ok this is pissing me off


New Member
Personally I like to put about an oz of shake/clippings in a potpourri crockpot with 1 lb butter, put the lid on and turn it on, leave it alone till the smell is gone. Depending on the strain, can be as long as 2 days ..48hr. Never gets hot enough to boil so it kinda steeps out. Smells pretty strong for the first 24 hrs. So I don't suppose this method would work for everyone. But has worked dandy for me for the last 30 yrs or so.If I'm not home @ the exact time it's "done", no harm done. It can continue to steep for hours and not be affected adversely. Fool proof and very forgiving


New Member
I've read a couple recipes and they all said like 4-6 hours,
Yes, but they also say to "simmer", I do not. Nor am I trying to convince you that my method is the only way. I don't think there is anything fundamentally wrong with any of the recipes, (other than maybe the one that charred his shwag in the cooker). I just don't like to spend my life doing such mundane chores. And I personally think the lower heat can coax results out of some skanky weak bud a little better than the simmer. But hey, I'm easy boil that bitch if ya want. Ok by me I'm not eaten it.:hump:

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
Yes, but they also say to "simmer", I do not. Nor am I trying to convince you that my method is the only way. I don't think there is anything fundamentally wrong with any of the recipes, (other than maybe the one that charred his shwag in the cooker). I just don't like to spend my life doing such mundane chores. And I personally think the lower heat can coax results out of some skanky weak bud a little better than the simmer. But hey, I'm easy boil that bitch if ya want. Ok by me I'm not eaten it.:hump:

oh, I'd love to try your way, I want everylast drop of thc. but until I move out, I'm stuck sneakin around.