The Thought Police have arrived...


Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting the institution of government is a shining example of ethics and morality?

Let's say a person is an illegal pot dealer, but treats her customers with respect and fairness. That person is then jailed, house stolen and forcibly made to attend rehab, maybe her kids are stolen too. Can you explain how government regulation / involvement created a more moral and ethical business situation here?
We wont allow you to molest children sorry Rob Roy


Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting the institution of government is a shining example of ethics and morality?

Let's say a person is an illegal pot dealer, but treats her customers with respect and fairness. That person is then jailed, house stolen and forcibly made to attend rehab, maybe her kids are stolen too. Can you explain how government regulation / involvement created a more moral and ethical business situation here?
how about if it's legal to grow and illegal to sell?:wink:

right now, it's illegal to grow and sell.

actually, i think @ChesusRice is right!

it's more than we have now.


Well-Known Member
I find it hard to believe that you refuse to admit that it is wrong to use force non defensively.

How do you feel about people trying to conduct their private lives being groped and having perverts use machines at airports to view their bodies?
i find it very odd that rob roy refuses to state that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 12 year old child.

how hard is it to simply state, as i am doing right now, that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 12 yer old child?

and yet rob roy refuses to state that.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The general population who would vote against full legalization has no problem with this
The general population also thought burning witches was an acceptable practice and that jailing people for weed related activity was okay....hey wait a minute, you STILL think jailing people for weed related activity is somehow a good idea don't you?

Burn any witches lately Prohibitionist?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i find it very odd that rob roy refuses to state that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 12 year old child.

how hard is it to simply state, as i am doing right now, that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 12 yer old child?

and yet rob roy refuses to state that.
I'll make you a deal. I'll agree to your statement above if you go back to the site of your shit assault, clean and disinfect the bathroom stall, pay restitution to the person that owned the Wendy's at that time and wear a sign saying, "I was a shit bandit and I apologize".

To further address your statement above, I certainly hope no person ever abuses another that doesn't consent to an interaction, and I'd agree that adults that take advantage of children or other adults for that matter, are most heinous.

How do you feel about a systemic intrusion that rises to the level of systemic molestation? Doesn't the state itself treat people like children ? Encompass and abuse people that don't and haven't consented to be encompassed within a set of arbitrary rules laid out by power hungry sociopaths?

It is definitely wrong to provide anothers consent for why do you then worship the state, which practices nonconsensual abuse on a routine basis?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Rob Roy wants to have sex with teenagers. But the evil government won't allow it
No, Prohibitionist. Your twist is painfully obvious.

I'm in a great relationship with a middle aged woman . Your allegation is false. What other people do is not my business though, Prohibitionist.

When I WAS a teenager, I wanted to have sex with teenagers and I did. Not everyone was still riding around on their sting ray bicycle at the age of 16 like you wishing it were a real motorcycle and that they weren't so nerdy and even their sisters fat friends wouldn't look at them. I'm sorry you seem obsessed with sex with teenagers, is it because when you were a teen your right hand was your best friend?


Well-Known Member
How do you suggest we prevent people from turning a plane into a weapon?

Just don't open the cabin door, for any reason during flight, ever. Just, ignore their screams.

Hold every pilots family hostage until each flight arrives at it's destination. Someone veers off course... boom headshot to their first born.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The questions I had hoped to originally present in this thread was, "should people that are placed on a no fly list at least be told what the reason(s) are they were placed on the list?

How can a person defend their right to travel if they aren't told why they are prohibited?

As an aside I would not have government intervene in the private affairs of innocent people, but many of you already knew that.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Government regulation with oversight and accountability
If the first and foremost "bad and disservice" that comes from government is their use of regular systemic coercion to automatically encompass otherwise peaceful people how would "oversight and accountability" accomplish the removal of that?

I bet you can't answer that question.


Well-Known Member
If the first and foremost "bad and disservice" that comes from government is their use of regular systemic coercion to automatically encompass otherwise peaceful people how would "oversight and accountability" accomplish the removal of that?

I bet you can't answer that question. about equal Respect for all.


Well-Known Member
Stop occupying every corner of the earth militarily.

How do you suggest people conduct business without government intervention ?
"Peacefully without forceable coercion." Allow the market to decide. Let society make its own rules. For example, you think it's ok to have sex with 13 year old girls, just as long as she is not forceable coerced. Most people would disagree, but your society can allow it. Peacefully. Until one day, that girl's father shoots a 4 inch diameter hole in your head, peacefully of course.

We have rules for a reason Rob.