Donald Trump Leading The Republicans


Well-Known Member
But we all want a piece of politicians not peace with politicians. Anyone with the balls to stand up to this cabal will get votes.
He's just going to alienate too many borderline voters to ever get enough swing votes to win. He is a guaranteed loss in 2016....


Well-Known Member
You mean the Republican base will vote for him?
No they won't & he will run as in independent & bleed the republicans of needed votes...he's all for himself...he's got more "friends" in the democratic party anyway, he's greased a lot of palms...

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
will the Republican party let Trump dictate their platform for 2016?....
Right now I am not sure if they have a choice. Maybe people will want to see how good of a fence he will build and his numbers will continue to grow. My opinion right now is you will continue to be very happy.