Fox news. enter at your own risk.

Fiscal Year Year
Ending National Debt Deficit
FY1993 09/30/1993 $4.411488 trillion
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion $281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion $281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion $250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion $188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion $113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion $130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion $17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion $133.29 billion

you seriously aren't wanting to debate this are you?'s been beaten to death..our resident deficit expert is @UncleBuck.

talk to him, he'll listen.

deficit? easy..:lol:

Fiscal Year Year
Ending National Debt Deficit
FY1993 09/30/1993 $4.411488 trillion
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion $281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion $281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion $250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion $188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion $113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion $130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion $17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion $133.29 billion

uncited, unattributed, worthless toilet paper from a racial separatist.
i don't see your numbers there.

bill clinton achieved a budget surplus.

this is historical fact.
If that satisfies you That is good enough. The MS paint chart is contrived and inaccurate . You know it . But you are free to lie to yourself all you want . The numbers don't lie .
FiscalYear Year
Ending National Debt Deficit
FY1993 09/30/1993 $4.411488 trillion
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion $281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion $281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion $250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion $188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion $113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion $130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion $17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion $133.29 billion

Clinton paid down public debt(treasury bills, savings bonds,) by borrowing Social security money , raising the intergovernmental holdings ( money the government owes itself ) and raised the national debt .(public debt + intragovernmental holdings)
These facts are not in dispute.
There in no evidence that will convince you that you do not discover on your own.( all sources/facts are from racists and biased ) I suggest you study the facts quietly on your own and drop the subject .
The information of interest is what the federal debt was at the start of the presidents term/terms and what it was at the end.

Since Reagan, every single president has added to the debt. Relative to the start of his term Clinton added approx. 30 something percent or a little more, you can look it up. If I recall correctly, Reagan almost doubled his incoming debt.

There's all kinds of accounting stuff that can be done to make the graphs look better. When you plot the debt relative to GDP for the Clinton years there is a negative slope, which looks good relative to his modern day peers. But the fact remains, he increased the debt just like the rest of 'em, albeit, at a lower rate.
The information of interest is what the federal debt was at the start of the presidents term/terms and what it was at the end.

Since Reagan, every single president has added to the debt. Relative to the start of his term Clinton added approx. 30 something percent or a little more, you can look it up. If I recall correctly, Reagan almost doubled his incoming debt.

There's all kinds of accounting stuff that can be done to make the graphs look better. When you plot the debt relative to GDP for the Clinton years there is a negative slope, which looks good relative to his modern day peers. But the fact remains, he increased the debt just like the rest of 'em, albeit, at a lower rate.

funny how you jump and grasp at straws to call me a racist, and then never say a word when the racial separatist poster above you tries his best to spam the forum with explicit and unequivocal racism.

what's up with that massive, gaping, wide double standard of yours?
funny how you jump and grasp at straws to call me a racist, and then never say a word when the racial separatist poster above you tries his best to spam the forum with explicit and unequivocal racism.

what's up with that massive, gaping, wide double standard of yours?

Ahaha --- Meltdown!