Oath Keepers in Ferguson

You cope with these thoughts all the time. How do you manage?

Pretty sure it was you in here crying about a few dudes with guns. I don't let trivial shit rule my life. And I certainly don't try to prove myself on a dope forum. ;)

DRAMA = "They project a menacing paramilitary police presence among protesters that know if they did the same they would be down in a pool of their own blood before they could say don't shoot."

You scared?
Pretty sure it was you in here crying about a few dudes with guns. I don't let trivial shit rule my life. And I certainly don't try to prove myself on a dope forum. ;)

DRAMA = "They project a menacing paramilitary police presence among protesters that know if they did the same they would be down in a pool of their own blood before they could say don't shoot."

You scared?
Now that you've brought me to your grey existence you must show me how to cope. Why don't you kill yourself? How do you keep plodding on?
everything is meaningless, but apparently i mean enough that he has to put me on ignore.


kinda telling.
I'd laugh but now that skunky has shown me the grey hoplessness of life, its all ashes now. I'm numb and can't feel fear or joy. How does skunk go on? Perhaps instead of killing herself, she only removes a bit of skin or a finger tip to feel pain and a semblance of life when those thoughts come to prey. Yes maybe that will help. Is that what you do @sheskunk? Are those really red shoes or your feet that you mutilated to make you feel alive, one small bit of agony at a time?

Why don't you kill yourself, tell me?
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I think it does, To avoid the time it would take to muster, like intended, The People will keep arms in their home to counter a surprise attack and to avoid powder house demolition that would cripple a counter attack.

Something like that anyway. But the Governor must call the shots.
Adding script that isn't in the document.
I'd laugh but now that skunky has shown me the grey hoplessness of life, its all ashes now. I'm numb and can't feel fear or joy. How does skunk go on? Perhaps instead of killing herself, she only removes a bit of skin or a finger tip to feel pain and a semblance of life when those thoughts come to prey. Yes maybe that will help. Is that what you do @sheskunk? Are those really red shoes or your feet that you mutilated to make you feel alive, one small bit of agony at a time?

Why don't you kill yourself, tell me?

I'm happy. You're the one in here crying. I'm not sure where you've found all your greyness but there's none of that in my life.
I'm happy. You're the one in here crying. I'm not sure where you've found all your greyness but there's none of that in my life.
Look at my signature line and Avi, chowderhead. You talk as if I should care what you think. I'm not trying to be cool. I just want to please and be happy. You carp and harp on others because they don't appreciate your shiny shoes and be boringly cool. I pee on them.

Your constrained fearful existence is grey and boring. I don't know why you don't kill yourself.
I'd call walking about armed to the teeth in the crowd without reaching out beforehand to make sure they were welcome is a negative. They project a menacing paramilitary police presence among protesters that know if they did the same they would be down in a pool of their own blood before they could say don't shoot. So yeah, a lot of negatives.

Looks very much like the paramilitary groups in Iran... They probably seemed neutral until they weren't.

"Big mean men have guns and they scare me."

What a bitch.
More wag,less bark
Are you one of those dog women that insists their dog sits at their feet while they drone on to other dog women who constrain their dogs to do the same? I think that's just abysmal. Dogs run, jump, show teeth, bark, wag, dogs live in the moment.
Well thats enough for today , we arent going to fix you all at once.
Troll psiDoer racist mindless thought socket for klan leaders and oath keeper military police, I'm not your friend. You like cats, that's all we have in common. Shows Teeth (not aggressive but more of a back off kind of display)