Well-Known Member
Ummm dude.... The problem with this is that it wont be the massive corporations getting hurt, it will be small companies.
A 15 minimum wage will destroy small contractors, restaurants, mom and pop shops.... Basically only companies with massive profit margins will be able to maintain with out a drastic price increase in their services and products.
Yeah, people will have more money and be able to afford more for these products but then nothing really changed.
I do alot of contracting work, i pay all my guys 10-15$ an hour in cash. They average 13$ an hour. If i had to pay them more, the cost for me to do a job goes up.
Dude, like...no, dude.
Again, who are these ma and pa operations? What are they providing? Have you considered what happens to your competition with a $15/hr floor, eh?
What do you think happened to all those European nations when they switched to the Euro?
Do you think anything was disrupted by an overnight change in prices by a scalar of 2 as happened in Italy, for example? Of course it was, but was it devastating? Not really...precluding the Monetary Policy problems they inherited; however, that is a different beast from what is being discussed.
So what you are implying, ultimately, is the business acumen of the average American is so below par, "job creators" need subsidies in the form of food stamps and income supplements for their employees just so they can prop up some illusion of the capitalist ideal of success?
You are making no argument to the contrary, from what has been stated thus far. Perhaps you could clarify in more detail what you mean?