Donald Trump

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Am I the only one who thinks you are vastly underestimating the need in the states for illegal immigrants, I mean I know it's not something people talk about often but has anyone actually thought about all the business' and stuff that benefit from the immigrants. I mean yeah criminals have to cross the border illegally because they actually cant go through legally and they should be stopped, but how many people do you think are really moving to the states to fuck shit up? A lot of them are just people who realise how bad the situation is in mexico and are trying to help provide a better life for their families who cant get visa's because they cant afford it or because they arent relatively rich. I used to tutor migrant kids (not mexicans cos I wasn't in the states) and I can tell you people who are trying to work to keep their family from having to go back to a situation where things are actually dangerous work harder than any body you've ever seen I mean I've heard kids tell me there parents work 18 hour shifts 7 fucking days a week. They would be very willing to do things legally if they could I mean theyd have much better pay and living conditions but they cant, and can you really blame them for not taking no for an answer when people are being killed and shit all the time in mexico? I know if I had a family I'd be trying to get the fuck outta there asap. Maybe if the states relaxed their legal immigration a bit they would have an easier time sorting out those who were willing to do honest work from the criminals and they could turn what is now seen as a major issue into a benefit to their society. Either way painting them all with the same brush and just saying they all bring in crime and shit is some stupid bullshit imo sounds like you somehow couldn't be bothered to think that they are all individual people who make their own decisions with some being bad and some good just like everywhere else. Most "good" law abiding people would choose to leave a dangerous situation, and obviously they do.
well your first sentence says we need illegals. No we don't.
Am I the only one who thinks you are vastly underestimating the need in the states for illegal immigrants, I mean I know it's not something people talk about often but has anyone actually thought about all the business' and stuff that benefit from the immigrants. I mean yeah criminals have to cross the border illegally because they actually cant go through legally and they should be stopped, but how many people do you think are really moving to the states to fuck shit up? A lot of them are just people who realise how bad the situation is in mexico and are trying to help provide a better life for their families who cant get visa's because they cant afford it or because they arent relatively rich. I used to tutor migrant kids (not mexicans cos I wasn't in the states) and I can tell you people who are trying to work to keep their family from having to go back to a situation where things are actually dangerous work harder than any body you've ever seen I mean I've heard kids tell me there parents work 18 hour shifts 7 fucking days a week. They would be very willing to do things legally if they could I mean theyd have much better pay and living conditions but they cant, and can you really blame them for not taking no for an answer when people are being killed and shit all the time in mexico? I know if I had a family I'd be trying to get the fuck outta there asap. Maybe if the states relaxed their legal immigration a bit they would have an easier time sorting out those who were willing to do honest work from the criminals and they could turn what is now seen as a major issue into a benefit to their society. Either way painting them all with the same brush and just saying they all bring in crime and shit is some stupid bullshit imo sounds like you somehow couldn't be bothered to think that they are all individual people who make their own decisions with some being bad and some good just like everywhere else. Most "good" law abiding people would choose to leave a dangerous situation, and obviously they do.
Really well written :)
Am I the only one who thinks you are vastly underestimating the need in the states for illegal immigrants, I mean I know it's not something people talk about often but has anyone actually thought about all the business' and stuff that benefit from the immigrants. I mean yeah criminals have to cross the border illegally because they actually cant go through legally and they should be stopped, but how many people do you think are really moving to the states to fuck shit up? A lot of them are just people who realise how bad the situation is in mexico and are trying to help provide a better life for their families who cant get visa's because they cant afford it or because they arent relatively rich. I used to tutor migrant kids (not mexicans cos I wasn't in the states) and I can tell you people who are trying to work to keep their family from having to go back to a situation where things are actually dangerous work harder than any body you've ever seen I mean I've heard kids tell me there parents work 18 hour shifts 7 fucking days a week. They would be very willing to do things legally if they could I mean theyd have much better pay and living conditions but they cant, and can you really blame them for not taking no for an answer when people are being killed and shit all the time in mexico? I know if I had a family I'd be trying to get the fuck outta there asap. Maybe if the states relaxed their legal immigration a bit they would have an easier time sorting out those who were willing to do honest work from the criminals and they could turn what is now seen as a major issue into a benefit to their society. Either way painting them all with the same brush and just saying they all bring in crime and shit is some stupid bullshit imo sounds like you somehow couldn't be bothered to think that they are all individual people who make their own decisions with some being bad and some good just like everywhere else. Most "good" law abiding people would choose to leave a dangerous situation, and obviously they do.
The problem with Visa's for Mexicans isn't the cost. Its the roughly 18 year wait to get approved.

