Nycd ryder, bubblelicious new grow

mr west

Well-Known Member
why keep a dog and bark yaself lmao jus kiddin i made the tea and left her sleepin cuz im nice like that lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
Off the subject....but you have a very cute cat LOL.
Thanks shes a sweetie mog. I got two others too, the others are classic black and white filix types or ska cats as i refer to them lol. they are like moody gangsters wen im out they hang around just out side and brood lol.



Well-Known Member
Liking the cat! My cat has long fur like that but is a taby cat, always dropping her fur everywhere lol.

Thanks shes a sweetie mog. I got two others too, the others are classic black and white filix types or ska cats as i refer to them lol. they are like moody gangsters wen im out they hang around just out side and brood lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
hey west whats goin on??
more like wots coming down lol ive put whats left of th ww clone into a dark cupboard to finish her off for 24 or so hours. then ill chop her, should be a fair bit left on her id say maybe an oz.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
spoze i better do a quick update on my bloom room lol. first off is a bublelicious clone, second pic is the ppp cross something, 3rd is my twin towers bub hanging in there till thursday then....uncle chop chop is gonna pay a visit hehehe, then the room and last is my gaurdian. oh shit yeah lol i forgot i have put a satori in to sex, if its a girl she can stay in there if its a boy then hmm, i dunno lol.


mr west

Well-Known Member
well i got naked and had the moon shining down through the window as i danced around the sacrifice, chantig and wailing untill i was horse and sweaty. I dropped to my knees and raised the knife up high. I dont remember much after that but heres some pics bongsmilie

