Donald Trump Leading The Republicans


Well-Known Member
I guess you are still a little bit pissed off at that ass whopping you took. You may not ever get over that. fuck that had to hurt.
what ass whooping?

was it when i quoted all of your posts detailing how you got your fat whale of a wife onto government welfare programs that she never paid into, thereby defrauding the government out of hundreds of thousands of dollars?


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
what ass whooping?

was it when i quoted all of your posts detailing how you got your fat whale of a wife onto government welfare programs that she never paid into, thereby defrauding the government out of hundreds of thousands of dollars?

I know you want to forget the traumatizing ass whopping, but I am afraid it will be with you for life. And you are forgetting that my wife did pay into SS just like anybody but people like you so, sorry about your luck.


Well-Known Member
I know you want to forget the traumatizing ass whopping, but I am afraid it will be with you for life. And you are forgetting that my wife did pay into SS just like anybody but people like you so, sorry about your luck.
what ass whooping? you are confusing we with that little black child you hit with your car the other day.

and your wife never paid into SS, you even said so.


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
what ass whooping? you are confusing we with that little black child you hit with your car the other day.

and your wife never paid into SS, you even said so.

Its time to back up your flapping pie hole. When did I say my wife didn't pay into SS? You are so fucking stupid to think that someone could get SS with out paying into it. You fucking liar, its time to post it up or you are just a pie hole flapping liar!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
When you said she never worked
Chesus. She never worked out side the family business, but she was my accountant and bookkeeper for years and years with all of our income going on my name. so I split my income with her for over tens years once I realized that my SS was already built up. She should of been paid all along and when I incorporated she became an employee of the business.


Well-Known Member
Chesus. She never worked out side the family business, but she was my accountant and bookkeeper for years and years with all of our income going on my name. so I split my income with her for over tens years once I realized that my SS was already built up. She should of been paid all along and when I incorporated she became an employee of the business.
Then you shouldn't of ever told us she never worked. And my guess is you probably didn't think she really did.


Well-Known Member
Truman and Trump share absolutely nothing in common, save the first four letters of their last name. The republican party itself is unrecognizable now relative to what they stood for on the eve of WWII.

But stick to the history books with pictures, seems to be working for ya.

Nope, can`t gather that people are tired of the BS, PC and Political Parties. Example#1 Kelly asks a question that if you were an unknowing would believe is true. Her question made it seem like Trump stated those things to women in general, he said that shit to O`Donell, during a fight. That right there is enough to gage her angle, pay-off, and who the fuck is she anyway,...??? A fucking TV reporter, in the PC world it matters what he said to Kelly or Rosie, in mine, don`t. and people that feel the same way say Go,...Trump. Cuz I know I would and if you want me to believe Kelly hasn`t said derogatory shit about men, would be a fool. There are more of us than I ever thought, and I mean us as in people sick of same `ole, same `ole, ...different name.

Dress nice, talk nice, promise and pledge,...Give me a fucking break.......the real deal speaks his mind not his script.

All those other suits and ties on the stage actually rehearsed the nights before. Guess What, they still looked like goons in front of someone that speaks his mind and don`t have to remember what to say. Just that they rehearsed tells me all I need to know.


Well-Known Member
The problem is he may not get the nomination. If he doesn't get the nomination he will pull votes for being popular.

And there`s the problem we want fixed and done away with,....a single Nomination for a Party.....Frosted with no Telivised Convention for anyone else. There`s more people on Facebook than TV anyways......


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how Trump gets any women's vote....

Because they know Rosie is fat, rude, a slob and said shit about him too. JJ, really,..? Who gives a shit what he says to a reporter and actress, I wanna see what he says to Putin, or Kim.


Well-Known Member
Nope, can`t gather that people are tired of the BS, PC and Political Parties. Example#1 Kelly asks a question that if you were an unknowing would believe is true. Her question made it seem like Trump stated those things to women in general, he said that shit to O`Donell, during a fight. That right there is enough to gage her angle, pay-off, and who the fuck is she anyway,...??? A fucking TV reporter, in the PC world it matters what he said to Kelly or Rosie, in mine, don`t. and people that feel the same way say Go,...Trump. Cuz I know I would and if you want me to believe Kelly hasn`t said derogatory shit about men, would be a fool. There are more of us than I ever thought, and I mean us as in people sick of same `ole, same `ole, ...different name.