Something Sunni won't have to endure because she isn't Mexican

I've been thru the immigration process twice.
What you mean Is most Canadians are white.
I'm not saying it's fair. Your right, they should fix the immigration system. Bottom line though, If I break the law because it something isn't fair or in my favor am I still held countable? Does my hardship make it ok to break the law?
I'm not saying it's fair. Your right, they should fix the immigration system. Bottom line though, If I break the law because it something isn't fair or in my favor am I still held countable? Does my hardship make it ok to break the law?
Illegally entering the United States is a civil matter.
The same as a traffic ticket
It really should be fuck Mexico for making it so hard of a place to live. That's what Mexican people should be saying. Act in within your own country, not run a way and be mad at another country's laws for not being the way you wish.
But instead once they get here it's fuck America and the Mexican flag always waving. I don't get it. my wifes Mexican and she doesn't get it. Not all Mexicans are like that, but where I am most are.
well your first sentence says we need illegals. No we don't.
Haha ok , I'm going to need waders to get through all this denial. Think about this though, in tons of other countries people are thinking the exact same thing but about people like you. I'm white and I grew up in china and guess what people are racist as fuck, its all the same everyone wants to feel like they are better than everyone who doesn't look like them, you never realise how dumb the shit really is until you are on the receiving end, and for just the same reason as everybody else in that situation, namely no reason at all. It's ok though for the most part its kinda funny seeing how ridiculous the conclusions people come up with about you are just for being whatever race, for example apparently white people all smell like a combination of cheese and dead people and were all ridiculously gullible and incapable of getting things done... they also find it hilarious that we have to turn our faces when we make out because otherwise our noses will hit but that's besides the point. But when it interferes with getting work and stuff then that's a real problem and also it's just stupid to be wasting all the potential that the migrants have as in there is no way to really logically justify it its just sorta never talked about or just considered minimal as if they were all somehow useless back home.

I'm not saying it's fair. Your right, they should fix the immigration system. Bottom line though, If I break the law because it something isn't fair or in my favor am I still held countable? Does my hardship make it ok to break the law?
And to that I'd say wtf does the law have to do with morals as in whether its ok or not? There's a difference between whats legal/illegal and whats socially acceptable and I dont know about you guys but I don't have anything against somebody who's willing to work hard to get their family out of a difficult situation coming to my country. If you're trying to go with the whole idea of it's bad because it's illegal and thats what makes it bad then you picked an odd website to do it on...

Have you ever thought that maybe the problem isn't with our laws. Maybe it's the laws of Mexico. Just because my homes fucked up should I expect to just live in my neighbors house?
Yes I have thought about that and no it's not the laws of mexico, the U.S just makes things ridiculously difficult for immigrants. Obviously no you shouldnt expect to be living in your neighbors house but what you're doing there is called reductio ad absurdum, I'm not even going to bother talking about that.

It really should be fuck Mexico for making it so hard of a place to live. That's what Mexican people should be saying. Act in within your own country, not run a way and be mad at another country's laws for not being the way you wish.
Would you really chance it trying to change a whole country when your kids are growing up in a neighborhood where people are literally getting murdered for things they have no control over?

But instead once they get here it's fuck America and the Mexican flag always waving. I don't get it. my wifes Mexican and she doesn't get it. Not all Mexicans are like that, but where I am most are.
And I would be too if the all the locals were all treating me like I was an outsider and like I didn't deserve to be there

And with that im done it was actually hard to keep up with the amount of random ranting that you went through there so imna take a lil chill break to smoke and watch some tv. Please try to actually see it as if it was a situation that you could have been in too though because believe it or not there are people like you dealing with it in other places.
It really should be fuck Mexico for making it so hard of a place to live. That's what Mexican people should be saying. Act in within your own country, not run a way and be mad at another country's laws for not being the way you wish.

