EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

How could you be out of work? Obama has created more jobs than any one person in the history of the universe or some such shit....

as compared to the hemorrhaging we were doing in 2008? + a whole slew of new generation to compete with?

20's are optimal prospects because they are considered 'trainable'..but what they really mean is, they don't question authority.

and that's not me.
Or maybe they're sick of being pandered to for votes, and want to be in control of their own destiny. Like any free person would want. Most of the bullshit government assistant was pushed on them by do-gooding white people, who have no idea about black people.
Yep I have said my whole life that there is no more racist action than the "we have to give it to them because they cant get it for themselves" attitude. Basically you are saying a certain people are incapable of taking care of themselves. That is as racist as it gets.

the only ones saying that are you racist idiots. ginwilly too.
People will call Thomas Sowell an "uncle tom" because they have this notion that all people of a certain color should act a certain way......hmmm....whats that called?.....oh yeah, racist.

i would call thomas sowell an anti-black racist.

just because he's black does not stop him from being racist against blacks. thomas sowell is about as racist against blacks as they get.
Hurry, hurry, hurry, step right up.

Don't miss your chance to see all these Sanders supporters cry a big 'ol snot bubble when Hildabeast is rammed through by the MSM. Their pain will be delicious.

Afterwards, we get to watch them stuff their integrity down the shitter as they jump right on board the Hillary Express. It will be glorious watching these hypocritical lemmings act magnanimous while licking the boots of that treacherous, lying hag.

Mmm,mmm. I can taste the pain already.

yep, all one of us.

maybe call us lemmings some more. see if that makes you feel less homicidal.
the only ones saying that are you racist idiots. ginwilly too.
Been hanging out at your secondary sight, what's it called? The racist site you spend so much time on, bigot...When did you say the last time you had a minority in your home was? Oh that's right you never have allowed a minority in your house, racist. You don't want them to see the rebel and nazi flags hanging from the walls, WKI.
Been hanging out at your secondary sight, what's it called? The racist site you spend so much time on, bigot...When did you say the last time you had a minority in your home was? Oh that's right you never have allowed a minority in your house, racist. You don't want them to see the rebel and nazi flags hanging from the walls, WKI.

We all know @UncleBuck is a racist. Just let him live the life he envisions in his mind. To Bucktard, it's reality. Wait a second, how did you know he was on a racist website? Fellow klansman?
Been hanging out at your secondary sight, what's it called? The racist site you spend so much time on, bigot...When did you say the last time you had a minority in your home was? Oh that's right you never have allowed a minority in your house, racist. You don't want them to see the rebel and nazi flags hanging from the walls, WKI.
We all know @UncleBuck is a racist. Just let him live the life he envisions in his mind. To Bucktard, it's reality. Wait a second, how did you know he was on a racist website? Fellow klansman?

i have racist quotes galore from both of you to prove my assertion that both of you are racist.

what evidence do either of you have at all to back up your retarded and baseless accusations?
Been hanging out at your secondary sight, what's it called? The racist site you spend so much time on, bigot...When did you say the last time you had a minority in your home was? Oh that's right you never have allowed a minority in your house, racist. You don't want them to see the rebel and nazi flags hanging from the walls, WKI.

i have a question for you..why does the black community (at times) feel humanitarian displays are white guilt in disguise?
please show the math you did to derive at your ridiculous and stupid belief that black people are magically 7 times more violent than whites because of all that crazy and dangerous melanin they are packing.

Like I said, post all the evidence, better yet, just post one. You can't do it because it's not true and your credibility, (if any existed) is diminished.

this whole thread is just you trying to convince me that blacks are somehow more violent, simply because they are black.

Bucky, I didn't make the data available to the public. The F.B.I. did. I am sorry if those numbers offend you but sometimes the truth can be a bitter pill to swallow. Besides, I will play devil's advocate to most of your stances. Simply because I am smarter than you and I can argue for either side better than what your deep rooted anger, hate, and racism, allows you to.
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Bucky, I didn't make the data available to the public. The F.B.I. did. I am sorry if those numbers offend you but sometimes the truth can be a bitter pill to swallow.

it was me who cited the FBI data, you did some retarded racist magic to come up with completely false numbers. hence why i just asked you to show your math, and why you refuse to.

this was after you railed on about "black on black murders", ignoring completely the 85% white on white murder rate. always a giveaway dumb racists like you make.

i then asked you what it was about melanin that made black people violent, and you started talking about how you are just here to "bring the truth", or some stupid shit.

save it for your junior klan chapter, kiddo.