Well-Known Member
That was a joke? you must be the only one laughing. you suck at jokes. just so you know.
you didn't like my story?
That was a joke? you must be the only one laughing. you suck at jokes. just so you know.
You mean BENGHAZI just doesn't do it anymore?
that it was all debunked by the GOP themselves, that's what difference it makes.What difference does it make?
BENGHAZI! This reminds me of the boot in the ass that you thought Kitzhaber gave to me after the last election. Do you remember that? And before you could get the hook out of your lip Kitzhaber put his own boot up yours and his ass. And that was funny , just like your benghazi is getting ready to be funny also.
kitzhaber won, dumbass.
He did win reelection but then he put his own boot in yours and his ass. That was funny.
yeah, the new democrat governor signing gun control into law was really a boot up the ass.
why don't you move to arkansass ince you love conservativism so much?
does your wife exceed some sort of weight limit?
I don't even know who the new appointed governor is. Some gay woman that doesn't like guns I guess. And why would I want to move to Arkansas when there is so much more I can do in Oregon and Hawaii?
so you prefer liberal states. the most liberal states, in fact.
I prefer to be free to chose where ever that takes me in my journey through life. And those liberal states need people like me to provide what ever I can, like jobs. Or they will go broke.
the liberal states are the ones providing welfare to red states though. maybe go make some jobs in those red states, to get them off all the welfare.
That sounds like a job for poopy pants the super hero. Go get em poopy pants.
when have i ever been a "super hero" for conservative states?