Dress nice, talk nice, promise and pledge,...Give me a fucking break.......the real deal speaks his mind not his script.

All those other suits and ties on the stage actually rehearsed the nights before. Guess What, they still looked like goons in front of someone that speaks his mind and don`t have to remember what to say. Just that they rehearsed tells me all I need to know.
In all of the above diatribe, you fail to mention the essential difference between the two men;

Harry Truman had something to say.

If you want to compare a modern candidate to Truman, look no further than Bernie Sanders.


Well-Known Member
Because they know Rosie is fat, rude, a slob and said shit about him too. JJ, really,..? Who gives a shit what he says to a reporter and actress, I wanna see what he says to Putin, or Kim.
Pay attention, fellow liberals and concerned citizens; here is proof positive that these people really do exist, that such thinking is encouraged somewhere in this country and this mindset is just as free to vote as anyone.

If he doesn't make you want to drop everything and go to the polls, nothing will.


Well-Known Member
In all of the above diatribe, you fail to mention the essential difference between the two men;

Harry Truman had something to say.

If you want to compare a modern candidate to Truman, look no further than Bernie Sanders.

The comparison was that Truman ..."had no chance" and you are telling me to pay attention ? They even rolled the Press.....

Now you come along and take a right, go three blocks and reverse to twisting.....Most may not Know I exist, But they sure as hell know people like you do.....


Well-Known Member
The comparison was that Truman ..."had no chance" and you are telling me to pay attention ? They even rolled the Press.....

Now you come along and take a right, go three blocks and reverse to twisting.....Most may not Know I exist, But they sure as hell know people like you do.....
There are so many major differences between Truman and Trump and the 1948 Election and this election cycle that it's completely disingenuous to say "Truman and Trump are the same because Truman 'had no chance' and everyone is saying Trump 'has no chance.'"

I mean let's just start with the very fact that Trump is LEADING the GOP right now, and Truman was an incumbent President with a 36% approval rating and he was... a... Democrat - a Southern Democrat at that. On top of that you had Strom Thurmond running for President for the State's Rights Democratic Party which was Truman's Southern Democrats all abandoning him. Trump has no political clout like that.

Moreover in the lead up to the actual election Truman went on the famous Whistle-Stop campaign where he traveled some 30,000 miles by train doing stump speeches and along the way more and more people showed up and it was becoming clear that Truman was gaining a LOT of ground. The only reason why it looked like Truman 'came from behind' was because Roper, Crossley and Gallup (the three largest pollsters at the time) had all stopped polling well before November.

Anyone who's studied American history and American politics would know this. You are literally comparing an apple to a shitty half peeled orange that has had the top peel put sloppily back on.


Well-Known Member
There are so many major differences between Truman and Trump and the 1948 Election and this election cycle that it's completely disingenuous to say "Truman and Trump are the same because Truman 'had no chance' and everyone is saying Trump 'has no chance.'"

I mean let's just start with the very fact that Trump is LEADING the GOP right now, and Truman was an incumbent President with a 36% approval rating and he was... a... Democrat - a Southern Democrat at that. On top of that you had Strom Thurmond running for President for the State's Rights Democratic Party which was Truman's Southern Democrats all abandoning him. Trump has no political clout like that.

Moreover in the lead up to the actual election Truman went on the famous Whistle-Stop campaign where he traveled some 30,000 miles by train doing stump speeches and along the way more and more people showed up and it was becoming clear that Truman was gaining a LOT of ground. The only reason why it looked like Truman 'came from behind' was because Roper, Crossley and Gallup (the three largest pollsters at the time) had all stopped polling well before November.

Anyone who's studied American history and American politics would know this. You are literally comparing an apple to a shitty half peeled orange that has had the top peel put sloppily back on.

So you redefine "has no chance",...Dude, has no chance means the same as has no chance......anything in between don`t matter, High tide is not low tide, no chance is no chance.