The truth about the Trojan horse "legalization movement", who's behind it and their motives


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Hemp Activist Ron Kicznenski and Freedom Of Joyce host Tere Joyce discuss the 1% and their greed for Marijuana. What will be the fate of Mary Jane? Taxation, GMO Cannabis, and regulation that lends toward a monopoly that benefits only the few, resulting in the natural cannabis plant's enslavement even further.

Ron Kiczenski has been speaking his truth to power for most of his life and has worked on many issues such as world peace, hunger,(poverty) homelessness, protecting humans and other critters from abuse, stopping deforestation and environmental destruction and the like. In the early 90's Ron heard a news commentary on the uses and politics of the cannabis plant by Hugh Downs which shifted his focus to an issue that he still feels would most positively impact all the other issues he had previously been working on.
After thoroughly researching the history and human uses of the cannabis plant, It was clear to Ron that this plant would not only provide most all the basic necessities of human life, but would do so in a way that created better health, non polluting renewable resources, jobs and a redistribution of wealth, while simultaneously making obsolete so many of the destructive practices used in the production of other limited and exclusively controlled resources like petroleum, timber and cotton.
In 1993, after much effort trying to communicate his conclusions to all levels of government, and at a time when NORML and the national press were keeping any discussion of cannabis limited to whether Clinton inhaled or not, Ron decided to go all out in an effort to bring his conclusions to the people, so he compiled all his research consisting mostly of relevant government documents and relevant books, and added a half pound of 'illegal' cannabis and sent the package overnight mail to President Clinton at the White House.
Ron thought he would be arrested and go to trial which he had hoped would serve as a catalyst for the information to disseminate out to the people. The government never filed charges, but the story got out regardless and soon evolved into the intended catalyst which at first was reaching hundreds of thousands, then millions, then tens of millions as the story went world wide.
Over the next 3 years Ron was instrumental in organizing dozens of actions in effort to delete what he see's as fraudulent laws that have robbed the world of the most important and useful plant humans have ever known. Some of the other most notable (publicly known) actions Ron was a part of include "Hemp Across America"(a simultaneous press conferences organized across the country to bring attention to the invaluable cannabis plant), "3 hawk stand" (the 1994 planting of 20,000 cannabis seeds on the 4th of July, calling the sheriff and declaring the laws unconstitutional), "The Pine Ridge Hemp Project" , the HPRco application to grow 340,000+ acres of hemp in 18 states, and the Arizona tax stamp law.
From 1993 to 1996 the public sentiment and momentum stemming from Ron's actions snowballed and had a direct influence on the timing of, and the resulting vote on prop 215 "The Compassionate Use Act" which was passed into law by the people in 1996.
Some of the many other actions Ron has been involved with over the years include filing the only "Endangered Species" petition ever filed to protect the cannabis plant (based on the irreconcilable conflicts of law between the Controlled Substances Act and the Endangered Species Act), also the civil suit "Kiczenski v Ashcroft" (the only civil suit ever filed in the US claiming growing natural plants for ones own needs is a naturally endowed human right protected by the 9th amendment), and most recent and most important according to Ron was "The Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration Act of 2014".
Among other things including his involvement with "Americans for Cannabis" (a group trying to forward the Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration and Protection of Nature movement to every state), Ron is currently doing a weekly radio show called Turning Point, broadcasting out of Lake Port California on KPFZ 88.1 FM.
OP you got a good cause there but posting in multiple categories will look like spam and you could be deleted
OP you got a good cause there but posting in multiple categories will look like spam and you could be deleted
Sorry about that, its just a little challenging competing with the funding/reach of the Soros "legalization movement", I hope folks will understand the need for the multiple postings.
The Menominee tribe of Wisconsin just voted to make herb fully legal on their reservation. This is going to create a move in other states that have reservations in states with absolutely no legalization form at all start doing the same. It is getting real close. Oklahoma and California have more tribal reservations than any other states. This is going to really motivate the tribes in Oklahoma to pass full legalization on their tribal land. It's going to bring many buyers from all over the state to make purchases on tribal lands in states with ZERO legalization , and highly irritate the state, county and city LEOs who will have no jurisdiction in being able to go onto tribal lands and touch anyone or anything. 2016 is going to bring many more states into full legalization. The big question is how much will the feds tax it because a recent federal bill that did not go anywhere would legalize it on the federal level BUT add up to a 50% fed tax ON TOP of state and local taxes. This would force a shutdown of ALL established dispensaries and put everything back into the hands of the black market.

The feds know that legalization is just around the corner for all states and I think at first, they will try to tax it at such a rate that no business will be able to make a profit and the black market potentially goes back into dominating the business like they were 20 yrs ago. This is a possibility , but if it does go that route, the feds will only be able to hold that stance for a very short time until massive outrage forces a tax lowering. You better believe they are going to try to stymie the legalization movement because they know their days are numbered in keeping the current federal scheduling. As more states legalize it, more growers will come into the scene.