Well-Known Member
you did some retarded racist magic to come up with completely false numbers
That is what we call basic math bucky. Ease up on the Harry Potter movies.
you did some retarded racist magic to come up with completely false numbers
That is what we call basic math bucky. Ease up on the Harry Potter movies.
it was me who cited the FBI data, you did some retarded racist magic to come up with completely false numbers. hence why i just asked you to show your math, and why you refuse to.
this was after you railed on about "black on black murders", ignoring completely the 85% white on white murder rate. always a giveaway dumb racists like you make.
i then asked you what it was about melanin that made black people violent, and you started talking about how you are just here to "bring the truth", or some stupid shit.
save it for your junior klan chapter, kiddo.
And none of this qualifies me a racist. Your ignorance was my biggest advocate.
so stating that black people are violent simply because they are black, as you did, is not racist?
you are like school in the summer, kiddo, no class. no class in the summer also explains why you are here.
Again, show me, and the rest of the good people of this forum, one racist comment out of the several you claim to possess.
i posted an entire thread of your racist comments.
and now you are slipping into the signature racist/misogynist/homphobe/islamaphobe ways.
just show your racist math so i can laugh at it.
I just want one racist comment you claim to possess, that were uttered out my lips, and I will teach you basic math.
your "basic math" was just a copy and paste from several racist websites, including freerepublic.
it can also be found on the website of one david duke, former grand wizard of the ku klux klan.
it's no wonder why you can't show your math, you literally copied it from white supremacists.
anyone can verify this by copying and pasting your words from that thread, dumbass.
many might wonder why copying and pasting your exact words brings them to a link for "the color of crime", a retarded and debunked look at race published by white supremacist jared taylor.
tell me again how totally not racist you are.
Bwahahahahaaha! Now tell me how does that make me a racist? You are fun.
you literally copied and pasted your "math" directly from a website called "chimpmania".
why are you spamming a pot forum with debunked racist shit from white supremacy websites like chimpmania?
do you really want to try to tell us you are not a racist?
Lmfao! How would you know about these racist sites?
like i said, i literally just googled the very words that you wrote.
why are you spamming us with the same stuff that they are posting about over on chimpmania?
Lmao, I got to admit, you make me laugh. You funny little racist, you.
is the guy who just got caught spamming chimpmania on a pot website calling me a racist?
please support your baseless allegations against me with evidence.
and please stop spamming us with racist debunked bullshit from chimpmania.
You are racist against every minority. On this website, you are only racist against whites.