EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I always thought that 'Polly Purebred' was a thinly veiled racist reference. I still don't support Underdog cartoons for that reason.

actually, even though i was politically active at the age of 8, i didn't get it until i was searching for a pic..guess most kids don't think about.

i never felt any racial anything, until my father at age 14.
here, you need one of these:


rat, snitch..ohhhhhhhhhhh @UncleBuck


Lmao! If you say so, Detective Shoe. Nice to know I get under your skin.
Teardrop... It's funny how the very people who yell out "snitch and rat" are the very people hitting the report button. You just proved what a rat you are. We both know that. Women (shakes his head).
Hurry, hurry, hurry, step right up.

Don't miss your chance to see all these Sanders supporters cry a big 'ol snot bubble when Hildabeast is rammed through by the MSM. Their pain will be delicious.

Afterwards, we get to watch them stuff their integrity down the shitter as they jump right on board the Hillary Express. It will be glorious watching these hypocritical lemmings act magnanimous while licking the boots of that treacherous, lying hag.

Mmm,mmm. I can taste the pain already.
Bumper stickers show up?:lol:


and i decided to strategically place top, center right underneath the tailgate stop light so it's gonna light up..BERNIE!
everytime i hit the brakes..at night it should be special..when i can afford to get the white car marker, i'm gonna write on my car..and if i ever get a fucking job (seriously never had an issue getting one as now..delivery..server..WTF is wrong with this country? there is so much competition i can't believe it over minimal employment..i'm starting to think fast-food).

when i really have some cash..i'm going to get my car wrapped in BERNIE..i don't care how much is costs..that's going to be my contribution..Bernie-mobile.
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and i decided to strategically place top, center right underneath the tailgate stop light so it's gonna light up..BERNIE!
everytime i hit the brakes..at night it should be special..when i can afford to get the white car marker, i'm gonna write on my car..and if i ever get a fucking job (seriously never had an issue getting one as now..delivery..server..WTF is wrong with this world? there is so much competition i can't believe it over minimal employment..i'm starting to think fast-food).

when i really have some cash..i'm going to get my car wrapped in BERNIE..i don't care how much is costs..that's going to be my contribution..Bernie-mobile.

How could you be out of work? Obama has created more jobs than any one person in the history of the universe or some such shit....