealous of your grow, thank you for posting manm
I hope im not bugging you, I couldnt find what you use in your soil. Im low on cash for the next month, so I was looking at a premixed batch of minerals and nutrients and get the base soil together locally IF POSSIBLE.

I was looking at Coots premixed. Im very jealous of your grow, thank you for posting manm
We appreciate you dropping in, dude..

@DonPetro is there any way we can help out our fellow herbalists here on RIU?
Make a Don Certified shippable ammendment pack that has all the meals and required nutes for adding to a base locally, something people could just add water withonce inoculated and thriving..
I picture a reusable, well rounded start to finish mix, and another tailored to sensitive sativas maybe..
We have a couple requests and we aren't advertising, what you think!?

Also got a request for a couple light builds, DIY LeD.. Coughee conneseur for starters is lookin to make the leap..

It's been 18 months since we launched, is it time we give the people what they want!?

Maybe my travel agent friend can use their address..
We need those CBD strains from buffalo too

DT and DP...lookin great as always fellas!

Hope you're well...

We love them no tills Stow! With these panels, what a combo..
Good to have you drop in- Hope you G as well dawg!
Check out this guys myco fungi research at Rodale Instititues experimental 333 acre farm and then holla at ya boi

Cut your costs of myco to under 1% while diversifying the species profile, increasing disease resistance, soil structure and water relations (tell me bout da fresh glomalin, mon)

-heres's 2 quick examples from the article :

1) Build your own on-farm inoculum production system

"A myccorhizae factory:
The basic procedure is for the farmer to construct a simple enclosure out of landscape fabric, fill it with a mixture of compost and vermiculite, and then transplant pre-colonized bahiagrass seedlings into the mixture. Over the course of the growing season the bahiagrass spreads within the enclosure and the mycorrhizal fungi spread and reproduce along with it. When the grass dies back in the winter, the farmer is left with a concentrated mycorrhizal inoculant that can be incorporated into his or her potting mix when starting seedlings in the greenhouse the following spring."

2) do I need to say more?
It increases da yields of potatoes 50%, peppers 34% and herbs, who knows!?
who wants to do a side by side experiment !
Check out this guys myco fungi research at Rodale Instititues experimental 333 acre farm and then holla at ya boi

Cut your costs of myco to under 1% while diversifying the species profile, increasing disease resistance, soil structure and water relations (tell me bout da fresh glomalin, mon)

-heres's 2 quick examples from the article :

1) Build your own on-farm inoculum production system

View attachment 3488566
"A myccorhizae factory:
The basic procedure is for the farmer to construct a simple enclosure out of landscape fabric, fill it with a mixture of compost and vermiculite, and then transplant pre-colonized bahiagrass seedlings into the mixture. Over the course of the growing season the bahiagrass spreads within the enclosure and the mycorrhizal fungi spread and reproduce along with it. When the grass dies back in the winter, the farmer is left with a concentrated mycorrhizal inoculant that can be incorporated into his or her potting mix when starting seedlings in the greenhouse the following spring."

2) do I need to say more?
It increases da yields of potatoes 50%, peppers 34% and herbs, who knows!?
who wants to do a side by side experiment !
That's a huge jump in!
Im going to grow that in my garden next year, awesome tip ThNk You. Hey Dons, I still never saw whats in your mix. Im sorry to bug you, Im low on funds ATM and trying to not buy anything unnueccesary.

I was looking at coots premixed for now, your opinions truly matter.
Im going to grow that in my garden next year, awesome tip ThNk You. Hey Dons, I still never saw whats in your mix. Im sorry to bug you, Im low on funds ATM and trying to not buy anything unnueccesary.

I was looking at coots premixed for now, your opinions truly matter.

No way dude, we really appreciate the fact you stopped here..
Don't be silly.
We just ordered from our suppliers and should be able to get something wicked together for you..our mix gets cleaner leaner and meaner every few months..
If you went with us vs homie coots that'd be DonMega lol

Dp hasn't replied to some of my requests as he blew a shoulder on the farm, we're a bit behind ATM.. But we catching up now, trust!

I happen have a thread where a few top dogs chimed in on our latest build (2nd latest now)
If you search Ocean Farma Blend on RIU here you should find that.. My notes are at another place rn.. Otherwise I'd hit you up..

Dp also spoke of the Earth Blend 3.0 may want to scope that too.
Can you get coir and aeration and castings locally? And a humus based black earth

Our mix is peat, dol lime, and blood free now.. As well as bone meal.. We go a lil more naturelle, Na mean

That's a huge jump in!
No play! Gota do a side by side.. I sourced a bit of myco and was able to hit the third bed, Jahjah
Im going to grow that in my garden next year, awesome tip ThNk You. Hey Dons, I still never saw whats in your mix. Im sorry to bug you, Im low on funds ATM and trying to not buy anything unnueccesary.

I was looking at coots premixed for now, your opinions truly matter.
And are you growing heirlooms, sativas, autos, hybrids, or indys? Or everything ..
In other words, want well rounded or something tailored to sativas for example..

Ad you're gonna use this mix for at least two years??
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And are you growing heirlooms, sativas, autos, hybrids, or indys? Or everything ..
In other words, want well rounded or something tailored to sativas for example..

1. Im having trouble finding anything locally, I live in Illegal state but can def travel to the stores which will still save money in the end. (2 hr drive tho, 1 way)

2. Im growing indica dom hybrids because im a beginner, I need to find MY kind of weed as I have alot of stress atm which turnz to paranoia when im high sometimes.

