The growing threat of right wing terrorism

You Are Racist Bucktard and your Posts and Threads are Proof of this.. Duh! Waterboy. ...


maybe i you didn't hit the like button on so many racist posts, including posts specifically condemning "multiculturalism" and "tolerance", then your accusation might have some weight behind it.

as it is, you are a transparent, stupid, racist fucktard whose intelligence quotient does not break 70.
Multikult is garbage . Putting a bone in your nose is not any great accomplishment .
What tolerance gets you
You have no idea. I eat meat sliced so thin, it only has one side.


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we get a lot of racist sock puppets here every summer.

you remind me a lot of beenthere. has anyone ever told you that?
I haves seen word salad before , And I'm seeing it again .It's cool I'm taking up space in your head rent free and so is that other guy .( who is really me ) Im also all those other people who bother you.I am Legion
I haves seen word salad before , And I'm seeing it again .It's cool I'm taking up space in your head rent free and so is that other guy .( who is really me ) Im also all those other people who bother you.I am Legion

you are an overweight, sedentary fatass who spends way too much time in your fantasy world of online gaming (league of legends, apparently).

maybe if you got your fat ass up and off the couch every once in a while, you wouldn't have type II diabetes and be costing the rest of us healthy americans extra money on our health insurance bills, fatass.

tell us more about what made you hate "multiculturalism" so much, ya dumb fatass fuck.

your racist sock puppet buddy likes to talk about how much he hates "multiculturalism" and "tolerance".

so calling him a racist (and a fatass) are just true things to say.

i know you like to excuse racism, seeing as how you align yourself with every racist and white supremacist on this site, but that doesn't change reality from what it is.

you and your buddies are racist losers. deal with it.
The cause is people like you being successfully divided and conquered by the ruling class.

The solution is you reevaluating yourself.
It seems to me there are two sides, the reasonable and the unreasonable. Unreasonable people believe in things like intruding on people's private lives based on their view of morality, or outright dismissing objective science because it contradicts their religious beliefs, or putting people in a cage for using an illegal drug.. all of this while claiming they support a small government..

So until the unreasonable people come on over to the reasonable side, there's nothing really anybody can do to eliminate that divide. It seems to me maybe some people should move past some of these obsolete beliefs based on ancient fairy tales and grow the fuck up..
and grow the fuck up..

Yes, please mature.
A platitude is a trite, meaningless, or prosaic statement, generally directed at quelling social, emotional, or cognitive unease. The word derives from plat, French word for "flat." Platitudes are geared towards presenting a shallow, unifying wisdom over a difficult topic. However, they are too overused and general to be anything more than undirected statements with ultimately little meaningful contribution towards a solution.

Examples could be statements such as "meet in the middle", "busy as a bee", "method to my madness", "better late than never", "just be yourself", "burning the midnight oil" and "nobody's perfect". Platitudes are generally a form of thought-terminating cliché.
Republicans are unreasonable and objectively wrong on each and every one of these issues. This is the republican party platform:

-climate change/environmental issues - "Climate change is a hoax", "We don't have enough information yet..", "It's happening, but we can't do anything about it.." & deregulation

-abortion/womens rights - "All life is precious and life begins at conception!": criminalize all abortion (extreme) and only for rape or incest (moderate)

-the war on drugs - continue it indefinitely, some support even harsher penalties for drug offenders

-equal rights for LGBT - "It's an abomination!" - ban gay marriage

-economic/fiscal policy - Continued Reaganomics (trickle-down-economics), continued and worsened income inequality and wealth disparity

-foreign policy - Boots on the ground again in Iraq against ISIS, reinstate the sanctions against Iran and eliminate the peace treaty that was just signed

-education - Cut funding for education, don't address the growing student debt crisis or the increase in cost for tuition and books

-healthcare - Private insurance companies, eliminate the affordable care act resulting in millions more without healthcare

-the minimum wage - Eliminate it or keep it as low as legally possible

-domestic surveillance - Increase it

-domestic infrastructure - Not important

-unemployment - Tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, subsidies for the fossil fuel industry

-debt/deficit - Increase it paying for wars against ISIS and Iran

-civil rights - "Racism doesn't exist in America"

-science - Ignore it when it contradicts beliefs