female growers of riu

Im gonna say it.
I know you despise each other but If trousers was a good looking fellow
you too could make one helluva porn.

We could call it Extreme hate fuck.
I can see Yessi behind him with a huge strapon lighting a cigar to burn his back with
each time he tries to cum...
Gotta stop now, Getting chubbed up.

Oh yeah and If trou man can muster up some mascara riddled tears all the better.

<stock puking picture>

You would have to pay me an outrageous amount of money, provide me with an industrial barrel of viagra/cialis, a half gallon of Jack Daniels, a fifth of Goldschlager (it makes me black out) and a case of Bud heavy and I still might not be able to.
<stock puking picture>

You would have to pay me an outrageous amount of money, provide me with an industrial barrel of viagra/cialis, a half gallon of Jack Daniels, a fifth of Goldschlager (it makes
<stock puking picture>

You would have to pay me an outrageous amount of money, provide me with an industrial barrel of viagra/cialis, a half gallon of Jack Daniels, a fifth of Goldschlager (it makes me black out) and a case of Bud heavy and I still might not be able to.

Someones shy, lol

Someones shy, lol
Just for you guys,
True story.
Dreamed the wife and I were having a threesome with some chick I dint recognize.
The chick got all weird and left the room.
I continued to pursue the wife but she was just staring off into space.
When I inquired she said she was scared shitless and that something was in the room with us.
About then the unseen force paralyzed me with fear.
I'm confused about religion but figured if evil was this real then good is too, The only thing I could do was try to pray, couldn't get my mouth to work so
I started straining as hard as I could to sing the yes Jesus loves me song.
Although it finally came bursting out it dint help but I kept singing.

I woke up all sweaty and shit, calmed down and went back to sleep.
One of those very vivid dreams, still clear in my mind.

I wake up this morning and my wife says? what did you dream about last night?
I played dumb and finally told me I was yelling the yes Jesus loves me tune with great feeling.

There are no atheists in foxholes or when the devil joins your threeway.

If you knew me this would be even funnier, I don't scare easily and when I do I rarely
start belting out Sunday school songs.

Anyway, yer welcome
I think mall rats 3 is gonna happen,
spoiler the mall explodes at the end.
Sorry bout that but he spoiled it first or I wouldn't know.
So how's it going??? I watched a video on fb a few minutes ago...some female alaskan news anchor quit during a live broadcast about cannabis. ..apparently she's focusing her time on being an advocate for legalization. ..She Looked Into The Camera And Said " Fuck IT I Quit "!!! Lol
Might be an older video but it was awesome. ..
its legal here so deff an older video

its going well keeping busy enjoying the days ^_^ hows you?
As a mom to be I have sadly removed myself from this lovely list of ladies....

And u forgot the number 1 female grower...sorry lahada but mellokitty had some serious skills...
How did I forget mello? Congrats by the way. You're going to have a blast.
I don't grow anymore or smoke at the moment due to my current immigration status / marriage
I may take next season off, actually. I got over confident this year, and the outdoor garden has been difficult to manage without any extra hands.
LOL I'm about a week out from harvest of a pan of GG #4, then have a pan of Kosher Kush regs ready to go, and a pan of experimental mixes, it should be an interesting Christmas this year.
Message me on fb I got a real treat to tell you
Fucking hilarious