3. I want to keep using the same mix and just re amend it. Itll save $$ and I heard it gets better over time.

I wont say it again, but I really appreciate you talking with me. Some experienced people dont like to. Thanks.

I definitley want to try your mix and would be honored to buy it from you.
Woah! Beautiful plants guys :)
Im from canada too.
Keep the updates coming, i will be watching.
That frass is pretty awesome stuff, i will have to find myself some!
Seriously sexy plants, i wish i could see them in person.
I bet they will be potent and awesome to smoke :D
Hey Nova! Haven't seen you Ina while.. How's BC treating you?? Thinking of making a trip with my girl, maybe next few weeks, jus thought we'd say hi!
I think the most relaxing thing I've done, along with melting into a sofa on deem, was eat a organic brownie that had at least ten strains in it..
Nothing quite like it..
That cocobis oil hits you instantly.. Something to do with how its processed immediately by the liver
Especially if using a recipe anything like stow's.
-Anyways, can you get leaf mold right now, most likely not but just gotta ask I would like to see the earth blend employed..
(Kinda will determine the recipes direction)
...if not, no prob, just means you need:

1) aeration,
2) a nice well rinsed fluffy-pithy coir, free of large chunks/salt/shell pieces etc
3) castings, the more local the more insane you gotta try adding even just a bit,of your own, is not to be underestimated..and cheap to start and easy to maintain.
We did 100 day Sativas in one gallons water only, and smart pots no less, they finished glossy, some of them, very unreal.
4) a bit of dirt. The blacker, more humusy, less peaty, the better..

This is our way and some of the secrets to our style working with itself..
That's base.
its cheap to order a coir brick that expands into lots of gallons btw.
(Dp knows the link on that in Canada .. Stow has to know the cuts for USA .)

**What we should do is compile a list of suppliers in north america ideally world wide since riu is so international, that bump certified base ingredients, not to mention worm farmers world wide, cause real living wigglers add immense value in their exudates and tunnels they form, anyone reading teaming with microbes knows that..**

But yea going with 100L / 25gal batches makes it easy. Add one bag this one bag that etc.
Then you have a no till bed in a giant tub and its high power and low maintenance ..
Divisible as you please..

You could mix it in a way that you plant right in it..tho of course I recc a smooth mellow always amigo

@DonPetro here's your beast bean.. This top is 30 inches off centre and way on the other corner of the bed..image.jpg
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Petro's beautiful diy panels from his first build and our latest soil recipe together, at work:
-Might have to lst one last time.
-Few thin purple stripes on couple stems in our new bed here, and other than that its pure green while the older stallion bed remains immaculately green..perhaps dialled in.
-Bushing out, the girls continue to grow lots in early flower..
-did an AACT as well, just 7 litres between the beds. . Responsive day.
-Almost regret the long 14/10 (Sativa sour diesel is stretchin) but should do
-Yes, mon, The flowers have begun

Have an upful day herbalists..

Ps. Here's the last pic from last week or soimage.jpg
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View attachment 3490080

Petro's beautiful diy panels from his first build and our latest soil recipe together, at work:
-Might have to lst one last time.
-Few thin purple stripes on couple stems in our new bed here, and other than that its pure green while the older stallion bed remains immaculately green..perhaps dialled in.
-Bushing out, the girls continue to grow lots in early flower..
-did an AACT as well, just 7 litres between the beds. . Responsive day.
-Almost regret the long 14/10 (Sativa sour diesel is stretchin) but should do
-Yes, mon, The flowers have begun

Have an upful day herbalists..

Ps. Here's the last pic from last week or soView attachment 3490082
That bed is amazing! Can hardly wait to see it full of colas.
I just gotta hook up the COBs and plug it in...stay tuned.
That bed is amazing! Can hardly wait to see it full of colas.
I just gotta hook up the COBs and plug it in...stay tuned.

You and me both, dawg.
Love how even with a broken hand I can rotate this puppy anytime with relative ease, though.. I get a kick out of it every time.. 45 gallons, flipped just like that. Hope that with your shoulder you can still garden!

Take care herbalists
Burn clean
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2 often I literally stick my head right in the canopy and see what it looks like from inside the bed..

Couple that with a Borneal profiled strain and you have a chance to see the garden from this view every time you close your's surreal
Your "container/pot" is wooden, or is there more to it? Do you like it?

Big time.
It's wood mostly but smart fabric too.

The spaced slits are breathable felt that air prune the roots
and cause some extra growth and provide a bit more aeration.

Also, the slits are wide enuf for fingers to get into, meaning the user can check the beds texture and moisture levels anywhere around the whole bed at two different levels. Intimate watering, plants just love it.

It should last for a couple years at least then I will replace it with a lighter, thinner walled version. Maybe 1x6 cedar..fence boards. With slits. Extra 15 gallons so its 240 L.. Whipped this up for free basically on a rainy day and the removable, reusable bottom thats water proof is awesome. It allowed me to stand the bed up easily, get in a tight space, and clicked back together with no screws.
View attachment 3490559

You and me both, dawg.
Love how even with a broken hand I can rotate this puppy anytime with relative ease, though.. I get a kick out of it every time.. 45 gallons, flipped just like that. Hope that with your shoulder you can still garden!

Take care herbalists
Burn clean
I'd take two blown shoulders for some mental clarity...shit got me twisted up. My shoulder is nothing compared to a broken hand tough dawg.