The Thought Police have arrived...


Well-Known Member
I'll make you a deal. I'll agree to your statement above if you go back to the site of your shit assault, clean and disinfect the bathroom stall, pay restitution to the person that owned the Wendy's at that time and wear a sign saying, "I was a shit bandit and I apologize".

To further address your statement above, I certainly hope no person ever abuses another that doesn't consent to an interaction, and I'd agree that adults that take advantage of children or other adults for that matter, are most heinous.

How do you feel about a systemic intrusion that rises to the level of systemic molestation? Doesn't the state itself treat people like children ? Encompass and abuse people that don't and haven't consented to be encompassed within a set of arbitrary rules laid out by power hungry sociopaths?

It is definitely wrong to provide anothers consent for why do you then worship the state, which practices nonconsensual abuse on a routine basis?
i find it very odd that rob roy refuses to state that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 11 year old child.

how hard is it to simply state, as i am doing right now, that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 11 yer old child?

and yet rob roy refuses to state that.


Well-Known Member
where have u guys been

2015 hahahaha try oct 26 2001 .....patriot act...really read it gives them the right to bypass the whole checks and balances that government was designed.....they say the word terrorist u lose all rights as a citizen/human ....and they are the ones that define terrorist any reason they deem.....if u really look the prez can call marshal law at any point for any reason he see fit turning the whole system into a dictatorship ......just like rome (they can not see history repeating....dumb asses)

now thought police ........the first time they used that was the trail of the cannibal cop (he did not eat one just thought about it and talked bullshit on the net)
they actually got him locked up for 20 months he finally won a appeal and the conviction was thrown out (as he did nothing but talk) .......but they got him locked up from 1 trial it actually worked just for the thought they locked a cop up that was 2014


Well-Known Member
The general population also thought burning witches was an acceptable practice and that jailing people for weed related activity was okay....hey wait a minute, you STILL think jailing people for weed related activity is somehow a good idea don't you?

Burn any witches lately Prohibitionist?
the practice of witch burning was completely political..soon they realized they could no longer get away with burning/hanging enemies of the church and passed Citizens United.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i find it very odd that rob roy refuses to state that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 11 year old child.

how hard is it to simply state, as i am doing right now, that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 11 yer old child?

and yet rob roy refuses to state that.

I find it very odd that you refuse to state that it is a crime to shit on another persons property without their consent.

How hard is to simply state, as I am doing right now, that it is a crime to shit (literally shit) on another persons property?

You seem on the one hand to SOMETIMES realize that doing things to a person without their consent or forcibly assigning consent to them when none exists is a bad idea, then on the other hand you advocate for many policies that contradict this.

I don't assign right or wrong to an act based on whether it's illegal or not. It is certainly wrong to force ourselves on people or to create human interactions where duress is used to create false consent or override a protest from a person seeking escape from initiated aggression. You ignore that on a regular basis in many of the things you support.

Obviously, dolt, if a person is incapable of consenting to an interaction it is wrong to force the interaction.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
is Rob Roy a 35 year old racist pedophile living in his mom's basement?

You decide

Not 35.
Not a racist.
Not a pedo.

Mom no longer has a basement, she moved. No mothers please too, my mom is a saint.

Now about your anger over me pointing out that you are a weed Prohibitionist....has that made you so angry that you think by making false allegation somehow people will forget you advocated a law to jail people for weed related activity? Pretty weak, even for a skinny armed Prohibitionist.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
"Peacefully without forceable coercion." Allow the market to decide. Let society make its own rules. For example, you think it's ok to have sex with 13 year old girls, just as long as she is not forceable coerced. Most people would disagree, but your society can allow it. Peacefully. Until one day, that girl's father shoots a 4 inch diameter hole in your head, peacefully of course.

We have rules for a reason Rob.
No, I don't think it's okay, for me that is. Nor is it anything I have any interest in. I also have no interest in telling other individual people how to conduct their lives if they are conducting their lives in ways that don't harm others.

What you are implying is if I don't like what two consenting people are doing, that somehow even if their actions don't involve me, that I have some right to prevent them from engaging in whatever it is they have consented to. That seems like the calling card of a Prohibitionist, telling people how to use their own bodies.

Why do you advocate prohibitionist actions on people that aren't involved with you?

Also, you got your narrative wrong from the get go. At 13 I was indulged by a 15 year old lass, try to keep up okay?


Well-Known Member
i find it very odd that rob roy refuses to state that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 10 year old child.

how hard is it to simply state, as i am doing right now, that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 10 year old child?

and yet rob roy refuses to state that.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i find it very odd that rob roy refuses to state that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 10 year old child.

how hard is it to simply state, as i am doing right now, that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 10 year old child?

and yet rob roy refuses to state that.

Your ability to count backwards is astonishing, just astonishing Poopy Pants.