Well-Known Member
over a 5x6 area, i have 2 315 watt cmh over a 4x6 table then 5 5gal buckets on the side, should i use 3 cmh or 2 cmh and add 1 400 watt hps for adding some red to the spectrum?
At 5x6=30 ft², you're looking at two HPS thouies for decent coverage. I just don't see how you'll do that space justice with less than four 315W fixtures. They're good lights, but they won't work miracles.
I have run HPS thouies on digital ballasts alongside my 860W CDM lights and the plants really seem to prefer the CDM light. Yes, the extra blue does trigger phototropism, but the plants nearest the HPS also seem to be less healthy and robust in general and are the first to exhibit signs of stress from any source.
In short: if the lamp works because it has great spectrum, why would you try to 'fix' it with a lamp with terrible spectrum characteristics? The plant's response seems pretty logical to me when viewed from this perspective!