Donald Trump Leading The Republicans


Well-Known Member
I believe the republican constituency have come to realize that none of the other candidates have a chance of winning in 2016 & their only prayer is that the Donald can somehow pull it off....he's their only hope.....and he knows it


Well-Known Member
No they won't & he will run as in independent & bleed the republicans of needed votes...he's all for himself...he's got more "friends" in the democratic party anyway, he's greased a lot of palms...
So if republicans won't vote for him. How can he be a threat to the Republican party if he runs as independent?


Well-Known Member
The last debate we got into you stepped on your dick so bad your buddies had to shut you up .
Except that's not what happened. I proved through citations of peer reviewed studies that commercial fishing is not at all sustainable and "my buddy" agreed. I like how you are desperate to change the subject though, since you just stepped on your dick.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Except that's not what happened. I proved through citations of peer reviewed studies that commercial fishing is not at all sustainable and "my buddy" agreed. I like how you are desperate to change the subject though, since you just stepped on your dick.
We don't need to start this again. Because I don't harvest fish and you got your head stuck up your ass thinking I do. So don't embarrass your self again comparing some other fishery like I am part of it. Thats why your buddies shut you up the last time.


Well-Known Member
We don't need to start this again. Because I don't harvest fish and you got your head stuck up your ass thinking I do. So don't embarrass your self again comparing some other fishery like I am part of it. Thats why your buddies shut you up the last time.
Then why are you trying so desperately to start it again? This is a different thread and a different debate. I know you can't tell since you have Alzheimer's but I assure you, it is true.

You keep trying to revert back to that, are you afraid to answer my question? My buddies didn't shut me up then, and they aren't going to shut me up now. You lost that debate, just like you're losing this (different) one.

Why is it that you thought someone with a name that doesn't sound caucasian would sink the democrat party singlehandedly?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
So why did you think Obama would single handedly sink the democrats when you first heard his name?
I will explain , We were at war with someone with a similar name so when I first heard of BarryO years before he ran for office I didn't think he had a chance because of it. But it turned out I was wrong and the rest is history.


Well-Known Member
So was Truman.
Truman and Trump share absolutely nothing in common, save the first four letters of their last name. The republican party itself is unrecognizable now relative to what they stood for on the eve of WWII.

But stick to the history books with pictures, seems to be working for ya.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
You keep trying to revert back to that, are you afraid to answer my question? My buddies didn't shut me up then, and they aren't going to shut me up now. You lost that debate, just like you're losing this (different) one.

Why is it that you thought someone with a name that doesn't sound caucasian would sink the democrat party singlehandedly?
You were debating and lost for the fact we were talking about shrimp and crab fisheries and you were on a different planet with your examples of other stuff.


Well-Known Member
I will explain , We were at war with someone with a similar name so when I first heard of BarryO years before he ran for office I didn't think he had a chance because of it. But it turned out I was wrong and the rest is history.
So because Obama (first name) sounds like Osama (surname), you thought he would singlehandedly sink the democrat party. You're right about one thing, you were wrong.


Well-Known Member
You were debating and lost for the fact we were talking about shrimp and crab fisheries and you were on a different planet with your examples of other stuff.
You are demonstrating now that you have no fucking clue what we were even debating. Just stahp, let it be dead, or I assure you it will be alive and I'll be derailing this thread to shit on you about it.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
You are demonstrating now that you have no fucking clue what we were even debating. Just stahp, let it be dead, or I assure you it will be alive and I'll be derailing this thread to shit on you about it.
You have no idea what you are debating so its up to you to quit being an uninformed idiot about fisheries.


Well-Known Member
Except that's not what happened. I proved through citations of peer reviewed studies that commercial fishing is not at all sustainable and "my buddy" agreed. I like how you are desperate to change the subject though, since you just stepped on your dick.
This has been my opinion for most of my life, and the government minders who set fisheries and quotas are owned and operated by corporate interests who understand that admitting what they're doing is unsustainable breaks the FIRST COMMANDMENT of republican ideology; maximize profit, no matter the cost or consequences!


Well-Known Member
Now you understand. good for you.
The reason I don't believe you, is that in your first comment on it, you referred to him as Obama, and in subsequent comments, you have been referring to him as BarryO. Furthermore, why didn't you simply state this when I asked you to elaborate? Why did you backtrack and stutter like you had just stepped on your dick? Why have you so often posted anti Obama memes depicting him associated with apes?

The fact is, if this was the case, you would not have hesitated to say so when I asked you to elaborate.

So why is it that you thought someone with a name such as Obama would singlehandedly ruin the democrat party?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The reason I don't believe you, is that in your first comment on it, you referred to him as Obama, and in subsequent comments, you have been referring to him as BarryO. Furthermore, why didn't you simply state this when I asked you to elaborate? Why did you backtrack and stutter like you had just stepped on your dick? Why have you so often posted anti Obama memes depicting him associated with apes?

The fact is, if this was the case, you would not have hesitated to say so when I asked you to elaborate.

So why is it that you thought someone with a name such as Obama would singlehandedly ruin the democrat party?
Your buddy buck is the one that has posted that MEME over and over just like I knew he would so you are mistaken again.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I know more than you do, as evidenced by the fact that I PROVED by citing peer reviewed scientific studies, that commercial fishing is unsustainable.
This is another example of you beating the wrong drum. And that is why your buddies shut you up when they agreed that I was right about the Oregon shrimp and crab fisheries. You are off on some other subject and at the same time trying to discredit something that relates to me some how. You are right about fisheries that catch fish with nets, there is a by catch problem and you can beat that drum all day and it still won't relate to what I do as a commercial fisherman.