Nycd ryder, bubblelicious new grow

mr west

Well-Known Member
Hey its 8 weeks today and i took a sample bud off my ww clone to see and smoked it yesterday and today, it was good, so i chopped half of it down leaving the main cola and the branches off of that main stalk. everything else is coming along nicely both the younguns have trics and they will be 3 weeks tomorrow. Heres some pics for ya



Well-Known Member
looking great mr west they are beautys,
i think im gonna transform my old cabinet in the base into a nice cab,
if you think i keep pruning and try to keet em short that about 3 and a half feet maybe4 is tall enough

mr west

Well-Known Member
looking great mr west they are beautys,
i think im gonna transform my old cabinet in the base into a nice cab,
if you think i keep pruning and try to keet em short that about 3 and a half feet maybe4 is tall enough

my bloom drobe is only 6 feet high so with pots i cant really let my plants get over 4 feet, dunno wot im gonna do wen my satoris get big lol they sat dom for sure lol. they go in the bloom room about 18 inches and that normaly works out just right.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yea, Mr West is so good!! nazdrave and puff puff pass the blunt....and.... the bong?

cheers DRtothE, bongs and spliffs lol ill be coughing like a trooper this afternoon lol. Ive decided that the 9th week is the hardest to get through if u have no stash to see you to the end of nineth. luckily i have bout a quart off one of the plants the ww clone, its ok but not a patch on ww ive bought that was grown localy. Cant wait to taste some bubblelicious again its been too long lol really its been bout 4 weeksa but hey lol


Well-Known Member
Can you top the Satori's? A guy on breedbay grew some topped Satori's that yielded like 1/4lb each in the form of 4x1 ounce buds.

mr west

Well-Known Member
some strains top better than others i think but i dont kno which 1s are better for it lol. I top or fim all of mine.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Can you top the Satori's? A guy on breedbay grew some topped Satori's that yielded like 1/4lb each in the form of 4x1 ounce buds.
ive topped both my satoris, one has a 3 seprate leaf thing going on so fingers crossed its a girl lol


Well-Known Member
u can top all strains of cannibus, all depends at what stage u wanna top them at?
Can you think about what I was saying before assuming that I don't know something that basic? Would I really be asking if you can top this plant saying that I'd seen a 1/4lb plant of the same strain? I know that you can top any cannabis plant? I meant does he have time in his cycle to top it.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I dont think there is a time u shouldnt top in veg. No point in topping if ur in flower but if ya in veg and u got the space to u can top as much as u want i think. I topped the bub i have at 8 weeks old when she ws 3 weeks old and imidietly threw it into flower to sex it but wen i see hairs i left her in bloom and now its a monster plant now over four feet. I call her twin towers and shes coming down very soon in the next 4-5 days

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
Can you think about what I was saying before assuming that I don't know something that basic? Would I really be asking if you can top this plant saying that I'd seen a 1/4lb plant of the same strain? I know that you can top any cannabis plant? I meant does he have time in his cycle to top it.
oh sorri i picked it up wrong