What you haven't acknowledged is many of theses things are a scam, all are vestiges of a command model and are just part of the parasite apparatus that grew around prohibition. They should be abolished and weed should be freed, completely, to a free market.
If consumers want some kind of certification or endorsement of quality with their weed, then it can arise from a free market. Ever hear of E-BAY or Amazon and seen how effective feedback can be to police a given market? A quality feedback system can be good, but it doesn't have to be monopolistic and coercion based, since that leads to sloth and protectionism rather than value.
Bureaucratic Parasites are just an outgrowth of prohibition, throw those fuckers out too. Any good they provide can be replicated by a truly free market in action. The bad they provide can be left behind, know why? In a free market service providers are rewarded for innovation and service, but are not rewarded for unnecessary add-ons which the market rejects, if there is competition allowed that is.
I also just realized, you will have no idea what I'm talking about, sorry to trouble your pea brain. May your chains rest lightly upon you, Prohibitionist.