I'll bet you'd be shocked at just how many American fingers are in Mexico's pies- on all sides. Mexicans are well aware that America's current foreign policy activities have a lot to do with 'volatility' in their own country.
What you mean Is most Canadians are white.

Damn, we have greater density of Asians and First Nations than 'Murica ?
Well, that's a surprise. it's not :mrgreen: After all, where am I?

I'll bet you'd be shocked at just how many American fingers are in Mexico's pies- on all sides. Mexicans are well aware that America's current foreign policy activities have a lot to do with 'volatility' in their own country.
that btw is another stereotype about white people in case you're counting - that westerners are always trying fuck them over and basically rape them for their resources, a lot of countries think this about westerners and to be honest they actually have a lot of precedence to draw from. See how this works both ways with stereotyping yet? You almost definitely haven't had anything directly to do with extorting resources from other countries but in some parts of the world you will be blamed for it. The truth is you can't really say you have any more of a right to live in the states than them, morally speaking at least, people just like putting themselves above each other and somehow this is the fucked up system that has resulted from it in the states and many other countries around the world. It's sad really even before you think about all the good peoples lives that are ruined and destroyed by it, so I think the least you can do is think about it before you go on slinging your random aggro at people who really don't need it.
How about we start penalizing companies that hire illegals and pay them neXT to nothing, this is a huge problem that effects wages for citizens and so much more. Most of them cross to work and if they can't get jobs here then why risk it, stay home. Also Donald Trump is NOT the answer for this country. I never thought it would be possible but his idiocy drives well beyond that of GW Bush. SMFH
Haha ok , I'm going to need waders to get through all this denial. Think about this though, in tons of other countries people are thinking the exact same thing but about people like you. I'm white and I grew up in china and guess what people are racist as fuck, its all the same everyone wants to feel like they are better than everyone who doesn't look like them, you never realise how dumb the shit really is until you are on the receiving end, and for just the same reason as everybody else in that situation, namely no reason at all. It's ok though for the most part its kinda funny seeing how ridiculous the conclusions people come up with about you are just for being whatever race, for example apparently white people all smell like a combination of cheese and dead people and were all ridiculously gullible and incapable of getting things done... they also find it hilarious that we have to turn our faces when we make out because otherwise our noses will hit but that's besides the point. But when it interferes with getting work and stuff then that's a real problem and also it's just stupid to be wasting all the potential that the migrants have as in there is no way to really logically justify it its just sorta never talked about or just considered minimal as if they were all somehow useless back home.

And to that I'd say wtf does the law have to do with morals as in whether its ok or not? There's a difference between whats legal/illegal and whats socially acceptable and I dont know about you guys but I don't have anything against somebody who's willing to work hard to get their family out of a difficult situation coming to my country. If you're trying to go with the whole idea of it's bad because it's illegal and thats what makes it bad then you picked an odd website to do it on...

Yes I have thought about that and no it's not the laws of mexico, the U.S just makes things ridiculously difficult for immigrants. Obviously no you shouldnt expect to be living in your neighbors house but what you're doing there is called reductio ad absurdum, I'm not even going to bother talking about that.

Would you really chance it trying to change a whole country when your kids are growing up in a neighborhood where people are literally getting murdered for things they have no control over?

And I would be too if the all the locals were all treating me like I was an outsider and like I didn't deserve to be there

And with that im done it was actually hard to keep up with the amount of random ranting that you went through there so imna take a lil chill break to smoke and watch some tv. Please try to actually see it as if it was a situation that you could have been in too though because believe it or not there are people like you dealing with it in other places.

This is the local crew, SE18 they run-tings round this manor, if you want to shift weights round here you need permission from these guys first
i snapped a quick shot while running errands today, i do not think they saw me
well bottom line is even black people will vote for trump. Good luck to all the illegals that will be voting. maybe their family. Get ready to pack your bags. If you are a decent Mexican American this doesn't apply to you. Now get out.
I'll bet you'd be shocked at just how many American fingers are in Mexico's pies- on all sides. Mexicans are well aware that America's current foreign policy activities have a lot to do with 'volatility' in their own country.
iv had many fingers in Mexican pies.
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