Legal to grow and possess illegal to sell


That fish looks kind of young....and by the tape holding it down I'd say it didn't consent. I sure hope you're not up to something fishy.
Why is that bullshit? Ive never seen it under 10$ a gram either. Unless you mean when buying weight in which case ive seen dirt weed go for 50 a half O. The good shit is still about 275-400 an O depending on who you know and whats around.

Bullshit because it has been below $10 a gram.
You are young, I pay $250 a O for killer stuff.
It is in who you know and my sellers are not greedy bastards.
Cheesy, your idea reminds me of Hillary Clinton. It started with no steam and kept slowing down.bongsmilie
You mean like the Washington DC legislation which is the same thing I am proposing?
Know what they nicknamed the new law?
The dealer protection act
You mean like the Washington DC legislation which is the same thing I am proposing?
Know what they nicknamed the new law?
The dealer protection act

So why are you interested in using government to protect a class of people at the exclusion of and to the detriment of another class of people?

Your proposal artificially enables the continuation of inflated prices (using the threat of force) and holds prospective buyers in a state of captivity, since all of the possible ways that cannabis could be supplied to a consumer will not be available under your proposed law due to your inclusion of a prohibition.

In any kind of a fair and competitive market, legislatively stifling innovation and eliminating potential competition wouldn't happen.

You are a protectionism seeking Prohibitionist and can't argue your way out of it. You want to use government to prevent a free market and punish the consumer and hold them captive.
Rob Roy do you think a 13 year can consent to sex with an adult?
yes or no?

Are you derailing your own thread now? How about we do this, you start another thread and call it arguing with Rob Roy. We'll have lots of fun there.

Now back to your silly prohibitionist law proposal. Why do you think it is okay to use government to protect prices? Artificially protecting prices by using force doesn't seem like a good idea to me, why does it to you?
Ok Rob Dickhead I will address your post.

I live in a state that it is illegal to grow and possess. Possession of 1 plant = felony

So how is my Idea of Legal to grow and possess, illegal to sell equate to me being a prohibitionist?
You are such a stupid bitch. And a pedophile. No wonder you are locked up

Well I applaud your lame attempt. Isn't the root problem prohibition in the first place? Your proposal seeks to use prohibition to shift who benefits and doesn't really solve the problem. It still includes threats of force, and prevents peaceful people from interacting on a basis they chose without an uninvited third party intervening.

Also, it's not necessary to be so rude, it only proves your argument is weak.

Wouldn't it be best to simply get government out of the weed equation entirely?
I see the idea to be similar to how cigs and booze are handled.

I really don't care if price protections are put in place or whatever bs controls the use.

All that matters to me is staying out of jail for a dime bag.
I see the idea to be similar to how cigs and booze are handled.

I really don't care if price protections are put in place or whatever bs controls the use.

All that matters to me is staying out of jail for a dime bag.

So you want to let the slaves dance on saturday night, lessen their work hours, only beat them for severe offenses, but overall continuing the institution of slavery itself is acceptable to you?
So you want to let the slaves dance on saturday night, lessen their work hours, only beat them for severe offenses, but overall continuing the institution of slavery itself is acceptable to you?

Equating slavery to legalizing or decriminalizing MJ is pretty sad.

I understand you feel like a slave being subject to laws, rules and regulation. However, we are all subject to law, I'm not sure you could go anywhere and be truly free in the sense you seek.

So, I choose to take the small steps toward a greater goal rather than sit on a rock and cry about being a slave.

Laws are less of a slavery issue than student loans, regular loans, mortgages etc. people locked in for 25+ years of labor without much option to change their lives until they pay their debts. Mj laws seriously are trivial at best and not an issue of slavery.
Equating slavery to legalizing or decriminalizing MJ is pretty sad.

I understand you feel like a slave being subject to laws, rules and regulation. However, we are all subject to law, I'm not sure you could go anywhere and be truly free in the sense you seek.

So, I choose to take the small steps toward a greater goal rather than sit on a rock and cry about being a slave.

Laws are less of a slavery issue than student loans, regular loans, mortgages etc. people locked in for 25+ years of labor without much option to change their lives until they pay their debts. Mj laws seriously are trivial at best and not an issue of slavery.
Rob is just pissed off the government locked him up as a dangerous pedophile.
He has stated that he believes a 13 year old can consent to sex with an adult and he is not happy about it
Equating slavery to legalizing or decriminalizing MJ is pretty sad.

I understand you feel like a slave being subject to laws, rules and regulation. However, we are all subject to law, I'm not sure you could go anywhere and be truly free in the sense you seek.

So, I choose to take the small steps toward a greater goal rather than sit on a rock and cry about being a slave.

Laws are less of a slavery issue than student loans, regular loans, mortgages etc. people locked in for 25+ years of labor without much option to change their lives until they pay their debts. Mj laws seriously are trivial at best and not an issue of slavery.

Actually, no. Preventing people from controlling their own bodies and their own property and their own peaceful human interactions, by using force IS a form of slavery. We could argue the severity of some kinds of slavery, but that digresses a bit.

Also, you focused on my use of the term slavery, and never addressed the idea that I rejected prohibition completely and you have not. You accept a proposal to end prohibition, by including some levels of prohibition. That makes no sense.

MJ laws are not trivial, they are a demonstration of systemic barbarism and slavery lite. They should be abolished utterly and completely.

Advocating for selective market protection, is worse than sitting on a rock and crying, it is using prohibition to benefit some to the detriment of others. Why do you embrace using a legal edict to prevent people from behaving freely?

For the record, I'm not sitting on a rock, but I don't need to divulge any of my activist actions or resume in this particular forum.
Rob is just pissed off the government locked him up as a dangerous pedophile.
He has stated that he believes a 13 year old can consent to sex with an adult and he is not happy about it

If your prohibitionist laced law proposal is so good, why can't you defend it, in the face of reasonable questions?

But since you asked...
I would have banged an 18 year old chick, twins actually when I was 13, but they didn't consent, so I was stuck doing their 15 year old sister for a couple years.

At which age did your cognitive skills develop to the point you could consciously refuse to, or consent to, an interaction with a young lady? Notice I didn't ask about any relations you may have had with other creatures incapable of consenting. That would be an unfair innuendo.