Help my babies !!

1 gallon is a good size because than I can plant into anywhere from 3-5-7-15 gallon pots or if you go big like garden boss and doublejj
the sky is the limit here
So you do transplant autos? I read a lot of mixed opinions about concerns over transplant shock with autos. My plan is to get these babies into 3-5 gallon pots but don't want to risk anymore stress on these plants
So you do transplant autos? I read a lot of mixed opinions about concerns over transplant shock with autos. My plan is to get these babies into 3-5 gallon pots but don't want to risk anymore stress on these plants

You are correct on 1 transplant from cup to auto...I would not even top the plant...let her grow stress free 3 gallon
That auto will have a hell of a time trying to achieve any kind of size after this kind of start. Nature of the game with autos. The soil looks like a drainage issue above all else. With inadequate drainage, you then have over watering issues. If drainage is sufficient, you can water regularly, within reason, without incident. Good luck and check out organic living soil [ROLS] - takes the work out of growing. :D :peace:
Seems like a lot of light for those little guys. Try some cfls close until you get some nodes and enough root devolpement to draw enough water to cool themselves off. Soils seems wet. The weather will change with fall coming and then you can blast that 600w without too much heat...
Also these auto flowers are about 2 weeks old since first sprout
these are way to young to give anything but water they are autoflower they don't like nuts very much I give mine one quarter strength around week 3 they don't like transplanted just give them water till I say at least three nodes
Seems like a lot of light for those little guys. Try some cfls close until you get some nodes and enough root devolpement to draw enough water to cool themselves off. Soils seems wet. The weather will change with fall coming and then you can blast that 600w without too much heat...
Thanks buddy any tips or advice how to keep temps down in tent while growing in garage? I imagine summer will cause the most trouble with temps, keeping garage and tent warm in winter won't be a problem.
A/C would be the easiest. But start with fans. They can handle some heat once established, but not too much, otherwise they spend there energy cooling off and not growing. Instead of growth, they will just move water to the leaves to cool off. Remember, its in their inherent genetic code to reproduce. Just make sure to help them by giving them a constant climate.